Thursday, September 6, 2018

Can you spell it for me?

This speaks to why we  need more emphasis on the English language and spelling in school

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Something to think about.

Have you ever wondered if you had a friend who you could call your friend, but that was not quite enough? You could call them your guide, but there's more to it than that.

You could call them your conspirator, your helper, or your agent; your coach, counselor, or confidant; your father, mother, or child. You could call them the sun, the moon, and the stars; the wind, the sky, and the rain; the past, the present, and the future.

But really, what I'm getting at, the purpose behind some of my writing is and perhaps what I'd most like to hear one day, is you calling them "yourself."


Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Don't judge too quickly

This is a reminder that we should not judge anyone without having a knowledge of all of the facts. I laughed out loud when I first watched these. However, they do have a very serious message, and it is not about getting your mortgage.

There is a Canadian show called "Just for Laughs" which is on TV and on YouTube and it relies on the fact that we when we don't have all of the information to pull off a large number of practical jokes on people. When we don't have all of the information we imagine or see things not as they are but as we think they are, which leads to some funny situations. Of course, it is only funny because we in the audience are in on the joke, the person who is being judged or to whom it is happening does not see the humour.

We all love a sense of humour and a good practical joke, but only when we are in on it, not the subject of the joke. At the time, if a practical joke is played on us, we may be upset, but as time goes on we begin to see the humour in what has happened. 

When I was working a small group of us played many practical jokes on other teachers, and some of them reacted well, but others became angry because they felt we had made fun of them. This was not true, but we soon learned who had a sense of humour and who did not. Have you ever played a practical joke on someone, if so how did they react?

Monday, September 3, 2018

What we have in common

Have you ever wondered what we have in common with others? I think that if we knew how much we have in common with every single person now living in time and space,  in terms of our deepest hopes and dreams, fears and worries, you'd wonder why some of us fear other people.

For ourselves, many of us dreams and the hope of being safe, within our own home. Now your definition of what a safe and welcoming home may be different than mine, but we both hope for this. 

We hope we can stay or become fit, and vibrantly alive. We also may want to be beautiful, rich, and healthy. 

We all have a deep need to have friends and a supportive and caring family where we feel loved and cherished. 

We also hope that our friends, colleagues and family hold us in some respect. I believe all of us when we see the joy and smile on a toddlers face, are filled with joy ourselves.

What are your deepest hopes and dreams for yourself, for your children? As parents and grandparents, we have the desire to protect our offspring and to create opportunities for them to be successful.  At the very core, of what we hope is that they have a safe, secure and successful, life.

What other dreams and hopes do you have for yourself or your family?

I suggest that as we begin to understand that my dreams and your dreams at their core are not that different, we should think of every single person as a friend or a person who is about to be a friend, just as I do.