Showing posts with label poetry food for thought. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poetry food for thought. Show all posts

Thursday, April 18, 2024

kindness takes the stage,

In the comedy of life, kindness takes the stage,

A thread so soft, it's like a comedic sage.

Intertwining with actions in a comical dance,

Creating patterns, a laughter-filled trance.


It's gentle like a joke whispered in the ear,

Yet remarkably resilient, spreading cheer.

A tapestry of humour, woven with grace,

Kindness adds layers, a smile on every face.


With each act, a punchline in the grand show,

A jest of compassion that continues to grow.

Indelible marks left on hearts, so divine,

As kindness becomes the punchline of time.


It's the soft chuckle of a helping hand,

A resilient joke in life's comedy band.

Fibers of goodwill, creating a laugh riot,

A tapestry of joy, and kindness at its quiet.


So, let's weave our jokes with threads so kind,

In the comedy of life, laughter to find.

For each act, a punchline we create,

A comedy of kindness, the best in the slate.