Showing posts with label affirmations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label affirmations. Show all posts

Thursday, December 30, 2021

2021 it is time to leave you

2021 was a brutal year for many. COVID, we thought was losing because of our scientists and the use of vaccinations for the vast majority of the population, (at least in my area where we are at 85% double vaccinated and 18% triple vaccinated, as of this date) However, COVID is not done with us yet and is making a strong comeback, so 2022 is not looking good.

Having said that, I believe that when we look at the world through a lens of what is going right, not going wrong, the world becomes a much happier, more wonderful place.

To focus on the positive, Write a list of all of the positive things you intend to accomplish in 2022. Start by recalling all of the positives that happened for you in 2021. Take the time and savour the sights, sounds, and feelings of those positive events in your life. Anything positive no matter how small can be remembered and by remembering, you can start to shift your attitude.

Another way to prepare to focus on the positive is to embrace gratitude. When you are grateful, fear disappears, and abundance appears."- Tony Robbins

Think about the positive aspects in your life in as much detail as you can, there is research that shows if you add as much detail as you can to your gratitude statement it will be more focused and will help you dwell on the positives. So, as you prepare for 2022 think about five people, events or things that you are grateful for and why you are grateful for these people, events or things being in your life.

Finally, as you prepare to take on 2022 and all it will offer and the challenges it will bring, you may start to feel tense. Now is the time to take a breath. "One way to break up any kind of tension is good deep breathing." -Byron Nelson

Deep breathing is extremely powerful and simple. It can increase your energy, promote relaxation and even improve your digestion. Proper breathing should not require any work. One easy way to make sure you are breathing correctly (from your diaphragm) is to imagine there is a balloon in your lower abdomen.

As you inhale through your nose expand and blow up the balloon. As you exhale you should feel the balloon deflate. Today stop and take four deep relaxing breaths before you sit down and create the list of positive aspects you hope to see in 2022.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Your beliefs underpin every single thought

Here are some of the things I've discovered about life, the world, and its inhabitants by this point in my time on earth.

1.     The absolute, most sure-fire way of physically moving in the direction of your dreams, on a day-to-day basis, without messing with the hows, is living them, now, to any degree that you can.
2.     You can't change other people, it's rude to try.
3.     Whoever you are, you will die, it is a fact of life. To know and understand that you will die, means you are alive.
4.     Everyone you meet is better than you at something.
5.     Self-examination is the only path out of misery.
6.     Einstein was wiser than he was intelligent.
7.     Revenge is for the petty and irresponsible.
8.     Getting truly organized can vastly improve anyone's life.
9.     When you're sick of your own life, that's a good time to pick up a book.
10. Your beliefs underpin every single thought you make, every action you take, every goal you set, every value you have, every habit your form.
11. Knowledge of our beliefs and repetition can help  form new beliefs if the right affirmations are used and believed.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Put yourself ahead in time

Just put yourself ahead in time, pretend that it's next month already, and imagine that the past 4 weeks just totally rocked. 

Every hope you now possess for the coming weeks has manifested. Every challenge was breezed through. Every cool person stayed cool. Every trickster became an ally. There were happy surprises along the way, and you got plenty of sleep. 

Well if you can feel it, see it and act it then it will happen. Nice eh!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

What If?

What if, instead of waiting for everything to be perfect, you start living your dreams this week, to any degree you can? 

Would it make a difference to your life?

 I bet it would.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Build others up

You are asked to take a test that measures your creativity for work or you do it for fun on the net, and the test results show you are not very creative. You have many ideas. However, if you are honest with yourself, most of those ideas are mediocre. Even your better ideas are, on reflection not as good as you first think they are. You would do better to keep your ideas to yourself and focus on your somewhat stronger analytic skills.

Now I would like you to perform a little exercise. I would like you to think of 25 creative ideas on how you might devise a better bathtub. Be creative and suggest the most outlandish, imaginative ideas you can. (Of course, I know that your Creativity score is below 25 points, so I don't expect you to have particularly creative ideas - but try anyway, please). You can list the ideas on a sheet of paper, draw a mind-map, sketch bathtub ideas, or just imagine them in your head. Whatever works for you.

Have you finished yet? Speed up. As I said before, your score on the creativity test was not very good I won't expect much from you. But you are determined so I know that you won’t give up on the exercise.

OOPS, the test results you were given were wrong, you really are a creative person. You bubble over with ideas and have a  knack for generating creative solutions to all kinds of problems. Although some of your ideas may not be brilliant, given a little time, you can be relied upon to come up with ideas that are not only creative, but also highly viable. Even if you don't think of yourself as being creative, the truth is you are in the top 8% of the world's  creative thinkers. Now, let's try that exercise again. Try to think of 25 really creative ideas on how you might devise a better bathtub.

Go on, a creative thinker like you should have no problem with this task!

You probably had had no trouble figuring out  what has been happening. The first analysis was very  negative not only about your creativity and such a negative personal  review very possibly dented your confidence, particularly as the text  described characteristics of a creative thinker in a very negative  way. The result was you were probably not very enthusiastic about performing the creative exercise. I would not be surprised if you did  not bother with it at all!

The second analysis was much more positive. It was also doubtless a more accurate description of you. If you tried the creativity exercise after that second analysis, you probably found it  relatively easy to come up with 25 bathtub ideas.

If you would like to make a proper experiment of this, bring together two groups of people. Give members of one group the first description and the other group the second description. Then ask them both to perform the bathtub ideas exercise independently. Chances are, the second group will have better, more creative ideas than the first.

The conclusion probably does not surprise you. Confident people find it easier to generate ideas and to feel confident about those ideas. That makes them more comfortable sharing their ideas with their colleagues and selling their ideas to others.

People who do not feel confident about themselves and their abilities, on the other hand, will also feel uncertain about their ideas. Indeed, they will almost certainly find it harder to generate ideas because their non-confident minds will reject ideas rather than propose them. Even when non-confident people have good ideas, they will probably be uncertain about those ideas and reluctant to share them with colleagues, let alone try to sell them to others

Building the confidence of your friends and colleagues is not difficult. It requires you compliment them realistically - such as by stressing their strengths and positive contribution to the team. It requires that you stimulate them at work and give them challenging projects that demonstrate your confidence in their abilities.

There is a lot of literature available on how to boost  self-confidence of yourself and others. If you want to learn more, I'd suggest you start Googling!.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Bold Tips For a Bold and Fearless Life

The following article was posted on the Evolution Ezine and written by Tess Marshall, she has some good ideas on how to relieve stress.

Fear can be paralyzing. It doesn't have to be. You can learn how to retrain your mind and change your thoughts and emotions in very little time. It takes willingness and practice.

You can learn to live a bold life by choosing to let go of fear when you feel tortured by your own thoughts. When you can’t sleep at night, when you are obsessed with failing or not feeling good enough, decide to take action. Sometimes it will take less than five minutes to make a shift. Other times it may take an hour or two.
1. Notice the beauty that surrounds you.
2. Treasure the day.
3. Love yourself through your anxiety.
4. Take a walk.
5. Let things be exactly as they are.
6. Listen to your favorite tunes.
7. Slow down.
8. Sit still.
9. Relax your grip.
10. Act on your dreams anyway.
11. Learn to hold your own hand.
12. Remember you are loved.
13. Listen to your intuition.
14. Free your mind from the past
15. Establish an attitude of delight.
16. Plan a wild and crazy future.
17. Expect good things to happen.
18. Surrender what doesn’t work.
19. Reach out and hug someone.
20. Invest time in laughter and play.
21. Speak to yourself with words of encouragement.
22. Take a break from judging others.
23. Let go of grievances.
24. Begin with a clean slate.
25. Change your thoughts.
26. Heal your mind.
27. Shift your perception.
28. Create positive lasting change.
29. Learn to live in a vibration of joy.
30. Keep your commitments. Write them down.
31. Find one small thing to savor.
32. Make your words matter.
33. Soften and open your heart.
34. List your successes in life.
35. Choose emotions of enjoyment, comfort, and success.
36. Believe the best about yourself.
37. Believe the world is going to send amazing things your way.
38. Determine what your purpose is.
39. Decide that right now is the greatest moment of your life.
40. Fearlessly speak your truth.
41. Take determined action.
42. Develop a profound sense of contentment.
43. Ask for loving assistance.
44. Say prayers of thanksgiving.
45. Believe that you will succeed.
46. Know that there is an unlimited amount of love and good in the universe.
47. Remember one event doesn’t determine success.
48. Be gentle with yourself.
49. Focus on what goes right and repeat it again and again.
50. Remember you deserve to be happy and prosperous.
51. Keep putting one foot in front of another.
52. Make your life an awesome adventure.
53. Bring enthusiasm to your efforts.
54. Live with intention.
55. Create a good habit.
56. Dare to go against the crowd.
57. Look at the big picture of your life.
58. Laugh at your fear.
59. Make up your mind to change.
60. Confide in someone close to you.
61. Tell your fear who’s boss.
62. Recall happier times.
63. Live one happy day at a time.
64. Choose a peaceful point of view.
65. Live with a consciousness of love.
66. Choose unconflicted energy.
67. Cherish the relationships you have.
68. Know that most things aren’t as serious as you make them out to be.
69. Know that you can manage even when difficult things happen.
70. Believe you have the talents and resources you need to succeed.
71. Remind yourself of your positive options.
72. Support, encourage, and believe in yourself.
73. Remind yourself that the world is full of endless opportunities.
74. Remind yourself that you are a strong and wise person.
75. Remember a small shift in perception can change your day.

Refer back to this list when you’re scared. Remember there is always another option when you are feeling, afraid, doubtful, or worried. You don’t have to live this way. Make your journey one of growth, love and adventure. Begin today. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Ideas for attracting good to you

1,  Keep a positive attitude. Look at the glass half full. When something bad happens look at it as on opportunity to grow or learn something new.

2.  Visualization. Visualize your life the way you want it. Be detailed and keep the image in your head to remind you through out the day.

3. Affirmations are key. Affirm what you are doing well as well as what you are going after. This also helps you stay positive.

4. Keep your eye on your goal. Whatever you are wanting in your life, keep focused on it. Do not let other things in life get in your way and distract you.

5. Move forward. Even baby steps are better than standing still. As long as you are moving toward you goal, even if it is slowly, then you should feel that you are accomplishing something.

6. Write it down. By writing your goals down, you are externalizing your internal feelings and thoughts. It also helps you stay focused.

7. Commit it to memory. By memorizing words, phrases, or images that conjure the way you want to be, you provide yourself with a mental environment to take hold of that dream.

8. Let it go. Let go of the past and its weight and disappointments. It has not part in who you want to be, so let it float on by.

9. Believe it. Say it, think it, and believe it. Believing in a different way creates attitude changes which create action changes, which creates life changes.

10. Own it. Make your vision your own. Take ownership of it like it is your prized possession. It is yours and no one can take it away.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Today is compliment day in the US

Today is Compliment Day, created in 1998 by Kathy Chamberlin, of Hopkinton, NH. and Debby Hoffman, of Concord, NH in the United States. World Compliment day on Twitter is March 1, but there is nothing wrong with holding two holidays for this day.  Today is a great opportunity to say something positive about the people you come into contact with. Everyone has good attributes. ...that's right....... everyone.

Take the time today to  find compliments for family and loved ones, even for your Mother-in-Law. (Tip: She's probably a good cook.)

Friends are friends because you see something good about them. Here's an easy compliment to a friend: "Wow, you're very choose your friends wisely". (No sarcasm, intended ;-)

It's more challenging to compliment your boss, or people you don't like. Take up the challenge, and find a compliment for them today, too.

Remember the old saying: "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything". After a long search for something good, if you just can't find a compliment for them, then silence is golden.

Compliment Day is celebrated by offering sincere compliments to people you know. It is important that you are sincere. People will see right through insincerity, and you will do more harm than good.

How many compliments should you give out today? The common suggestion is five compliments. Yes, they should be to five different people.

Enjoy the day and enjoy the feeling that giving compliments brings to you

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Feeling Sad and Confused

I had a friend say to me the other day, “I'm feeling sad and confused and awkward, and I don't know how to deal with these emotions.”
Each of us has a perspective of the world that is unique. And it takes time, effort and skill to present your view to the people around you.
As humans we are blessed with the power of intelligence. Each has remarkable commutative, perceptive, linguistic and much more powers; each of us have a different inner setup that helps shape our world view. Emotions are part of who we are but they do not define us.  So do not worry  about your emotions, focus on the outcomes you want.
How do you let go of the circle of gloom. How?
Start by embracing the sadness and confusion and focus on the emotions and remember your emotions while unique to you are what connects  you to all. Remember that time does not stand still, nor do our thoughts. Try writing; writing brings clarity to your thoughts, visions and emotions.  
While embracing the sadness, start to focus on the positives in your life, and slowly  the negatives will flow to the back of the mind and the positives will flow to the top of mind.
Try solitude it works because solitude is a form of companionship.
Monitor your time and remember that our bodies are aware of time; they need food, sleep, music, play, and much more. Monitor what you do, do so you do not feel dead or hollow and slowly over time you will begin to celebrate the positives and the sadness will pass, if it doesn't then see your health care provider as there may  be a chemical imbalance that needs to be taken care of by a professional.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Boomers turning 66--it is not the end of the world

There will be some interest, I think in the fact that the first of the Baby Boomers turn 66 this year and the pundits and those who want to make more about the aging of the boomers will carry on a conversations that are of little interest to us. The Beatles had a song about turning 64, but the song is about the sustaining of relationships not growing old. The lyrics are about how to keep love alive and the need we have to know that the relationship we are in is the correct one for us.

I had an interesting conversation the other day with three young colleagues (two men and one woman), it was after school and they were talking about how to know if a relationship was good and what they could do to maintain. I was asked my views and I suspect they thought that they thought with the wisdom of age I would have the answer. Sorry to disappoint but we as boomers value relationships, but many of us are not good at keeping them. All I could talk about is the following:

The idea is that we need to be honest to our selves about what we want and what we need, at an emotional, physical, and intellectual level. To find out what we need requires hard thought, and self investigation and is not something that is done easily. However, once you have spent the time and energy to find these things about yourself then be honest and communicate using "I language" to your partner what you need. It may be that your partner cannot give you what you need at this time in your life. If this is the case move on. This is easy to say but hard to do, however if you want to be happy then you may have to make tough decisions about the type of relationship you want.

Back to the Beatles, I saw the Beatles when they came to Vancouver in the 60's and enjoyed the show and love their music still today. Boomers may hold on to old memories but we find ways to make them come alive today. Music was an important part of my life and I have talked about this in an ealier post.

Sunday, March 11, 2012


 I lost my mother when I was in my early 30's and was not able to say thank you to her for her wisdom, courage and hard work that helped shape the person I was and would continue to grow into being. She left a personal diary, which as I read her words, I was allowed a glimpse into the wonderful person she was when she was young and the hardships she and my father went through until the mid 50's. So for those of you lucky enough to have your mothers in your lives say thank you. Gratitude works to help your soul, feelings of gratitude enhance well-being and one’s one's sense of meaning. This  post is based on the ideas of Martin Seligman

Seligman suggests that you think of a person in your life who has kind or generous to you but whom you've never properly thanked. You write a detailed "gratitude letter" to that person, examining in concrete terms why you're grateful. Then you visit that person and read the letter aloud. According to Seligman, the ritual is powerful. "Everyone cries when you do a gratitude visit. It's moving for both people."

Pass it forward, or one good deed begets another is an ancient idea and is based on our need to be needed and to say thank you to those who have helped us out over the years. When I was teaching grade 10's I would have them do an autobiography and to help them organize the work, I would have them write about elementary school. In almost every essay I read students talked about the impact a teacher, a friend, an adult made in their lives. I would ask have you taken the time to say thank you to that person. Most students had not, in fact many of us do not practice this courtesy.

When I was young my mom would tell me, as I told my children (as I suspect many of us boomers did) "Please and Thank you are magic little words, use them and you may get what you need" As we grew older but not much wiser, many of us forgot the magic little words or forgot how to use them wisely and with meaning. Today on the radio, I heard a lady who had a show about aging gracefully talk about birthdays and how she now celebrates not a birthday but uses the day as a celebration of a major milestone for the year, she said: I have had a European Vacation day, I had a Roman Holiday adventure day". She went on to talk about using your birthday to celebrate major milestones that you did in the year, or hope to do in the following year.

Another variation on moving your birthday from growing older is to create the birthday gratitude list.  The birthday gratitude list is simple. On your birthday, make a list of the things for which you grateful-with the number of items equalling the number of years you're turning that day. (So as a 65 year old this year I will be creating a list of 65 things I am grateful for this year). As your list grows by one each year-the theory being that the older you get, more you have to be thankful for and if you keep your list, it gets easier to fill out as you only have to add one item. :-) The tough job is to create the original list

Gratitude should be something we build into our lives and one way to do this is to try this just for one day, then the next day try it for just one day. Keeping resolutions is difficult, but we can all try something just for one day,  Build a way to be thankful into your daily routine (try this for just one day). Tomorrow, at a certain time think of one thing for which you're grateful and write it down.  I also suggest that you not only think about the one thing you are grateful for but take a few minutes and explore the deeper meaning behind why you are grateful.  (try it for just one day and then the next day try it again but only for one day :-)

Doing these little gratitude exercises, I think, can help you restore your sense of balance and your sense that for all the bad things that happen to us, good things do happen to us. Over time and little by little a new sense of seeing the world can grow.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Magic of Self Love Part Two

Practical ways to love yourself!

There are, of course, infinite ways to love and to care for yourself. The possibilities are endless, and will depend on what is most appropriate for you at a given time, what brings you greatest joy, and what honours and fulfulls your heart’s wishes and soul’s purpose.

You already do love yourself, likely more than you are aware, yet if self-love feels new to you and you want to experience and develop more of it, there’s no shame in what may initially feel like ‘faking it till you make it’.

When you start to act more loving to yourself you will ignite a renewed relationship with yourself and step onto a path to a blossom-rich horizon. You will also reprogram your subconscious mind with a new way of being and relating with yourself.

Loving yourself may involve pampering and treating yourself in luxurious ways, yet it may also include less glamorous endeavours, for self-love is about doing what most serves you and your soul at a given time, and honouring and respecting yourself accordingly.

Loving yourself could be:
  • Cleaning your home, organising papers and accounts, eating healthy food, paying bills, clearing debts, etc.
  • Ending sabotaging patterns, habits or addictions.
  • Seeking the help, healing and support that will help you make the transition to a brighter future.
  • Setting new inspiring and enlivening goals, raising your standards and reaching for more.
  • No longer sacrificing to please others.
  • Being honest and intimate with yourself and others.
  • No longer settling for less and setting respecting boundaries.
  • Living somewhere that you truly love, or transforming, decorating or renovating your existing home to surround yourself with an environment that is beautiful, meaningful and heart-warming.
  • Nourishing and caring for your body, such as eating healthy food and exercising regularly. You might join a gym, get a personal trainer, or begin fun healthy activities like salsa, yoga, or a new sport or activity like hiking or running.
  • Doing 'nothing' and spending time relaxing, reflecting, de-stressing or simply ‘being’.
  • Treating yourself to the pleasures of massage, a facial, pedicure, beauty treatments or a new hair-do.
  • Buying new clothes that reflect your truer self.
  • Taking up or renewing a creative hobby or passion, be that singing, writing, walking, painting, sailing, or photography, for example.
  • Listening to and honouring your feelings.
  • Going on weekends away, short breaks and holidays to inject greater fun, happiness and adventure into your life.
  • Being in touch with friends and loved ones, and expressing the love you have for them, which will be nourishing not just to them, but to you as well.
  • Speaking kindly to yourself, seeing your value and goodness, affirming your positives and being grateful to yourself.
  • Having a night out on the town: going out for a fabulous dinner, dancing, to the movies or theatre, whether alone, with a friend a friend, or romantic partner.
  • Meditating.
  • Being true to yourself, upholding principles and standing your ground if required.
  • If you tend to save or hoard money, it could be having a care-free ‘splurge’.
  • Treating yourself does not need to be a great expense, however, and can be having breakfast in the garden on a sunny morning, taking a walk in the afternoon, having a bubble bath, a candlelight dinner in, going for a swim or watching the sunset.
  • Spending time in nature to bask in its beauty and grace. We all have favourite nature spots. For some it is the ocean side, for others the beauty of a spring meadow, for some it is to walk down country lanes, or enter a forest or grove. Perhaps you love riversides or waterfalls, or wide vistas and open landscapes with far reaching views, or hill tops and mountains.
  • Appreciating yourself for all your gifts, qualities, strengths and achievements, and having compassion and love for any perceived 'ugly sides', weaknesses, stresses, trials and tribulations.
  • Forgiving yourself for all 'mistakes' the lost or wounded you may have made, and letting go of negative self-concepts and beliefs.
"All my limitations are self-imposed and my liberation can only come from true self-love."

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Support circles

One of the most effective ways to incorporate what you are learning in your developmental opportunity or your path to self awareness, is to surround yourself with people who give you strength - people who have committed to living positive and thoughtful lives..

One of the biggest factors in your success is the people that you associate with. In particular, your five closest friends.The five people I am closest to help form my Support Circle.

As you undertake the journey to self awareness I would recommend that you take a look at YOUR "Support Circle", the five people you are closest to. It's crucial to your success that you have some positive - aligned people in the five to support you. If you have five positive aligned people cultivate and keep them, if you do not have five positive aligned people one of the first steps you will have to take is to leave people who are no positively aligned behind as you move forward in your journey.

I believe that the people you allow to make up this group are so instrumental to your success consciousness, that they truly become crucial to your path. They color your goals, expectations, and what you believe is possible for you.

Be honest with yourself, would you describe the people you now have as the five closest people in your life as people who are living in the "flow" or as people who are negative and struggling? Who are the five people in the group closest to you now?
If most of the five are not on the same path, can you think of two or three NEW people that you currently know, that you can actively work at developing a deeper relationship with and bring them into your Support Circle?

Take a moment NOW and form your Support Circle. Your Point of Focus right now is surrounding yourself with llike-minded people that will support and inspire you on your journey.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Happy Birthday to my daughter

As you celebrate another birthday,  (you get to celebrate for two days, one for the Canadian Date and one for the Australian Date, lucky you)I just want to reaffirm my love for you and the pride I have because you are who you are. You come from a long line of strong, determined women, both on your mom's side and my side of your family. Your great, great, great grandmother on your mom's side left her home in Newfoundland to follow the man she loved to BC--he left because he was opposed to the killing of the baby seals. Her travelling to BC, in the early 1900's was a brave act for anyone. Your grandmother on your mom's side was a leader in her union and fought hard for women's rights, in a time when few would stand up for health and safety of woodworkers, she was one of the leaders to make the woods safe. (I hope that you get a chance to spend more time with her and hear her story).

On my side my grandmother on both my dads side and my moms side left the safety of their  homes and travelled to start new lives in a new country and from all accounts were strong, determined, feisty women who stood up for themselves and challenged conventional thinking about the roles of women in their society.

When you were born, I was so proud and filled with love, as I watched you grow from my baby girl through to the woman you are today. My love and admiration for you is still strong. I am proud of you and the life that you have chosen and made for yourself. You are doing all of the women in your family who have come before you proud.

You are a determined, creative, bright, fun loving, smart, beautiful, courageous, strong, and caring woman and I am proud to call you my little girl. So celebrate your day and enjoy the love that you have with Adam and your friends and remember I am here for you . So hear my voice in the following as I sing to you on this your birthday:

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday  dear Danielle
Happy birthday to you

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. - Buddha...

How do we share happiness? I think the first step is to define what happiness is and that is not an easy step and one that we have been wrestling with for, I suspect, thousands of years. Some ideas that have, over the years, shaped by thinking on this topic follow.
First, have the attitude that the glass half full rather than a glass half empty as you explore the day to day activities of life
Second, trust that people have good intentions, (sometimes not great delivery of those intentions) trust that people are good, most of the time.
Third, when you have to make a decision, make your list pros and con's talk to people weigh the evidence or whatever you have to do then trust your instincts. 9.5 times out of 10 you will be right.
Fourth, build close personal relationships that are meaningful to you and try to stay connected to the people that you feel close to
Fifth, put on a happy face, smile or force a smile when you dealing with people that you are having difficulties with and remember that people are good most of the time and just trying to get by
Sixth, learn to  listen to the voice in your head that says the good things about you and life--this voice is hard to hear sometimes because it is being drowned out, at times, by all of the other voices telling us how wrong, lazy or bad we are.
Seventh, be content with who you are in the moment but have the courage to dream about what you soon will be
Eighth, hold the assumption that the world is yours for the asking
Ninth, remember the song we're were for a good time, not a long time. Life is short, and for some of us life is getting shorter so let the "good times roll"
Tenth, life involves taking risks most of them will end positively. Some will not, that's what defines risk, but if you don't take risks, you will be at your death bed, thinking what if .... and you want to be there thinking what's next?

Once you learn to be happy then you can start to light the candles and spread the joy and your candle when it goes out, will have benefited many others. Boomers are about taking risks and enjoying life, seniors are about waiting for the end of days, I'm a Boomer not a senior, don't worry be happy!