Saturday, August 19, 2017

Ever lost track of time?

Did you ever lose your sense of time, and become so disoriented you had no idea what day or time it really was?   My wife came into the living room at 9:00 pm after lying down with a headache at about 7:30 pm. She said to me, how could you let me sleep in so late, we have lots to do today. I looked at her and said, "It is still in the evening, you have only been asleep for about an hour." It took her a few minutes to realise that she had not slept through the night. We laughed, but I wondered if this happens to many of us.

I found out that as we age, our capacity to judge time accurately diminishes. Most people begin to perceive time as passing more swiftly than is actually the case.

This for many of us is a minor annoyance, but for some, this could be a warning sign of dementia.  There are five warning signs of dementia and one of them is Losing Track of Time or Place – Dates, seasons and the general passing of time becomes difficult to keep track of for a person with dementia. If an event is not happening immediately, he or she may have trouble understanding it. This is the category of the most renowned dementia-related complication — forgetting where they are and/or how they got there.

So, if a person suffers from a sense of time loss, and it continues then seeking medical attention is a good idea, but if you fall asleep and wake up disoriented and out of time, once in a while, put it down to having a people's moment.

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