Showing posts with label believe who are you. Show all posts
Showing posts with label believe who are you. Show all posts

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Feeling Sad and Confused

I had a friend say to me the other day, “I'm feeling sad and confused and awkward, and I don't know how to deal with these emotions.”
Each of us has a perspective of the world that is unique. And it takes time, effort and skill to present your view to the people around you.
As humans we are blessed with the power of intelligence. Each has remarkable commutative, perceptive, linguistic and much more powers; each of us have a different inner setup that helps shape our world view. Emotions are part of who we are but they do not define us.  So do not worry  about your emotions, focus on the outcomes you want.
How do you let go of the circle of gloom. How?
Start by embracing the sadness and confusion and focus on the emotions and remember your emotions while unique to you are what connects  you to all. Remember that time does not stand still, nor do our thoughts. Try writing; writing brings clarity to your thoughts, visions and emotions.  
While embracing the sadness, start to focus on the positives in your life, and slowly  the negatives will flow to the back of the mind and the positives will flow to the top of mind.
Try solitude it works because solitude is a form of companionship.
Monitor your time and remember that our bodies are aware of time; they need food, sleep, music, play, and much more. Monitor what you do, do so you do not feel dead or hollow and slowly over time you will begin to celebrate the positives and the sadness will pass, if it doesn't then see your health care provider as there may  be a chemical imbalance that needs to be taken care of by a professional.