Friday, July 9, 2021

Grand and glorius dreams

We all have grand and glorious dreams, or did when we were young. For some of us, our dreams came true, for others, our dreams have not come true yet. For those who have dreams that are not yet manifested and not yet true, consider these two approaches to your dreams. 

1.   When your dreams, thoughts and visualizations focus on how they will come true, or when your thoughts stay on unimportant details (virtually all details are unimportant; we need to consider them, yes, but we do not have to attach to them), or when they require specific people to behave in specific ways… (remember we can only control ourselves; we cannot control others) best-case scenario, your dream might come true.

2.   Whereas, when your dreams, thoughts and visualizations are of BIG-picture items, like rocking abundance, amazing health, vivacious happiness, and the like, the floodgates of success begin to powerfully tremble, and your dreams, thoughts and visualizations becomes inevitable.

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