Monday, December 18, 2023

Advent Calendars every day a gift for Dec

We celebrate the grand tradition of unveiling the advent calendar. This event every day makes the younger children tingle with anticipation. I love to see the children opening those little doors every day. For them, it is like a festive treasure hunt for the ultimate prize: December 25th.

Advent, that magical four-week prelude to Christmas, is like the warm-up act before the grand holiday performance. In Canada, where Christmas has its own fan club, it’s not just about the mistletoe and gingerbread houses. We’ve got carols, a jolly old man in a red suit and the age-old game of gift exchanging.

Now, here’s an interesting tidbit: scientific studies claim that the excitement of waiting for an event can be juicier than the actual event itself. It’s like building up to the season finale of your favourite TV show, only it’s the festive edition starring reindeer and sugar cookies.

Behold, the advent calendar–a German creation from the 1800s. Back then, they marked their days like excited kids waiting for candy by drawing chalk on their doors. It was all about celebrating Jesus’ birth and his encore appearance. Fast forward to today’s advent scene, and you’ve got options that are fun for adults as well. A few years ago, we created our own boozy advent calendar for my daughter’s partner. Because nothing says “merry” like a daily dose of spirits! And for the teetotalers, fear not, there are non-alcoholic versions too. Now, whether you’re unearthing a tiny gift from a pocket or liberating a treat from a drawer, the game remains the same. December turns into a daily present party–it’s like Santa plays Secret Santa all month long.

But guess what? Advent calendar etiquette isn’t as simple as “Jingle Bells.” Starting from day one isn’t about counting down; it’s counting up, like a reverse countdown that only Christmas could pull off. Or is it? Some wise souls on the internet claim starting from 24 and counting down is the new hip thing. So, really, there’s no definitive rule here. It’s all about personal flair, like decorating your Christmas tree with disco balls. You should by now, be fully embraced in the countdown, whether you’re counting up, down; happy advent-uring!

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