Thursday, January 18, 2024

My contibution to Dad Jokes about New years resolutions

It took a while but here is a joke a day for January. 

1.         Why did the bicycle go into retirement? It couldn't handle the pressure of being too tired.

2.         Why did the calendar apply for a gym membership in January? Because it wanted to work out its issues!

3.         My New Year's resolution is to lose weight. I plan to start by shedding some excess baggage—like my old magazines and junk in the garage!

4.         What do you call a resolution to watch less TV in January? A Netflix-ting goal!

5.         I asked my New Year's resolution to do the dishes, but it just couldn't handle the pressure. 

6.         I told my resolution to stop procrastinating, but it said, "I'll start next year!" 

7.         Why did the calendar refuse to make any New Year's resolutions? Because it wanted to stay "dates-attached"! 

8.         My resolution for January is to become more organized. So far, my sock drawer is looking pretty sharp! 

9.         What's a snowman's New Year's resolution? To chill out more!  

10.       My New Year's resolution is to be more positive. So far, I've positively refused to give up on pizza!

11.       Why did the math book make a resolution to exercise more in January? Because it wanted to work on its problem-solving skills! 

12.       My New Year's resolution is to be a better cook. I'll start by learning how to make ice cubes without burning them! 

13.       I asked my resolution to help with my finances, but it just laughed and handed me a dollar bill. 

14.       Why did the computer make a resolution to go to the gym in January? Because it wanted to lose some "byte"! 

15.       My resolution for January is to read more books. So far, I've read two cereal boxes and a shampoo bottle! 

16.       What's a dog's New Year's resolution? To stop chasing its own tail and start chasing its dreams!

17.       My resolution for January is to be more environmentally friendly. I've already switched to reusable grocery bags—just as soon as I find where I put them! 

18.       What's a cat's New Year's resolution? To be less purr-suasive! 

19.       My resolution is to save money in January. So, I've decided to name my piggy bank "Gym Membership"! 

20.       Why did the calendar break its New Year's resolution to stop being so square? Because it couldn't find a round solution! 

21.       My New Year's resolution is to learn a new language. So far, I've mastered the language of emoji! 

22.       What did one wall say to the other on New Year's Eve? "I'll meet you at the corner next year!" 

23.       My resolution for January is to take more naps. I guess you could say I'm "siesta-tional"!

24.       Why did the scarecrow make a resolution to improve its social life in January? Because it wanted to be outstanding in its field! 

25.       My New Year's resolution is to be more punctual. I'll start by setting my alarm for January 2nd! 

26.       Why did the broom make a resolution to sweep more often in January? Because it wanted to clean up its act! 

27.       My resolution for January is to be more generous. I've already given my TV remote a little extra attention! 

28.       What's a tree's New Year's resolution? To stand tall and branch out! 

29.       My resolution is to eat healthier in January. So, I'm switching to a strict diet of chocolate. Dark chocolate, of course—it's practically a salad!

30. Why did the phone make a resolution to call its friends more often in January? Because it wanted to "cell"-ebrate friendship! 

31. My New Year's resolution is to be more adventurous. I've already decided to try a new type of cereal for breakfast tomorrow. Exciting times ahead!

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