Showing posts with label dreamers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dreamers. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Lost in a dream?

Ever thought that you were in a dream, that you were still asleep. Any minute now, an elephant might appear behind you wearing a pink tutu and tennis shoes. Or maybe the phone will ring, and it'll be Abraham Lincoln to ask why you're late for the ball. Or perhaps Oprah Winfrey is down the hall, live audience in tow, about to introduce you as her new favourite author. Anything can and does happen in a dream, anything, without regard to the past, without regard to logic, and you never have to figure out the "how’s."

We can learn from our dreams. Forget your past. Pitch the logic. And drop the cursed how’s and just do what you have to do.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

You were pre-qualified

It's not really a matter of feeling worthy of love, friends, health, or wealth. Or of appreciating what you already have. Or even of learning to love yourself. These don't have to come first. You don't have to wear a halo to manifest the changes you want. 

It's simply a matter of understanding that if you do your part: visualize, prepare the way, and act "as if," without looking over your shoulder for quick results, what you want must be added unto you… as will the feelings of worthiness, appreciation and loving your most lovable self. 

Monday, August 10, 2020


I hate those who say, opportunity only knows once. Opportunity never stops knocking, but there are those that only hear it once. Keep your ears open, and listen for the next knock of opportunity. The new opportunity may come in the form of new friends who are on their way. It may be that the ideas you need will find you. Opportunity may give you another chance. Life around you may start to feel brighter. Give opportunity a chance, you will start feeling lighter and brighter

Love is rising. Be still. Prepare. Others will call you lucky. Your loved ones are so proud. You know they ain't seen nothing yet. Just because you learned the secret, opportunity keeps knocking and you keep listening.

Look out world a giant is stirring. A giant is waking up. 

Like a country song, 

Think good thoughts

When you think a new thought, entertain a new dream, or mentally choose a new goal, your thoughts "leave" you and go out — in every direction — to the farthest corners of the planet. They carry a life force all their own, like ripples created when a pebble is tossed into a pond.

You can't change this, but you can totally use the heck out of it. 

Think good thoughts,

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Do you visualize?

You eat to nourish your body. You sleep to rejuvenate your spirit. You study, work, and apply yourself for emotional gains. You exercise to tighten your muscles. You listen to music to entertain yourself. 

You're not at all averse to investing time and energy for the rewards you seek. 

So how about you spare just a few minutes every day to visualize the life of your dreams? Because nothing else you could ever do will make such a profound difference in your fortunes and misfortunes as working with new pictures in your mind. 

Can you start today? 

Saturday, August 8, 2020

What happens when someone worries?

Basically, they think of 100 reasons why something might go wrong. And all of those thoughts then struggle to become things, sometimes overriding their more constructive thoughts. 

That's the power of worry. 

Now, let's say you want something fantastic to manifest in your life. 

Hypothetically, let's say you want a blog. (I know you.) 

Have you closed your eyes yet and imagined 100 reasons why it might come to you easily, fast, and harmoniously? 

I think you should. 

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Day dreaming is it good for you?

When I was younger I used to daydream and every now and then I would get in trouble for it, Usually the people who thought I should be doing more productive things were adults who had lost their ability to dream.  Dreamers are important for our society without them we would not move forward. However, dreaming is also important for our own future. We are the authors of our own stories and as such we have an obligation to imagine the best future for ourselves to dream of happiness, abundance, health, romance, or friendship. When we create these dreams they tend to become our reality if we work hard and we keep our dream alive. These dreams work because they are in our best interest and for the most part we don't question the validity of these dreams.

But sometimes when we dream of a specific house, employer, love interest, deadline, dollar amount, or diet fad, we question if these dreams are in our best interests and so we often don't work as hard to make them come true.  Here is a thought, keep your "end results" general. Everything else is just a how.

Friday, December 13, 2019

I can dream can't I?

When you dream at night, can't anything happen next?  Yes, of course, it can, dreams are stories we tell ourselves when we sleep. Dreams are collections of clips, images, feelings, and memories that involuntarily occur during the REM (rapid eye movement) stage of rest. We typically have many dreams per night and our dreams last longer as sleep draws to a close.

Scientists think that everyone dreams, but there is a small group that reports that they never remember experiencing dreams. I suspect they are wrong.  Dreams typically involve elements from our conscious lives. We dream of people or familiar locations but these often take on an illusory feel. Dreams are often interesting and can allow us to act out certain situations that would never be possible when we are awake. Dreams aren’t always positive—negative dreams referred to as "nightmares," can create feelings of terror, anxiety, or despair, and can lead to psychological distress or sleep problems like insomnia.

Why humans dream remains one of behavioural science's great unanswered questions. Researchers have offered many theories including memory consolidation or emotional regulation. For some their dream world seems real. These people may believe that they are the creator or the genius behind every bell, whistle, and sparrow they see in their dreams?

The ability of our dreams to appear real has led many thinkers—philosopher René Descartes (1641) being the most prominent Western example—to wonder whether the world we experience while awake might itself be a dream. If the dream world feels just as real as the waking one (at least while we are in it), how can we know for sure that we’re not currently living in a dream—a dream from which we may one day wake up?

One way that philosophers have tried to dispel such worries is by appealing to differences between the dream world and the waking one. For instance, our waking world has a coherence that the dream world often lacks. You may recall that in the feature film Inception, the characters learn to recognize that they’re dreaming by asking themselves how they came to be in a certain situation, then realizing that they can’t remember because the dream just dropped them there.

But does the integrity of our waking world guarantee that it’s real?

The logic of our waking world does give us evidence that our waking world is not merely an invention of our creativity. Correctly, it gives us proof that when we are conscious, something is causing our experience that is autonomous of the event itself. For instance, the comparative continuity of objects and environments we encounter in waking life appears to be explained by the fact there is something real and enduring that our experiences are reflecting.

However, the permanence of these objects and environments we encounter when we are awake is no guarantee that this world is as real. A high degree of permanence is also found in the worlds of video games, in which the “environments” and “objects” one interacts with are merely the creations of computer code. Physics teaches us that the objects we experience as being solid are actually made up almost entirely of empty space. And the results of quantum mechanical experiments indicate that, under certain conditions, the building blocks of matter do not behave as discrete particles at all, but rather as waves of probability. 

Nevertheless, people continue mining their nighttime reveries for clues to their inner lives, for creative insight, and even for premonitions. Are you limited by what you dreamt the night before? There is a probability that you are not limited.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Do you dream>

Having a dream is awesome. Here are a few quotes about the importance of dreaming;

“Nothing happens unless first a dream.” -Carl Sandburg

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” -Eleanor Roosevelt

“Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.” -Napoleon Hill

“Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream, proceeds the goal." -Pamela Vaull Star

“Without dreams, there can be no courage. And without courage, there can be no action.” -Wim Winders

“Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born." -Dale Turner

According to a recent article in Medical News Today, there are several theories about why we dream. Possible explanations of dreams include:
·        representing unconscious desires and wishes
·        interpreting random signals from the brain and body during sleep
·        consolidating and processing information gathered during the day
·        working as a form of psychotherapy
·        From the evidence and new research methodologies, researchers have speculated that dreaming serves the following functions:
o   offline memory reprocessing, in which the brain consolidates learning and memory tasks and supports and records waking consciousness
o   preparing for possible future threats
o   cognitive simulation of real-life experiences, as dreaming is a subsystem of the waking default network, the part of the mind active during daydreaming
o   helping develop cognitive capabilities
o   reflecting unconscious mental function in a psychoanalytic way
·       a unique state of consciousness that incorporates the experience of the present, processing of the past, and preparation for the future
·        a psychological space where overwhelming, contradictory, or highly complex notions can be brought together by the dreaming ego, notions that would be unsettling while awake, serving the need for psychological balance and equilibrium

Much that remains unknown about dreams. They are by nature difficult to study, but technology and new research techniques may help improve our understanding of dreams.

No matter why we dream, having a dream and showing up every day, even when nothing seems to be happening, is priceless.

But having a dream and showing up every day, while sauntering, winking, and hugging everyone, is when the floodgates begin to tremble and, in that process, perhaps dreams do come true.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

The good old days

Spring is a time of renewal and increasing energy, but in the spring, young man's and young women's fancy turns to love. But we sometimes in the Spring, feel nostalgic for the good old days. We think, those were the days my friend, we'd hope they'd never end.

Before this life began, when we buzzed with happy talk, walked on happy feet, and loved with happy friends obsessed with one thing and one thing only... the possibilities, the challenges, and the adventures; the scares, the dares, and the comebacks; the glories, the miracles, and the triumphs that would all be made possible once we grew up.

Well, did you know that our todays are still the good old days, so make the most of them and continue to build your memories, and reach your dreams. Life is too short

Wednesday, December 14, 2016


This is the time of renewal, fall is fading and winter is drawing near. We will soon be in the darkness of winter when dreamers dream of renewal and lovers dream of love and poets and writers dream--just dream. 

While dreams are like that, most of the time we don't even know how close we are, until after they've come true. 

Sometimes, even, the very day before they come true, it still feels like they're a million miles away. 

Something to remember, as winter drifts closer

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Some fun facts about dreaming

Men and Women Dream Differently Researchers have found a number of differences between men and women when it comes to the content of their dreams. In one study, men reported more instances of dreaming about aggression than women did. 

According to dream researcher William Domhoff, women tend to have slightly longer dreams that feature more characters. When it comes to the characters that typically appear in dreams, men dream about other men twice as often as they do about women, while women tend to dream about both sexes equally.

REM sleep, the stage of sleep during which dreaming occurs, is characterized by paralysis of the voluntary muscles. Why? The phenomenon is known as REM atonia and prevents you from acting out your dreams while you're asleep. Basically, because motor neurons are not stimulated, your body does not move.

In some cases, this paralysis can even carry over into the waking state for as long as ten minutes, a condition known as sleep paralysis. Have you ever woken up from a terrifying dream only to find yourself unable to move? While the experience can be frightening, experts advise that it is perfectly normal and should last only a few minutes before normal muscle control returns.

Over a period of more than forty years, researcher  Calvin S. Hall collected more than 50,000 dream accounts from college students. Hall’s student William Domhoff made these reports available to the public during the 1990s. The dream accounts revealed that many emotions are experienced during dreams including joy, happiness, and fear. The most common emotion experienced in dreams was anxiety, and negative emotions in general were much more common than positive ones

While dreams are often heavily influenced by our personal experiences, researchers have found that certain themes are very common across different cultures. For example, people from all over the world frequently dream about being chased, being attacked, or falling. Other common dream experiences include school events, feeling frozen and unable to move, arriving late, flying and being naked in public.

So the next time you dream you are arriving late at your airport, while naked, remember this is a common dream, so you are not alone.

Monday, January 19, 2015


Ever have a dream at night, when you wondered in the middle of it whether or not you were dreaming? 

Knowing that if you were just dreaming, you could rewrite the scary parts and enhance the happy parts; run faster, jump higher, laugh your head off; summon guides, travel through time, read minds; levitate, manifest, do the impossible. 

But then, you thought to yourself, "No, this just can't be a dream, it's way too real."

Yeah, maybe you're having one right now.

Monday, December 8, 2014


Have you ever noticed that dreamers sometimes talk in metaphors. Here are some examples:
Do you notice that Butterflies float? 
Have you ever sat at night and wondered at the Fireflies light? 
Comets streak across the sky before the free fall into our minds eye.

I believe that each metaphor is an aspect of the one who perceives them, disguised by the elements, caught in an act of reflection,noticed in just the right place and at just the right moment, to remind the dreamer, that the metaphor, is reminder of their own sublime divinity and that there is ever more to learn and love about themselves.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Barriers to living your dream

If your current job is the reason you cannot live out your passions because you are currently a slave to your employer then you should find a new employer.  If you are not doing what you love to do in the first place then it won’t matter if you find another employer. 

 Your job may be your livelihood but you need to work toward being happy with your life and successful.  When your job is the reason you cannot be happy you won’t even be successful at your job.  You won’t move up and you will despise it.  It may be very hard to wake up every morning to go to work each day.  Don’t you want to do something that you enjoy waking up in the morning each day for?  You can and you have full control over this.

Fear is another one of the biggest reasons people do not move forward with their passions and make their dreams reality.  You can overcome fears and you need to overcome them.  By the power of curiosity you will be more open to suggestions and know that there can be a better outcome than what your mind has limited you to believe.

You might have a fear of failing and this is why you have not moved forward with your passions.  If you fear failing it is natural.  It is like learning how to ride a bicycle or learning something new.  Not many people start something new or take on a passion and immediately are successful.  There are many fears and failures along the way you will experience.  You have to pick yourself back up and keep it going. 

Being afraid to fail is normal and you don’t have to let it stop you.  When you fail you need to take it on as a learning experience so you can grow from it.  Failure can be turned into a positive experience.

You might even have a fear of success.  That might sound funny but many people are afraid to succeed.  They have problems saving money and as soon as they start saving up enough to start their dream they spend the money on something they don’t even need.  Later they are kicking themselves and begin the saving process all over again. 

You should never be afraid to succeed. This fear is natural and many people have a self esteem low enough they don’t believe they are good enough to be successful.  You can be as successful as you really believe you can be.  Don’t let your fears of what could be getting in the way.

Learning is another obstacle for many people.  You might have finished school 20 years ago and figure you are done with learning anything new.  You are always capable of learning even when you are on your deathbed.  You need to take on the entire learning process as a fun and exciting thing.  You will be living out your dreams soon and if it requires you to obtain a certification or learn something then you need to look at this as a stepping stone toward your goals.

There are many obstacles that you can say are the reason for you not living out your dream.  These are only temporary barriers that you are using as an excuse for not moving forward.  You are in control of barriers and your mind.  You have control of the people in your life who are supportive or not.  You have control over your job or the ability to creatively find ways to fund your endeavors.  Barriers can creatively be overcome to get started with living out your passion.  You need to stand up and say no more to barriers that are in your way and start living your dreams

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Everyone, at some point of his or her life, has dreamed of being somebody special, somebody big. Who hasn't fantasized about being the one who hits the game-winning homer? Who hasn't dreamed of being the homecoming queen? And how many times have we dreamed of being rich, or successful, or happy with our relationships?
As we reach the sonic boom years, I think it is important to remember our dreams. In the past perhaps when we have big dreams and great aspirations, we did not act and our dreams remain just that – dreams. And our aspirations easily collect dust in our attic.

This was a sad turn of events in our life. Instead of experiencing exciting adventures in self actualization, we get caught up in the humdrum of living from day-to-day just barely existing. But you know what? Life know can be so much better. We have lived the humdrum day to day living and as we approach retirement the next adventure is there for us to begin. However, the most common problem to setting goals is the word impossible. Most people get hung up thinking I can't do this. It's too hard. It's too impossible. No one can do this.

However, if everyone thought that, there would be no inventions, no innovations, and no breakthroughs in human accomplishment. Remember that scientists were baffled when they took a look at the humble bumblebee. Theoretically, they said, it was impossible for the bumblebee to fly. Unfortunately for the bumble, bee no one has told it so. So fly it does.

Try this exercise. Take a piece of paper and write down some new goals in your life. Under one header, list down things ‘you know you can do’. Under another header, write the things ‘you might be able to do.’ And under one more, list the things that that are ‘impossible for you to do.’

Now look at all the headers strive every day to accomplish the goals that are under things ‘you know you can do’. Check them when you are able to accomplish them. As you are able to check all of your goals under that heading, try accomplishing the goals under the other header-the one that reads ‘you might be able to do.’

As of the items you wrote under things I could do are accomplished, you can move the goals that are under things that are ‘impossible for you to do’ to the list of things ‘you might be able to do.’

As you iterate through this process, you will find out that the goals you thought were impossible become easier to accomplish. And the impossible begin to seem possible after all.

You see, the technique here is not to limit your imagination. It is to aim high, and start working towards that goal little by little.  A cavaet, those who just dream towards a goal without working hard end up disappointed and disillusioned.

On the other hand, if you told someone a hundred years ago that it was possible for man to be on the moon, they would laugh at you. If you had told them that you could send mail from here to the other side of the world in a few seconds, they would say you were out of your mind. But, through sheer desire and perseverance, these impossible dreams are now realities.

Thomas Edison once said that genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. Nothing could be truer. For one to accomplish his or her dreams, there has to be had work and discipline. But take note that that 1% has to be a think-big dream, and not some easily accomplished one.

Ask any gym rat and he or she will tell you that there can be no gains unless you are put out of your comfort zone.  So dream on! Don’t get caught up with your perceived limitations. Think big and work hard to attain those dreams. As you step up the ladder of progress, you will just about find out that the impossible has just become a little bit more possible.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Notes from the universe

Notes from the Universe is an interesting site and one that I enjoy. Here is a note that I received a while ago, which I thought was worth thinking about.

Throughout the hallowed ages, those in the unseen have always marveled at the accomplishments and creations of humankind. Whether a sandcastle or a skyscraper; a painting or a poem; they're humbled by your ability to reflect, to engineer, to craft, and to create something that has never before existed within time and space.

But it's not the creation that impresses; these all exist here to the nth degree. It's the persistence and determination of the seemingly mortal dreamer who steadfastly holds a new thought in mind, either of the creation or of its inevitable success, and moves with it, even while the rest of the world is content dreaming their father's dreams.

This is what is admired; not just because it's so rare, but because it is so, even when such innovative potential lies within all.

Cool, huh?

The Universe