Saturday, July 3, 2010

Thank you

I have spent the last two  months working in a Learning Center and just want to say thank you to the teachers at the center for making my time enjoyable. In another life I had some district responsibility for helping Learning Centers when the first started in our district. I worked closely with the staff and leadership to help them create the culture of learning, their goals, and their approach to working with the students who end up at the centers. It was a fun time as well as challenging. I am glad to say that the ideals the approach and the goals of the centers. although refined, have not changed that much since the centers were started. As I sat in out lunch room and listened to the teachers talk about the students and their success and their frustrations with students who were not trying, I thought these people really care. The teachers in the centers do not have the luxury of working with the best and the brightest, they work with the students who are one step away from leaving. These students have all arrived at the centers with histories of bad marks, attitudes, drug use, or other problems that make it impossible for the student to be successful in the mainstream. The teachers and the staff at the center work really hard, to make sure the students are successful. I appreciated my time there and wish them well next year

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