Sunday, June 14, 2020

Is life unfair or full of possibilities?

Many people believe that life is unfair and they are treated badly by life. That is a viewpoint that I understand but reject. I believe that life is full of possibilities and one of the greatest things about life is that we don't know absolutely everything. 

Life gives us a lifetime to learn, grow, stretch and become better than we were before. Life is not easy and life throws roadblocks in our way, and we have to figure out how to overcome them.

The latest pandemic is an example of how life throws us a curve. The pandemic has given us the opportunity to learn and grow. As we face the virus some societies have decided to attack it as individuals and some have decided to attack it collectively, all working together in a common direction.

Life is like that, when we are given roadblocks sometimes, we overcome them as individuals, sometimes we do it as a collective. Life allows us to make our dreams come true if we are lucky, work hard and believe in them. Life allows us to put limits on ourselves or to take those limits off. The choice is ours, which is wonderful. 

Life gives us the opportunity to start creating worlds simply with thought. As we create our worlds with our thoughts, by turning our thoughts into words, and then our words turn into deeds and finally our deeds turn into our reality, we know that life is unfolding just exactly as it should. 

What's your favourite thing about being, besides the fact it is better than the alternative? 

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