Saturday, December 4, 2021

Get your flu shot

 I had my flu shot the other day, and I hope you get yours soon or have already received it. I did have some minor side effects. I had a slight headache and some nausea for about one day. It is important to get the flu shot, especially if you are in my age bracket (over 65). Last year, according to the Health Officials we, in Canada had less than 100 cases of the flu. This they put down to the restrictions that were in place because of COVID. This year there are no or very few restrictions so people are afraid that the flu will be back with a vengeance.

According to the World Health OrganizationSeasonal influenza (or “flu”) is most often caused by type A or B influenza viruses. Symptoms include sudden onset of fever, cough (usually dry), headache, muscle and joint pain, sore throat, and a runny nose. The cough can be severe and can last 2 or more weeks. Most people recover from fever and other symptoms within a week without requiring medical attention. However, influenza can cause severe illness or death in high-risk groups

Seasonal epidemics occur mainly during winter, from October to March in the northern hemisphere and April to September in the southern hemisphere. In tropical and subtropical countries, seasonal influenza can happen all year round. People most at risk for severe seasonal influenza are:

·       pregnant women at any stage of pregnancy

·       children younger than 5 years

·       people older than 65 years

·       people with chronic medical conditions such as HIV/AIDS, asthma, heart and lung diseases and diabetes

·       people with increased risk of exposure to influenza, which includes health care workers.

The best way to avoid getting the flu is to get the flu vaccine every year. Influenza viruses evolve constantly, and twice a year WHO makes recommendations to update the vaccine compositions. WHO recommends annual vaccination for high-risk groups including healthcare workers. People should ideally get vaccinated just before the influenza season begins for the most effective coverage, although getting vaccinated at any time during the influenza season can still help prevent flu infections.

If you have the flu, you should drink plenty of water and rest. Most people will recover within a week. Antiviral drugs for influenza can reduce severe complications and deaths although influenza viruses can develop resistance to the drugs. They are especially important for high-risk groups. Ideally these drugs need to be administered early (within 48 hours of onset of symptoms). Antibiotics are not effective against influenza viruses.

Influenza can spread quickly between people when an infected person coughs or sneezes, dispersing droplets of the virus into the air. It can be also spread by hands contaminated by the virus.

Precautionary measures should be taken to limit transmission. People should cover their mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing, then throw it out and wash their hands thoroughly and regularly.

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