Monday, May 20, 2024

Some humour about trying to quit smoking

 I hope these jokes bring a smile and a reminder that quitting smoking, while challenging, can also have moments of humour and triumph!

1.      Why did the guy trying to quit smoking start telling jokes? Because laughter is the best distraction from cravings!

2.      Quitting smoking is like trying to find a needle in a haystack, except the needle is a non-smoking life and the haystack is a mountain of cigarette packs.

3.      Did you hear about the smoker who tried to quit cold turkey? It didn't work because the turkey kept asking for a smoke break.

4.      Why did the cigarette go to therapy? It was trying to find a healthier coping mechanism!

5.      Quitting smoking is like playing a game of hide and seek with your willpower. Sometimes it's hiding in plain sight, and other times it's nowhere to be found!

6.      Why did the ex-smoker become a gardener? Because they wanted to plant seeds of health instead of tobacco leaves!

7.      What do you call a group of ex-smokers? A puff-less posse!

8.      Why don't smokers ever win at poker? Because they always fold before the game even starts!

9.      Quitting smoking is like breaking up with a bad habit. You have to go through withdrawal, but you'll feel better in the long run.

10. Why did the cigarette cross the road? To get to the "other side" of health and wellness!

11. How do you know when a smoker is serious about quitting? When they start counting the days since their last cigarette like it's a high score!

12. Why did the doctor prescribe laughter to smokers trying to quit? Because it's the best medicine for cravings!

13. What's a smoker's favourite song when they decide to quit? "I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor!

14. Why did the smoker switch to vaping? Because they wanted a cloud of vapor, not a clouded future!


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