Friday, June 23, 2023

Bucket lists? Why?

I’ve never quite grasped the concept of a bucket list. When people say, “I want to do this or that because it’s on my bucket list,” I find it hard to relate. To me, having a list of things you want to do before you die seems like a waste of time. If there’s something you want to do and you’re able to do it, why wait? Life is full of unexpected surprises, and I know people who have missed out on experiences because they were too focused on checking items off their bucket lists. Perhaps I don’t understand the appeal of a bucket list because I’m not much of a list-maker myself. While my wife and a close friend both love making lists, I often find myself either misplacing or ignoring the lists I make.

Recently, I read a post about retirement planning that made sense to me. The author suggested that, in the ten years leading up to retirement, it’s a good idea to incorporate some new and exciting experiences into your life. Why? Because, as humans, we fall into routines that make our lives feel more predictable and manageable. But when retirement comes around, everything is up in the air. By breaking out of our routines and trying new things ahead of time, we can better prepare ourselves for the changes that retirement will bring. This is good advice for people of any age. So, for those who are retired or approaching retirement, here are some ideas to help you break out of your routine and add some excitement to your life.

To enjoy your pre-retirement years or your retirement years, consider travelling and exploring unknown places or hobbies. If you are working part-time or full-time, ask your boss for some flexibility to make it happen. Volunteering for a charity or non-profit organization can also give you a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Spending quality time with loved ones, being active, and researching your family tree can also enrich your life. Pursuing a passion project or taking on a new challenge can help reignite your spark. Prioritize your health by eating well, exercising, and getting regular check-ups. Reading and reflecting on your achievements and future goals can also help keep your mind engaged and focused.

I get it. We all love our routines. They’re like a warm, fuzzy blanket that wraps us up in comfort and security. But have you ever stopped to smell the roses? Or taste the chocolate cake? It’s time to unleash your inner party animal and show the world that you still got it and that means doing things, not making lists!

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