Showing posts with label smart phones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label smart phones. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Smart phones and seniors

Improve your smartphone’s readability and increase the time you can comfortably use it by applying these tips. If you want to ensure that your smartphone is as usable (and comfortable) for people of all ages as possible, here are five ways in which you can make it more “age-friendly”. Your smartphone doesn’t have to cause your eyesight difficulties. The number of apps and games available in the app stores engage and entertain, but they can also do more harm by limiting your vision and preventing you from being able to read or use your phone effectively. Here are a few tips on how you can improve your smartphone’s readability so that you can get back to doing what you enjoy, reading!

On Android:

Open the Settings app

Tap on Display

If needed, tap on Advanced, then tap on Display Size

Use the slider on the bottom to increase or decrease the overall Display Size.

Do you need even bigger text?

With the Accessibility features, we can enlarge the text’s font size further. On both Android and iOS, do the following to complete this step:

Open the Settings app on your device

Tap Accessibility

Then tap Display Size on Android and Text (on iOS, it reads Display & Text Size)

Then you can turn on or off the Bold option

Or tap Font Size on Android (on iOS, Larger Text)

Then, adjust the slider to increase or decrease text size throughout your device.

Smartphones don’t last forever and with the cost of the latest generation of smartphones having reached a barrier for many, it’s more important than ever to choose a smartphone that’s both affordable and easy on the eye. That said, before we look at specific phones, there is one thing that all older smartphones should have in common and that’s an increased contrast between black and white.