Friday, December 16, 2022

Positive thoughts count down to xmas 9

I am grateful for many things and as we are in the holiday season. I will start with my family.  I  know I am lucky, I have a wonderful family. My daughter, her partner and our grandson are world-class skiers, and are full of adventure, and strong, independent people. My son is a very talented musician, and his partner is a professional graphic artist who is managing, producing and doing some directing for an animated children's TV series. My other daughter, is very caring and works with seniors who have disabilities,  has twins and a daughter and we are lucky that she has adopted us as her children's grandparents. The two boys are excellent hockey players and may go far in a very competitive sport, while the girl is turning out to be a very good dancer.

My beautiful wife is a creative force in our house and has pursued hobbies in stain glass, has helped edit a number of books and has acted as the Props Master in numerous plays over the years. Her current creative endeavours are focused on the culinary arts. This has given us some very interesting and tasty meals.

My Mom and Dad, who both died before I reached 40 were both strong characters. They both came from, as my mom would say, strong peasant stock. They both became involved in volunteer work in their community, coaching, working in and running an annual exhibit and fair. They both served the community by sitting on the School Board, my dad for 15 years and my mom for 6 years. Both overcame many adversities while they were growing up and had a strong sense of family. I was given the gift of cousins, Aunts and Uncles as I was growing up. My parents would make sure that at least twice a month we would visit cousins and once or twice a year we would visit Aunts and Uncles or they would visit us. It was not unusual to have one of my dads' sisters and family drop in, or my mom's brother or sister would appear for a visit. 

My 3 brothers and I grew up in a loving home and each of us became successful in his own way and have loving, wonderful children and spouses and grandchildren. A few years ago we discovered we had a half-brother, and as we got to know him we found him to be a quiet, sensitive man, with a loving sister and family. All of my four brothers and I meet once a month via Zoom as we are in different cities and it is hard to get together.

I appreciate my family all year, but at this time of year, I know how lucky I am to have such great people in my life. I hope that you have people in your life who love and support you.

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