Monday, August 1, 2016

Can you stay motivated?

We are creatures of habit and we sometimes get trapped into negative thoughts and actions and we find ourselves on a downward spiral. It feels like it is raining every day and the rain will never stop. 

We need positive forces and strong motivation to find our way back to the positive side of living.  A great way to get motivated is to use motivational affirmations. 

Using affirmations can change how you think about yourself and how you view the world around you. These positive statements can bring you the motivation you seek, as well as happiness, joy, and passion.

When you’re feeling negative or down, repeating affirmations can immediately improve your mood.

Even though affirmations can work immediately, don’t think of them as a quick fix. Positive affirmations are most effective in the long-term so you can get what you deeply desire out of life.

When you use affirmations, you are literally reprogramming the way you think. You replace your negative self-talk and doubts with positive, motivating thoughts. Eventually, these positive thoughts become reality.

These motivational affirmations work because they push away the negative thoughts that are limiting you day in and day out. You can leave your negative thinking in the past if you fill your current thoughts with positive, motivational affirmations.

Before you know it, these affirmations will become second nature, allowing you to change your life systematically, one thought at a time.

Here are ten motivational affirmations for you to consider:
  1. I welcome positive energy and I use that feeling to accomplish more.
  2. I use my energy to live my life to the fullest.
  3. No matter what I'm working on, I'm always committed to completing my goal.
  4. I trust my thought processes. They are clear and I am very capable.
  5. I can find my own intrinsic motivator.
  6. No matter how hard I may fall, I get back up, dust myself off, and forge on.
  7. No matter the challenge, I will see it through.
  8. I enjoy being responsible for my actions.
  9. My life is full of purpose, exciting change, and many recognized deeds.
  10. By commemorating the smallest nuggets of success, I am motivated to complete the larger tasks.
Use this list of affirmations in those moments of self-doubt to help you find the motivation you need. Repeat them in the morning when you first wake up, or make them your last thoughts at night before you sleep.

You can also find other affirmations that have special meaning for you, or write your own affirmations. It doesn’t matter where you get them, as long as they speak to your heart and are focused on the present.

We all need a motivational boost from time to time. Now you don't have to look to other people or situations to keep you moving forward. Keep your affirmation list updated with the thoughts you’d like to be thinking, repeat your affirmations several times a day, and soon you’ll be living the passionate life you’ve always wanted!

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