Saturday, December 21, 2013

Some Canadian Holiday Trivia

In an InCanada study conducted a few months ago, Canadians were asked about watching movies, specifically holiday programming. 

  • 60% of respondents like to watch the same movies each Christmas, and 40% like to watch the same Christmas music specials each year.
  • On the other hand, 61% of respondents also prefer to watch new Christmas programming, and 59% prefer to watch new Christmas specials each year.

Television is still the source of Christmas entertainment. Source: InCanada Panel Movies Survey, June 2013


  • In a recent "made-for-fun" InCanada survey, Canadians were asked to answer several questions about how you feel about the holidays. Based on responses, participants were placed in 3 groups
38% are Shopping Santas
  • Shopping Santas enjoy the holidays as a time of fun and family, Santa and shopping, fireplaces and wine. It's a decidedly commercial season though, and holy it is not. 54% of the British, 42% of Canadians and 24% of Americans embrace the season this way and make the economy very happy.
38% are Holy Holidays
  • The people of Holy Holiday segment love this season. For them, it is a holy time of joy, filled with family, fun, hearth and home. If this is you, look around and know that 59% of Americans, 31% of Canadians and 25% of the British think this season is about much more than presents under the tree.
24% are Humbugs
  • Humbugs endure rather than enjoy the holiday season. It's an obligation they dread because for them, it's a commercial frenzy that's about shopping malls and whining. No wonder they are more likely to call this season a punishment. If you feel this way, you can take solace that 26% of Canadians, 21% of the British and 15% of Americans are also wishing they could fast forward to the New Year.
Source: InCanada Panel Holiday Survey, November 2013

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