Friday, December 6, 2019

Facebook wisdom

Facebook has some people that post stuff that they think is interesting, and wise. So, I took the time on a rainy day to compile a number of posts that pass for Facebook wisdom, enjoy:
I Googled my symptoms: It turns out I’m just lazy.
Getting older is just one body part after another saying, “HA HA, HA you think that’s bad? Watch this!
Papa Bear is such a sweet may to describe the fact that I'll tear you open and eat your insides if you hurt my child. 
It doesn’t matter who hurt you or broke you down what matters is who made you smile again. 
Just because l disagree with you does not mean I hate you. We need to relearn that in our society. 
I know I don't have to be sarcastic, but the world has given me so much material to work with...
I would hate to be wasteful 
Not everyone is given the chance to grow old. So, appreciate and be thankful for every single day of your life. 
Children raised in chaos become adults who live in chaos. Give your child a childhood they don't have to heal from. 
Our well-behaved firstborn, gave us the confidence to be good parents. Our wild-child second kid, taught us not to judge other parents. 
Have you ever walked up to a car that looks like yours in a parking lot and you try to open the door? “Whoops.” 
September 22nd is the first day of Fall. Not today. Not tomorrow. Put down the pumpkin, and stop being a life ruiner.
PS. Pumpkin spice causes constipation.
How to tell you're a senior:
· you gain 3O lbs overnight
· you would rather sleep than go out
· everything hurts
· comfort comes before style
· you have a favorite spatula
· everything feels like a chore
· college students look like they are 12 years old
· you're always annoyed at people younger than you 
A Grandparent thinks about their Grandchildren Day and Night. Even if they are not with them, they are always in their heart.
Parenting is wanting to be with your child forever one minute and being tempted to sell them the next. 
If we all just switched to cursive and stick shift cars, we could cripple an entire generation. 
When family or friends go through life not speaking to one another, the day will come when you regret it. It's called "the funeral!" 
Someone posted they had just baked some synonym buns. I replied, you mean just like the one’s grammar use to make? Now I'm blocked. 
"You are still a Rock-star”, I whisper to myself as I take my multivitamin & climb in bed at 9:45 
The older I get the earlier it gets late. 
Me: “ALEXA, remind me to go to the gym.”
ALEXA: “I have added gin to your shopping list.” 
Never walk a mile in my shoes. You'll just end up Drunk, Lost, and looking for your shoes! 
Don’t compare your life to others. There's no comparison between the sun and the moon. They shine when it's their time. 
Accept the good in your life. Like me. I am a fantastic delight. 
To the person that stole my glasses. I will find you. I have contacts. 
And finally a question, “What's the right age to Stop running naked from the bedroom to the bathroom?  

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