Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Positive thoughts count down to xmas 5

This is a time of year to connect or reconnect with friends, old and new. Who is in our circle of influence and which of those do you call a friend? There are many terms for our circle. Steven Covey believes that we must be more mindful of our “Circle of Influence”. These are things which we can do something about. 

  • How you talk about yourself and others. 
  • How you look after your body and make time for relaxation. 
  • How you breathe when you feel worried. 
  • How you challenge and reframe my thoughts. 
  • The choices you make. 
  • The habits and routines you set. 
  • Where do you get your news from? 
  • The people you follow on social media. 
  • When it is time to ask someone for help. 
  • When it is time to say “No” or “Not right now”. 
  • How kind you are to others and yourself. 

Are you mindful of the people that are in your circle of influence? Think about when you were a pre-schooler, your circle of influence was your family, your brothers, sisters, cousins, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents and Parents. We were influenced by them and we paid attention to what they said and did and we learned. 

In school our circle of influence grew, we added friends outside the family, classmates, teachers, teammates boyfriends and girlfriends. We thought it cool to have a lot of friends and many who did not collect friends felt left out.

When we left school for work or university our sphere of influence grew again. Some of us discarded friends from school to make room for university or college friends. Once we started work we made sure that we included work colleagues in our circle.

However, our circle of influence now had grown to between 300 and 500 people. Too many so we acknowledged some people within our circle of influence as acquaintances, and others as friends but we kept the core of the family. If you got married most of your inner circle from your side and your partners' side were invited to the wedding.  The average wedding party number according to Google may vary a little depending on who you're speaking with, but a small wedding typically includes 50 people or under, a medium wedding has a guest list of anywhere from 50-150 guests, and a large wedding has over 150 attendees. It's important to remember that these numbers will be a little bit different for everyone.

When you die, depending on your age, if you are older than approx 80 years the normal number of people who attend is between 10–50 guests. If you die younger you could get between 100–500 people attending. 

The people at your wedding are not the same people at your funeral, but they are people that you have held in your circle of influence. These are people that you had an effect on and influenced for the positive in your life.  I have many people in my circle but only a few that I call friends. I cherish my friends and my family and make sure that they know that I cherish them. I hope you do as well.

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