Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Will you delay retirement, most Americans say yes

Well, it looks like the pandemic has ruined yet another thing for us - retirement plans! According to Franklin Templeton’s study, the average American worker is now planning to retire at the ripe old age of 65. I mean, who needs to retire early when you can work until your back gives out and your eyes can’t focus anymore, right?

But fear not, my friends! Despite the soaring living costs and uncertain economy, workers are not giving up on their retirement dreams. In fact, 57% of them are more likely to continue contributing to their retirement accounts than to throw in the towel and spend their money on avocado toast.

And get this, 71% of workers are now motivated to take a more active role in managing their finances. Who needs a financial advisor when you have a pandemic, inflation, and an uncertain economy to guide you?

But wait, there’s more! Workers haven’t completely given up on the idea of retiring early. 69% of respondents would jump at the chance to retire earlier if their employer offered post-retirement benefits. I mean, who wouldn’t want to retire early and spend their days playing golf or binge-watching Netflix?

So there you have it, folks. We may want to push retirement back a few years, but at least workers are still fighting for their golden years. Who knows, maybe one day we’ll all be able to retire to a beach somewhere and sip margaritas all day. A person can dream, right?

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