Friday, May 11, 2018

Do you know?

It's working.  Every day you're getting closer!
Everything you've ever wanted is being pressed toward you.
Everything is clicking.

Don't let the illusions trick you.
Don't let the events of today dampen your spirits.
Things couldn't be any better than they now are.
You couldn't have more reasons to celebrate.

Press on!
The hardest work is done!

Keep showing up, be present, open every door and let events unfold.
Life is your stage.
This is your parade.

Together you can do anything.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Are you a Master?

Here is an idea, everyone can be a Master of something. There are many potential Masters among us. They are scattered throughout the continents to shine their lights as brightly as possible, simply by being themselves, living mostly "ordinary" lives. They are the people who lead in stressful situations, they are the ones who pick on the small community issues that cause others problems. They are the activists, the fighters, the visionaries, the dreamers among us.

Until there are enough of them walking the earth, and a tipping point is reached at the deepest energetic levels we will walk in darkness. Once we reach the tipping point where we are surrounded by these Masters we will be raised ever higher into the light, simply for being in their midst, as if through osmosis. 

Of course... there's always been the risk that these Masters, once immersed in a sea of limited thinkers, might mistake their "ordinary" lives as simply ordinary lives, think they're simply one of the herd, and therefore not appreciate their unique perspectives, grasp their mission, or love themselves as they are, no matter what others think, and the whole osmosis thing won't work. If that is the case, then we are in big trouble, but I don't believe the Masters will be held back by the "ordinary lives" they lead. We need to celebrate unique perspectives and individuals and help them reach their potential.

How are you holding up? Loving yourself? Understanding that you could be a Master that has not yet recognized their true worth?

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Baby Steps

Great big, innovative, world-changing ideas are plentiful don't you think. Everyone seems to have the latest and greatest idea or is busy chasing the latest and greatest idea. But people who take tiny little baby steps toward them are rare.

If you are one of those who are taking baby steps you are so acing this life.  There is a quote from the Chinese Philosopher Laozi (604 BC) which says a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.  In this quote, Lao Tzu is trying to express the idea that great things start from humble beginnings. For many of us, this is common sense, but in our everyday quest to solve the problems of our world, we forget this idea. For example, if a person is lonely, it is hard to make new friends, but it is a small step to smile every time you see someone, or just say hi and smile when you see the same person every day. If you repeat this small gesture, over time a relationship may build and a friendship may be forged.

My six-year-old grandson was frustrated that he could not do a particular flip on his trampoline at home, but he started small and continued to work at it each day until he could do it. Small steps toward a goal are just as important as the big leap, and I sometimes think that slow and steady progress is easier on us than chaotic and rapid change. We are creatures of habit and although we say we like change, or we say we believe that the only constant in life is change. Change and progress bother us if they are done too quickly, we prefer to move slowly toward a future or a destination that creeps up on us, rather than one that jumps out at us. By moving slowly we can see how the change or the journey will change us, and we can begin to adapt to that new version or the new way of doing.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018


I have a split personality, sometimes I am quiet and sometimes I am outgoing. I wonder how many of us have the same way of looking at life.
When I am in a quiet mood I find that people, sometimes virtual strangers, tell me their deepest secrets. I think it is because when they talk, I don't judge, I just listen and I hear their story. I also don't offer advice or rarely do. When I was young I gave advice and found it was usually ignored so I no longer give advice. 
I really like a movie called Harvey. James Stewart plays a man who sees a "Pooka", whose name is Harvey. No one else can see Harvey but James Stewart. In the movie, the character played by James Stewart befriends many people just by listening to their stories, and when they are finished telling him all their troubles and sorrows, he introduces them to his friend Harvey, and as his character says in the movie.  And they tell about the big terrible things they've done and the big wonderful things they'll do. They tell me Their hopes and their regrets,  their loves, and their hates. All very large, because nobody ever brings anything small into a bar. And then I introduce them to Harvey. And he's bigger and grander than anything they offer me. And when they leave, they leave impressed.
When people are sharing their secrets with me,  my quiet self-shows them through non-verbal language that no matter what they have to say, I will not lose my respect for them. I also do not introduce them to my invisible friend.  Sometimes it is easier to tell a stranger your problems then it is to tell a friend. I wonder why that is.