Monday, May 14, 2018

Six Words

I do believe that the single most important thing I could ever, ever share with you, with regard to maximizing the health, harmony, and happiness in your life, not to mention expediting the manifestation of your heart's fondest desires, can be summed up in just one word: 

Love yourself. 

Okay, two words. 

Love yourself all of the time!

Okay, 6 words.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

When the student needs a teacher they are there

You know what's kind of wild? At this very crossroads of time and space, more than ever before, there are so many billions of people yearning to awaken, study, and understand the truth about themselves, their divinity, and the magic.

You know what else is kind of wild? Just as this need arose, simultaneously, all over the world, there has appeared the greatest teachers, though in far smaller numbers. Those who are actually living these truths, leading with the example of their lives, and healing those in need through simple conversation.

Want to know what's even more unbelievable? That you sometimes consider yourself more of the student. 

Do you know what your thoughts did last week?

They became the things and events of this week. The things you thought would be difficult became difficult; easy became easy; boring became boring, and fun became fun. Where you thought there might be surprises, you were surprised. And where you thought there might be land mines, there were land mines. 

Bravo! You can add this week to the list of your most creative accomplishments. 

Now, can you guess what your thoughts this week are going to do?

You are awesome

Friday, May 11, 2018

Do you know?

It's working.  Every day you're getting closer!
Everything you've ever wanted is being pressed toward you.
Everything is clicking.

Don't let the illusions trick you.
Don't let the events of today dampen your spirits.
Things couldn't be any better than they now are.
You couldn't have more reasons to celebrate.

Press on!
The hardest work is done!

Keep showing up, be present, open every door and let events unfold.
Life is your stage.
This is your parade.

Together you can do anything.