Showing posts with label gratitude. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gratitude. Show all posts

Monday, March 25, 2024

Things to be Grateful for as You Age

Are you struggling to find things to be grateful for as you grow older? It can be challenging to acknowledge what we're thankful for at times, and that's okay! Here is a potential list of things to be grateful for if you are over 60.  Not everyone has everything on the list, but I hope the list gives you an idea of the range of things we can be grateful for as we age.

1.     A close-knit family that offers emotional support during challenging times; friends who have been there through thick and thin, and colleagues who make the workplace a positive and engaging environment.

2.     Appreciating the comfort and security of a home, the luxury of having a variety of food choices, and the access to clean water, acknowledging that not everyone has these basic necessities.

3.     Your good health or appreciating the opportunity to work on personal well-being through activities like regular exercise, meditation, and healthy eating habits.

4.     All the Experiences that Have Shaped You into the Person You Are Today This is done by reflecting on the lessons learned from life's challenges, celebrating the growth that comes with age, and valuing the wisdom gained from various experiences.

5.     Embracing the chance to explore new hobbies, join clubs, or engage in community activities, that provide opportunities to meet like-minded individuals and build new friendships.

6.     Financial Stability which gives you the ability to enjoy retirement without the burden of significant debts, and the freedom to make choices without constant financial stress.

7.      Self-reflection, taking the time to reflect on one's achievements, contributions to the community, and the positive impact made on the lives of others throughout the years.

8.     Freedom to travel after years of hard work, to explore the world, whether it's through travel or simply having the time to pursue personal interests, hobbies, and passions after dedicating years to career and responsibilities.

9.     Having a shift in mindset that comes with age, focusing more on personal happiness and fulfillment rather than being influenced by societal expectations or the opinions of others.

10.   Appreciating the gift of life, acknowledging the experiences, memories, and opportunities that have come along the way, and looking forward to the years ahead with optimism and gratitude.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Positive thoughts count down to xmas 10

A surplus of love at this time of year

removes from all the taste of tears.

I am lucky, I could never spend 

all the abundance that's mine to send.

I sense all the love that’s mine to feel.

Know all the peace, that only some can steal.

Have the time to pass with friends,

to laugh, love, and make amends.

If you do not have enough,

try imagining although it's tough.

When you find the time to contemplate 

You will find that love is your fate.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Did you ever stub your toe?

I was talking to my Chiropractor this morning as I was finishing my treatment, and I asked him about his son—who is 13 months old. We talked about the joy children see in the world and how everything is new to them. 

He said that his son had learned to open drawers and he had put his toys in the bottom drawer. He went on to say that every time his son opened the drawer he expressed wonder and astonishment that his toys were still there, where he had put them. 

Children are excited about the world, and the are grateful for the small things that we take for granted. Here’s a novel thought…

Did you ever consider taking a few minutes each morning to express gratitude?

Two questions…

Why would you do that? And how could you find enough to be grateful for 365 days a year… especially in light of all the problems facing you?

The “why” is simple. It starts your day off on a positive note, gets you in a good frame of mind, sets the tone for the rest of your day… and it could help you live a whole lot longer and better.
Stub your toe and the pain is all you can think of at that moment, let alone being grateful for anything. The problem is, we face one toe stub after another, in any given day and become preoccupied with getting past each one. Some of the bigger ones repeat day-after-day-after-day. We’ve lost the ability to be grateful for the little things and to look at the positives surrounding us.

For example, when’s the last time you expressed gratitude for the breeze on your face on a hot summer day? How grateful are you to be alive? Then express it. Even when you stub a toe, how about being grateful for having a toe to stub? When a loved one irritates you, did you ever consider how fortunate you are to have a loved one in your life?

There are thousands of things to be grateful for, big and little. Be creative and you’ll find tens of thousands. I’m grateful as I type this letter to you that I have the convenience of a laptop and the Internet to communicate to you with… unimaginable just a short time ago.
I took refrigeration for granted until I just now thought about it. Once I did that, as I am writing, I now see 100 things in my home alone, including something as simple as a toothpick that trigger gratitude thoughts which I hadn’t considered before. Now I’m totally uplifted.

Try that exercise yourself, not just in your mornings, but throughout the day, wherever you are.

Tony Robbins says that most people act out of anger and fear… and there’s no room for either when you express gratitude. It strengthens the best of you and energises every cell in your body.

Make expressing gratitude a habit, and you’ll be amazed at the positive change in your life.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Accessing the Power of Gratitude

The practice of gratitude as a tool for happiness has been in the mainstream for years. Long-term studies support gratitude’s effectiveness, suggesting that a positive, appreciative attitude contributes to greater success in work, greater health, peak performance in sports and business, a higher sense of well-being, and a faster rate of recovery from surgery.

But while we may acknowledge gratitude’s many benefits, it still can be difficult to sustain. So many of us are trained to notice what is broken, undone or lacking in our lives. And for gratitude to meet its full healing potential in our lives, it needs to become more than just a Thanksgiving word. We have to learn a new way of looking at things, a new habit. And that can take some time.

That’s why practicing gratitude makes so much sense. When we practice giving thanks for all we have, instead of complaining about what we lack, we give ourselves the chance to see all of life as an opportunity and a blessing.

Remember that gratitude isn’t a blindly optimistic approach in which the bad things in life are whitewashed or ignored. It’s more a matter of where we put our focus and attention. Pain and injustice exist in this world, but when we focus on the gifts of life, we gain a feeling of well-being. Gratitude balances us and gives us hope.

There are many things to be grateful for: colorful autumn leaves, legs that work, friends who listen and really hear, chocolate, fresh eggs, warm jackets, tomatoes, the ability to read, roses, our health, butterflies. What’s on your list?

Some Ways to Practice Gratitude

·       Keep a gratitude journal in which you list things for which you are thankful. You can make daily, weekly or monthly lists. Greater frequency may be better for creating a new habit, but just keeping that journal where you can see it will remind you to think in a grateful way.

·       Make a gratitude collage by drawing or pasting pictures.

·       Practice gratitude around the dinner table or make it part of your nighttime routine.

·       Make a game of finding the hidden blessing in a challenging situation.

·       When you feel like complaining, make a gratitude list instead. You may be amazed by how much better you feel.

·       Notice how gratitude is impacting your life. Write about it, sing about it, express thanks for gratitude.

As you practice, an inner shift begins to occur, and you may be delighted to discover how content and hopeful you are feeling. That sense of fulfillment is gratitude at work.

Sunday, August 10, 2014


Appreciation can make a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary.  Margaret Cousins

How does this quote shift the way you perceive your world? 

How does this inspire you?  How does it mentor you?