Monday, November 20, 2017

What if?

What if the word victim could be redefined into something closer to hero? 

A victim who speaks out against the wrong helps others to gain the knowledge of what they need to not follow the same path. 

A person is a hero who helps others recognize that the path some have to tread is not for them and will spare others from the same.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Caregiver stress

In Canada. According to the Caregiver Coalition, there are approximately 4 to 5 million unpaid people providing care for a family member with long-term health problems. The majority of these caregivers are women between 45 and 65 years old –but the number of male caregivers is increasing. The economic value of this unpaid work is between 6 to 9 billion dollars 60% of caregivers assist a parent or in-law.

Caregiving can bring many positives, but it can also be physically and emotionally draining. In order to avoid developing what’s known as caregiver burnout, it’s important to find a balance between caring for your loved one and yourself.

The roles of a care giver can be that of a household and financial manager, a communications coordinator, a transportation coordinator and chauffeur a chief cook and dishwasher, a problem-solver, a health aide, a legal assistant, an activist and advocate and an executive secretary. Given all of these roles, it can be of no surprise that caregivers may burn out.

Signs of Caregiver Burnout
·       You no longer find pleasure in things you once found enjoyable.
·       Friends and family have expressed concerns about your well-being.
·       You’re getting negative feedback at work.
·       You’re having problems with your spouse.
·       You experience intense and recurrent feelings of anger, sadness, worry or fear.
·       You have difficulty concentrating, trouble sleeping, notice drastic weight changes or unexplained health problems.
·       You find yourself using a substance to cope with, manage or suppress uncomfortable or painful feelings.
·       Regular thoughts of anger or resentment toward the person for whom you’re caring
·       Irritation toward others who aren’t helping with your loved one’s care
·       Isolating yourself from people who aren’t involved in providing care to the person
·       Consistently arriving late to appointments or to visiting the person receiving care, or often leaving early


How can a caregiver combat burnout?

It may seem cliché, but taking a break can be your greatest ally against the development of caregiver burnout. Some strategies include:
·       Enlisting the help of a therapist
·       Finding and participating in a supportive community
·       Making daily gratitude lists and reading affirmations each day
·       Setting aside time for yourself each day
·       learn about the illness or disability
·       talk to others - specify your limits
·       let the recipient know how you are doing
·       focus on one day at a time
·       ask others for help with specific tasks
·       take time for yourself: go for a walk, meet  friends for coffee, pamper yourself
·       set limits for what you can and cannot do get enough sleep and exercise
·       join a support group (live or on line)
·       seek emotional support
·       encourage recipients to do as much as possible independently
·       Making a list of what you can and cannot control in your situation; focus on what you can control and try to accept the things you cannot

Creativity and inventiveness

As you strive to put thoughts to words and raise your pen to write
Remember it's not from the known, but the unknown, 
that creativity and inventiveness are born
Turn away from the predictable, cliché, and reliable. 

Brave the void where the darkness is greatest. 
Trust the quiet, find the stillness, feel the calm.
Then steadily think, speak, and move as if you were led. 
Behave as if your vision were clear. 
Anticipate the emotional rush that will come with your triumph. 

As you raise your pen to write, 
you'll find the words have already been summoned, 
flooded in the light that was there all along, 
in a world that has just as anxiously anticipated their arrival.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Watch your thoughts

Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits they become character;
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.