Friday, December 23, 2022

Positive thoughts count down to xmas 3

Gratitude is the key to happiness. It is true. But let’s talk about this one point. Can you have too much?

The world is overflowing with gratitude. You see it in the way your friends and family act and express their love for you. People are talking about the events that brought them joy in the past. Is there too much gratitude?

Are you one of those people who can’t get through a day without being grateful? If so, I’ve got some somewhat disappointing news for you. You may be in danger of going overboard with your abundant nature. The reason is simple too much gratitude may grow us into being self-centred.

Many people have said it’s good to be thankful, but do you feel you are saying it is too much and you have to be thankful for everything? This year I feel like I’m saying thank you too much. I try to stay grateful for all of the blessings that grace my life.

In a world full of problems, it’s easy to get lost in our own anxiety. There are always issues needing attention; there are people who have less than us. Why waste time feeling sorry for ourselves because we just don’t have the money or resources to take care of things? What if I gave you unlimited money? What would you spend your money on?

One of my favourite things about being grateful is not thinking about tomorrow. I realize that life is short; being present during the moment is the most important task I can do. This helps turn a bad day into a good day. Why is that? I am thankful for what is already in front of me and for the blessings in my life. So, to answer my question the answer is No way!

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