Friday, November 10, 2017

It doesn't take much

It doesn't take much, to surround yourself with good friends, good times, and big bucks.

In fact, it doesn't take anything at all.


And for added effect, saunter.

Tallyho, ho, ho :-)

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Life's Simple 7 revisited

Back in July, I talked about this new insight into aging, and today there is new information that builds on the information found in the study. A new advisory from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association outlines seven measures we can all take to keep our brain healthy as we age and stave off dementia.

The researchers performed a meta-analysis of 182 scientific studies and looked for factors that could be "measured, monitored, and modified."

They identified seven metrics that they believe can maintain brain health at optimal levels. Four of these are "ideal health behaviors" and three are "ideal health factors."

The recommended health behaviors are: not smoking, maintaining high levels of physical activity, following a healthful diet, and keeping a healthy weight. The health factors are: keeping blood pressure levels under 120/80 millimeters of mercury (mm/Hg), cholesterol levels under 200 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL), and fasting blood sugar levels under 100 mg/dL.

The seven-metrics found in the new report correspond to the so-called Life's Simple 7 - a program developed by the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association (AHA/ASA) with the aim of promoting cardiovascular health in the wide population.

These seven steps are:

1.     Manage blood pressure
2.     Control cholesterol
3.     Keep blood sugar normal
4.     Get physically active
5.     Eat a healthy diet
6.     Lose extra weight
7.     Don't start smoking or quit

Over time researchers have learned that the same risk factors for stroke that are referred to in Life's Simple 7 are also risk factors for Alzheimer's disease and possibly for some of the other neurodegenerative disorders.

Maintaining blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar at optimum levels is important because abnormally high levels of these may lead to complications that can cause atherosclerosis and blood clots. In time, this may lead to cognitive impairment and vascular dementia.

Arteries carrying blood to the brain may narrow or become damaged, which can lead to dementia. The good news is that managing risk factors - and managing them early on - can keep those arteries strong and make a world of difference for our long-term brain health, says the head researcher.

The advisory stresses the importance of early interventions, as atherosclerosis, they warn, can start as early as childhood. These recommendations are particularly important, the authors note, given the predicted prevalence of dementia in the United States and across the world. Currently, over 7 million new cases of dementia are diagnosed every year, and by 2030, the authors warn, as many as 75 million people may develop the condition.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Health Blogs for Men

I was talking to my brother about his recent issue with falling and he explained that his doctor said he had nothing to worry about. Good news, but it made me think about how little time and energy we, men put into looking after our health. I am just as guilty as my friends, I go to the visit my doctor about three times a year to renew my medication, and unless I am very sick, I do not bother. There are a number of Blogs and sites out in the Webosphere that discuss health issues that men should be aware of, and a number of people have put aggregate sites together that list all of the best sites.
So here are the aggregate sites with some information about them, if you go to the site you will find a lot more sites on men’s health.

So much of the fitness and health advice out there is catered towards women, but men need help eating right and staying fit as well. That’s where these great blogs come into play. Within their posts, they offer great advice on staying healthy, living well, dealing with male-specific health issues, finding medical care and a whole lot more. Browse through the selections to see if you can find a blog that speaks to your health and fitness concerns, goals, and needs as a man. The URL for this site is:

Men are often stereotyped as throwing caution to the wind when it comes to their health. But that doesn’t necessarily have to be true — especially with so much great men’s health content available on the internet.

Men’s health encompasses everything from diet and exercise to stress management and disease prevention. These blogs all set great examples for how to champion your own health and wellness and make healthier decisions in all aspects of your life. From magazines dedicated to men’s health to personal blogs chronicling health struggles and triumphs, these are all great reads. The URL for this site is

The Best Men’s Health Blogs from Medical News Today Men are often reluctant to seek health-related help, according to the age-old stereotype. And whether that long-standing typecast is true or false, blogs are promoting male health care measures that are a must-read if you are determined to reach your ultimate health and fitness goals. The URL for this site is  

A challenge

I am responding to a challenge on one of the bogs I read, BrewNspew This week the event is to Write a story or poem of 5 Lines or Less using the word grandparent. Try your skill. 

Pictures of a grandparent I hold dear
What stories lie behind those smiling eyes
Which comfort me as I gain in years
I forgot that they were young but wise
With boundless energy and lots of love