Thursday, June 13, 2024

June Dad jokes

 Here are 15 "dad jokes" I hope you find them amusing.

1.      Why did the flower go to the party? Because it was a blooming good time!

2.      What did the bee say to the flower? "You're the bee's knees!"

3.      Why do flowers love Spring? Because it's a blooming beautiful season!

4.      What did the sun say to the Earth? "You're looking radiant today!"

5.      Why did the kid bring a ladder to the park? He wanted to take his playtime to new heights!

6.      What do you call a group of cats playing instruments in the park? A mew-sical band!

7.      Why did the kid bring a magnet to the beach? He wanted to attract some fun!

8.      What did the seagull say to the kid who lost his ice cream? "You're in a bit of a pickle, aren't you?"

9.      Why did the kid bring a kite to the park? He wanted to soar to new heights!

10. What do you call a bear with no socks on? Barefoot!

11. Why did the kid bring a water gun to the park? He wanted to have a splashing good time!

12. What did the kid say when his mom asked him to take out the trash? "Aww, do I have to?"

13. Why did the kid bring a frisbee to the park? He wanted to have a ball!

14. What do you call a group of ducks playing instruments in the park? A quack-tet!

15. Why did the kid bring a picnic basket to the park? He wanted to have a snack-tastic time!

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