Sunday, February 11, 2018

Inconsiderate Bad Habits

Some bad habits are just plain inconsiderate.  The person does their behaviors without a thought to the person he is affecting.  A little attention to the feelings of others would stop many of these bad habits in their tracks.  

Many people have inconsiderate bad habits in the kitchen.  You will find them drinking from the milk jug or juice carton.  They do not consider that someone else might not like to drink after them.  They are in the habit of doing it, so they do not think about it.  

Someone might have the bad habit of opening two liter bottles of pop and leaving the caps off.  This is inconsiderate to the person buying the soda because the soda goes flat.  No one will drink it.  It is also a bad habit to open carbonated drink cans and drink a few swallows only.  Many people will do this and then right away open another.  

The refrigerator is a source of trouble in some homes.  People have certain bad habits there, too.  They might take food out of the refrigerator and leave it on the counter to spoil.  They may simply stand in front with the door open, staring as all the cold rushes out.  

If you have an older refrigerator, they may have bad habits about not filling ice cube trays, and leaving them in the freezing compartment empty.  Some people have bad habits of freeloading.  They will clean your refrigerator out of food in no time at all if you do not watch them.  They will take food when they have been offered none, and when they are offered some, they will take more.  

Sometimes people staying with you, or living with you as roommates, will do some cooking.  If they have bad habits and do not clean up their messes, you will not appreciate the food they cook no matter how good it is.  After awhile, you will just wish they would stop cooking altogether.  

Other bad habits have to do with the bathroom.  Sometimes, people hog the bathroom.  They will not leave time for anyone else to get in to use it.  You may need to go to work the same time as they do.  If they do not let you get in to get ready, they will be on time and you will be the one who is late.  That is very inconsiderate.  

Men have been told forever, it seems that their bad habits of leaving the toilet seat up are inconsiderate.  They do not realize that a woman, not expecting the seat to be up, can actually get injured by falling in too hard.  It is not a pleasant subject, and it is not a pleasant thing to happen.  

Other bad habits involve vehicles.  You might be in the habit of leaving your car windows down.  If you are accustomed to this, you will be ready to put them up if you know rain is coming.  However, if you leave someone else's windows down, they may not be prepared.  Also, it is a bad habit to borrow a car and not put gas in it.  

If you think of other people every day, you will be less likely to engage in inconsiderate bad habits.  You will find that you are appreciated more if you find ways to control your behaviors and curb your bad habits.  

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Emotional Bad Habits

The question of whether moods constitute bad habits is an interesting one.  Many mood disorders have been identified.  These and other psychological problems are seen by some as strictly bad habits.  

In fact, it has been shown that continuing to dwell in your present mood perpetuates it.  When you decide to pretend you are happy, studies show that you may actually improve your mood in time.  This is not a hard and fast rule, but there is some indication that people do have some control over their moods.  

Moodiness, for example, may be more than bad habits for many.  It may be a bipolar disorder or some other psychiatric problem.  However, for some, it may just be that they are giving in to every feeling that comes along.  They have the bad habits of not trying to have any control over their whims.  

Being pessimistic is one of the bad habits that can also be seen as a symptom of depression.  Yet, for many, it is just a habit of thought.  They may tell themselves that pessimism is a win-win way of thinking.  

If things go right, you win.  If things go wrong, you were correct, so you win.  These people can improve their moodiness by looking at the positive side of things in the beginning.   

Being in a worrying mood is similar to being pessimistic.  The difference between the two bad habits is that when you worry, you become obsessed and dread upcoming events.  If you have the bad habit of worrying, you can slowly train yourself out of it, especially if you have the right kind of help.  

Codependency is not exactly a mood, but it is an emotional state.  It is a set of bad habits that encourage a loved one to do the harmful behavior.  You do not want your son to be an alcoholic, for example. 

However, you constantly make excuses for his behavior to others.  If you want him to get better, you have to stand up and decide to stop with your bad habits.  You have to hold him accountable for his actions.  

If you have hypochondria, you have an emotionally painful bad habit.  Certainly, a person with hypochondria needs psychological help.  However, the treatment that person will receive will probably center on helping them change their bad habits of thought.  They will learn new ways to think about illness and their own bodies.  This will give them some control over their emotions.  

If you do a lot of attention seeking, you have bad habits that you can learn to abandon.  This could relate back to something in your past.  Perhaps, you were ignored as a child because there was some other needier person in the home.  You learned bad habits of getting attention by annoying means.  Taming this bad habit requires acknowledgment of it and possibly professional help.  

Bad habits that relate to emotional states are often hard to break.  Sometimes you need help to overcome them if you cannot do it on your own.  The sooner you stop doing your emotional bad habits, the happier your life will be.  

Friday, February 9, 2018

Bad Habits in Relationships

People often come to relationships with bad habits when it comes to getting along with another person. They may have every intention of making a relationship work, but ingrained trends stop them from truly connecting. There are many such bad habits.
Jealousy plagues many otherwise good relationships. A boyfriend might always suspect his girlfriend of going around with other men. Or, it could be more subtle. A woman may suspect that her husband is constantly looking for another female to take her place. In either case, the jealous person may have nothing really to worry about. This is when it gets to be nothing more than a bad habit.
Selective hearing is another problem that becomes a bad habit in relationships. People do not pay attention to each other's needs. One person will try to explain something that is important to them, and the other will say, "yes, yes," but will not really hear.
Then, when the first person says something the second person is interested in, suddenly they are in the conversation completely. This fosters feelings of hostility and is one of the relationships bad habits that can wear a couple down over time.
People can develop bad habits in long relationships if they lean too much on the other person. They can depend so much on the other person that they lose the ability to take care of themselves. A person in a relationship may become irresponsible at work because of it. They may feel that they are taken care of anyway, so it does not matter. These bad habits can take over every aspect of their lives.
Some couples fall into bad habits in their fighting. All healthy couples will disagree from time to time. Where bad habits come in is the way the arguments are conducted. One partner may have the bad habit of yelling at the top of her lungs.
Another partner may throw dishes instead. Still, another may bring up old arguments to try to hurt the other person. All these are bad habits in relationships because they are not productive forms of disagreement.
Many people in relationships get into the bad habits of nagging their partners. This has often been portrayed as a women's fault. However, men do it too. Sometimes, both parties in the relationship will nag each other. That makes for a very unhealthy relationship.
Blaming comes with its own price. This is a bad habit that erodes a relationship if it goes on too long. One person may be taking all the blame. In this case, that person's self-esteem can get to a very low point.
Other times, people can blame each other. If this happens, the usual result is a disconnect between the two partners. They do not want to be involved with someone who does not accept responsibility.
If you want to have a healthy relationship, you need to purge yourself of your bad habits. The sooner you learn what you and your partner need to stay together, the better your bond will be.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Avoiding Bad Habits

Would it not be nice if you could avoid bad habits instead of having to quit them after starting? No one will avoid all bad habits. There are just too many to stay away from them all. Yet, you can reduce the number of bad habits you have to conquer.
There are certain bad habits that you can avoid altogether. Your body has no need for nicotine or tar from cigarettes. So, if you do not take that first cigarette, you will never have to face the daunting task of giving them up. It is well worth any social discomfort you might feel to dodge that bullet.
Other bad habits are a matter of degree. Your body needs food. Many people realize that they will gain a lot of weight if they do not take action. However, you cannot just stop eating altogether. You could for awhile, but that would not be healthy either. Instead, you must find a way to limit yourself.
To avoid the bad habits involved in letting yourself become overweight, you need to think differently. You can do this by thinking of food as a special treat that you only get at certain times. You can eat like a thin person-picking out the best part and leave the rest. There is a host of different thinking patterns you can take on to avoid getting fat.
Not exercising is another of the bad habits that will make you gain weight. You may know that you need to get up and move around. You may have every intention to do so. The energy does not seem to be there when you need it. To avoid this bad habit, start slowly. What you may not realize is that the energy will increase as your exercise increases.
Bad habits of personal hygiene can be avoided by developing a positive routine. If you fear going out in public smelling bad, you can make it a habit to shower every morning. Shower more than once a day if the situation calls for it. Brush your teeth and comb your hair. If you are just starting out on your own, you could even make a list. After all, you are probably past those teen years when everyone else made sure you were decent.
Relationships are difficult enough without developing bad habits. If you are getting married, make a point of discussing all the possible trouble areas first. You can do this with a pre-marriage counselor or on your own. Either way, it is good to learn how you each can contribute to keeping away the bad habits of jealousy or neglect.
Many bad habits can be avoided if you will only consider the needs of yourself and of others equally. Putting yourself first at all times makes you selfish and hard to abide. Putting others first all the time just makes you a doormat.
For every bad habit, there is a way to avoid it. The trouble is that no one can be vigilant enough to control that many behaviors. What is more, many bad habits start before people are old enough to think much about it. If you want to, though, you can pass up some of them.