Saturday, September 28, 2013

A letter to my grandson

On your 3rd birthday here are some thoughts that one day I hope you understand.
Ryder, you have a choice about what kind of person you will be, and you make these choices every day by the actions you take, the thoughts you think, and the way you interact with other people. The person you become is the accumulation of every day that you live and the choices you make daily. 

You can be content and let others make choices for you and if you don’t choose, the world will choose for you. But I am not writing about the world, I am writing to you because I love you and I want you to be the best person you can be. There is only one life and that life is about you. It’s your life.  You only get one and it’s happening right now, so choose the life you want.

Don't over think, let your heart and soul guide you in the decisions that you make. Your mom and dad have given you  a strong foundation so you can figure out what is right and wrong and what is important. Remember, that when you’re deciding what it is that you want,  you don’t need to have it all figured out as sometimes serendipity is a wonderful way to decide.

Be your own man, by that I mean don't rely on friends or adults to help you make decisions when  it comes to choosing the life you want. Friends come and go. Over your lifetime you will have a circle of friends and acquaintances of about 200 people, but the 200 people that come to your high school graduation, will not be the same 200 people that come to your wedding. We change, our friends change, it is sad but it’s true. 

True friends are rare and hard to find, but if you have a true friend they  will support you and love you and understand, no matter what choices you make. If you ever make a choice that they don’t agree with, they'll understand that it was your choice to make. If they don’t understand that – then it’s time for you to let go of that friendship because you've grown in different directions.

Don’t listen to adults when it comes to choosing the life you want. I know that I have been making things up as I go along and I suspect many other adults believe the same about how they operate their lives.  Many adults, who have a vested interest, will try to tell you what sort of life you want. These people will want you to buy their products or work in their companies or support them in their endeavours  If you truly want to do those things, then go for it. But don’t make those choices based on what “they” say. It’s not their life – it’s yours.

Finally, don’t listen to me or your parents when it comes to choosing the life you want.  I'm your grandpa and I love you more deeply than anything. You mom and dad and granny and  I only want the best for you. But even we can’t say what’s right for your life. That’s for you to decide. And we won’t be around forever. We may not agree with all of the choices you'll make, but we know that they are your choices to make because it’s your life. I am sure that your mom and dad love you and will support you in whatever choices you make although they will try to influence you to make choices with which they agree. I love you and I support you  well.

Speaking of not being around forever, no one has  a guaranteed time on this earth. So, do not, waste a single moment on regret or fear. Accept that you'll make mistakes –  we all do and will continue to do so, making mistakes is part of being human. 

Some people make mistakes and they freeze and they do not move forward with the life they deserve. It is difficult, but promise me and more importantly promise yourself that you won’t let those mistakes stop you. Mistakes can be lessons that will help guide you to the life you do want. 

Get in touch with your heart, like you were when you were young. As a child you loved adventure, playing music, and creating order. There were times when the adults around you would be loud and boisterous but you would find peace for yourself and listen to you heart. Listen to it always and listen carefully – it will guide you well. Then make your choices and act!

Love Grandpa
Inspired by Patrick Mathieu

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