Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Unwrapping presents

 One thing I love about Christmas is the wrapping and unwrapping of gifts. Some people give a gift on Christmas Eve, while others wait until Christmas Day to exchange gifts. We give our gifts on Christmas morning. Gifts from family to family and from Santa to family surround the tree. We are lucky as Santa usually leaves one, if not two, presents for each member of the family. 

Every year we take turns playing Santa. Santa usually takes their time finding the correct present. Our routine is that each person gets their present and then each person unwraps while the rest of us wait. We wait, with anticipation; the act of unwrapping presents carries a kind of magic that transcends age. It taps into our emotions, evoking feelings of excitement, wonder, and anticipation. The process itself is akin to unwrapping layers of joy and discovery. 

The moment a gift is placed in our hands, the journey of anticipation begins. The wrapped package holds the promise of something wonderful. The unravelling of the paper creates a sense of suspense, similar to turning the pages of a thrilling novel or watching an enthralling movie. Each piece of paper brings us one step closer to uncovering the mystery within.

As we age, the act of unwrapping gifts becomes a tradition that connects us with the past. The sound of tearing paper and the anticipation of what lies beneath evoke a sense of nostalgia, reminding us of moments shared with loved ones. Unwrapping presents is linked to special occasions that we remember like birthdays, holidays, and anniversaries.. As the layers of wrapping paper fall away, we see the physical gift; but we also see the care and thoughtfulness that went into selecting and wrapping it. 

As the gift-giver, watching the recipient unwrap the present can be just as rewarding as receiving a gift for oneself. Unwrapping gifts is a two-fold experience: the joy of giving and the joy of receiving. For the giver, we see the excitement in the eyes of the receiver. We embrace the warmth that they smile and savour the genuine connection and affection shared by the giving and receiving of the gift. On the flip side, as the recipient, unwrapping a gift affirms the feeling of being cherished and remembered.

The magical appeal of unwrapping presents is in the concerto of feelings it orchestrates. Gifts represent connections, storytelling, and shared experiences that we can remember next year.

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