Wednesday, May 31, 2023

The role of the patient advocate 2

 What do patient advocates do? Well, they're basically superheroes but not in scrubs. They swoop in to save the day when the healthcare system is making life more confusing than an IKEA instruction manual. The superhero has the goal of providing the client and their family with whatever they need to feel secure and properly cared for while engaged with the healthcare system.

Some of these healthcare heroes focus on finding the best doctors and hospitals for their clients, while others tackle the beast that is health insurance. Most advocates assist their clients to obtain the best care for their situation. For example, a client is frightened by the need for surgery. Advocacy might include researching the surgeons recommended for the procedure, sharing the results with the client and discussing the pros and cons of each surgeon. And let's not forget about those advocates who hold the hands of terrified patients as they face unfamiliar procedures, or attend doctor's visits armed with questions and notepads.

They're like personal assistants, but with an uncanny ability to navigate the labyrinthine healthcare system. The advocate is often “the squeaky wheel" and we all know what that means. And when it comes to end-of-life planning, they're the wise sage who helps their clients and families make tough decisions with compassion and understanding. Families of clients, who are out of town or otherwise not available, simply want to be certain someone is there monitoring the medical care, intervening when necessary and reporting to them about their loved one.

Other clients need advocacy because of inadequate or unsafe patient care. This can occur when the client has multiple physicians, leading to a lack of coordination or a breakdown in communication. Advocates often mediate tensions that arise between healthcare professionals and family members, who are not at their best because of the stress of the situation.

So if you ever find yourself lost in the healthcare wilderness, don't panic! Just call on a patient advocate to be your trusty sidekick. Together, you can conquer anything that comes your way.

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