Showing posts with label memory lane. Show all posts
Showing posts with label memory lane. Show all posts

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Preserving family memories

 There are many ways to preserve family memories, and the best method will depend on the type of memory you want to preserve and your personal preferences. Some options include:

Photo albums or scrapbooks. These are a classic way to preserve photos and other mementos from special events or moments in your family’s history. Scrapbooks are a collection of mementos, photographs, and other memorabilia that are assembled and preserved in a book. It is a way to document creatively and preserve memories and special events. Scrapbooks are often handmade and customized with a wide variety of materials, such as stickers, stamps, and embellishments. They are a popular hobby for creative people who enjoy expressing themselves through art.

A photo album is a collection of photographs that are typically organized chronologically and preserved in a book or binder. Photo albums are often used to store and display pictures of special events, such as weddings, birthdays, and vacations. Photo albums can be purchased pre-made or can be created by the user. They are a convenient way to store and view photographs, and they can be a sentimental way to preserve memories.

Scrapbooks and photo albums serve similar purposes. They are both used to store and display memories. However, scrapbooks are more artistic and customizable, while photo albums are more straightforward and functional.

Digital media. If you prefer a more modern approach, consider creating a digital photo album or video slideshow. You can store these files in the cloud or on a hard drive for safekeeping.

Memory boxes. A memory box is a physical container where you can store keepsakes and mementos from your family’s past. This could include letters, postcards, tickets, and other small items that have sentimental value.

Home movies. Consider filming home movies or creating a video diary to capture special moments and memories from your family’s life.

Oral history. Another way to preserve family memories is to record the stories and memories of your loved ones. We can do this through audio or video recordings, or by writing them down. One of the best ways to gather oral family history is to have conversations with older family members, especially parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents. You can also reach out to other relatives, such as aunts, uncles, and cousins, and ask them about their memories and experiences. It's helpful to prepare a list of questions beforehand to guide the conversation and make sure you forget nothing. You can also consider recording the conversation or taking notes to help preserve the information. Other ways to gather oral family history include interviewing family members in person or over the phone, sending out written questionnaires, or creating a group conversation through video chat or social media. It’s important to be respectful when gathering oral family history and to make sure that all family members feel comfortable sharing their stories.

Regardless of the method you choose, it’s important to review regularly and update your family’s memories to ensure that we preserve them for future generations.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Slip sliding away

 In my previous life, I knew a bit about computers, I taught programming and had my first computer back in 1983. I was fortunate enough to complete a Master’s in Educational Technology back in 1995. So when I have a problem with my computer I can usually fix it without calling for help.

The other day my Samsung Laser printer went offline and so I set about trying to reconnect it to my computer. I thought it would be an easy job, but after two days of frustration, I could not get it working. So, I resorted to the old trick of re-installing it. Even that did not work. I had updated the drivers, checked my connections, and checked to make sure it was recognized by the home network I was using. The computer was recognized by the network, yet Windows 10 would not recognize the printer.

I was at my wit's end, so I made one more attempt to get the printer connected, and it worked. I sat back and went over what I had done differently between the first attempt and the second. I realized that I had changed one step, and that made it work.

I am slowly losing my grip on technology. I have a smartphone which I use for social media, texting, and email as well as my phone. Most of the functions of the phone are like my understanding of Greek, which is zero. 

I don’t know if I am getting old or just tired of trying to keep up with technology. I feel my old life is slip sliding away. One day I will set aside my keyboard and stroll off to the sunset, but I hope that is not for a long, long time. As the song says “We’re here for a good time, not a long time.”

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Transitions and field trips

We were talking to my daughter about our grandson finishing his elementary school year and moving on to grade seven. Transitions to high school is a big step forward for any young person and it can be scary, challenging and fun. However, before he moves up, he has one more field trip to take. In his school since he has been in grade four the school has held a yearly field trip for each grade, he has been in. Every year the grade six class gets to spend five days in Ballarat touring the city and the town of Sovereign Hills. They leave in about a week and the children will get the chance to o relive the Gold Rush of the 1850s and ’60s and learn about the significance of the Eureka Stockade. They will try their hand at panning for gold and discover through re-enactments and artifacts the days when gold nuggets could be unearthed with a pen knife! My wife and I visited Ballarat and Sovereign Hills about five years ago and there were hundreds of elementary school children enjoying the day. It will be a trip my grandson will remember for the rest of his life.

As we talked about the upcoming field trip for him, I thought about the memorable field trips I had been on when I was in school. we did not do overnight field trips when I was in school. The trips we had were day trips, but they were memorable. The most exciting trips I went on were arranged by our Science teacher. We were able to climb to the top of our local mountain and visit the Fire Look Out station. It was a full day trip, and it was fun as we walked up an old trail to the top. Near the top, all of us boys would race to see who would be the first to the top. Our own king of the castle. I think it was to impress the girls and I remember I never was first; I usually was in the top five. We did this trip three years in a row.

It was so much fun that when my wife (girlfriend at the time) came to my town to visit for the first time, we hiked up to the mountain. A great time and I think I impressed her as we were married two years later.

Another trip was for our year end party at the end of grade 9, we were all transitioning to the high school, so our teachers arranged a day at a resort on the south side of town. There was a swimming pool, a beach, picnic tables and a good time was had by all. What field trips leap to your mind when thinking about your school life?

Thursday, July 21, 2022


 I have a friend who has vascular dementia but he is handling it well and by doing mental and physical exercises he has slowed down its advance. He is open and friendly and sometimes can get caught up in the moment and lose himself.

We were at a football game the other day and our team won so everyone was in a great mood. Three of my friends including my friend who has vascular dementia had arrived together. We had all parked in the same parking garage. 

As we wandered back to the car, my friend and I were chatting and we were falling behind the other two who were in a hurry to leave before the crowd. All of a sudden  I am talking to myself, and my friend is off talking to someone in the next block The conversation lasted about 5 minutes. I stopped and waited for him. As he came back, I asked him, if the person he was talking to was someone he knew. He said no, he just wanted to tell the man that he liked the football sweater he was wearing. My friend then wandered back in history to when he had actually met the player named on the sweater worn by the stranger. 

My friend looked around and looked a bit confused, so I said the car is this way and our friends are waiting up the street. My friend smiled and we moved to catch up to the other two, who had realized we were not right behind them so they had stopped and waited. As we moved into the parking lot, my friend saw something someone was doing in their car and he stopped and went over and chatted with them for a few minutes. All of us waited and then when he was ready we took him to the car.

My friend is spontaneous and always has been so, but these days we need to keep an eye on him because once he has finished talking to a stranger, he can forget where he is and where he needs to go next. He gets to meet a lot of great people and always has a good time. Sometimes i wish I had the courage to be just as spontaneous as he is, It is a good trait.