Showing posts with label active ageing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label active ageing. Show all posts

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Mental Health Challenges of Ageism

Ageism doesn't only affect mental health but can also have broader consequences on a senior's overall well-being. It can lead to decreased physical activity, isolation from social connections, and a general feeling of being undervalued. Just because they might take a little longer to get up from the couch doesn't mean they should be pushed to the sidelines. They deserve to be front and center, enjoying life to the fullest.

For many Easter and March is about the holidays and families, except there are many who don't have friends or family. Ageism doesn't just build walls, it can create entire fortresses of social isolation and loneliness. When society perpetuates the belief that older adults are less capable or interesting, it hampers their ability to connect with others and maintain meaningful relationships. It's like throwing an Easter Bunny-themed party but telling the Bunny he can't sit at the cool kids' table because he's too old. How rude!

Ageism in the workplace is all too real. Seniors often face discrimination when it comes to employment opportunities, with employers assuming they lack the skills or adaptability to keep up with younger colleagues. This can lead to financial insecurity and a deeper reliance on social support systems. But let's be honest, they've got more experience in their little finger than most millennials have in their whole body.

Ageism throws up roadblocks at every turn, making it harder for older adults to access essential services and opportunities. From limited healthcare options to restricted social programs, ageism can limit the quality of life for seniors. It's like trying to go on a road trip but realizing that all the roads have barricades that say, "Sorry, you're too old for this adventure." Well, who needs those roads anyway? Seniors will forge their own paths.

So, let's kick ageism to the curb and recognize the value and worth of our older adults. They still have plenty to offer, and it's about time we show them the respect they deserve. After all, we'll all be rocking those high-waisted jeans and reminiscing about the good old days sooner than we think.

Ageism does more than just hurt feelings; it can have a profound impact on the health and well-being of seniors. When older adults are subjected to stereotypes or discrimination based on their age, it can negatively affect their physical and mental health. Studies have shown that ageism can contribute to increased stress levels, higher rates of chronic diseases, and even a shorter lifespan. So, the next time you're tempted to make an ageist joke, remember that it might not be so harmless after all.

Ageism also seeps into healthcare systems and treatment plans. There is a tendency among some healthcare professionals to overlook or dismiss the concerns of older patients, assuming that their symptoms are just a "natural part of aging." This can lead to underdiagnosis, delayed treatment, and ultimately poorer health outcomes for seniors. It's essential for healthcare providers to recognize the unique needs and concerns of older adults and treat them with the same level of care and attention as younger patients.

In addition to receiving subpar treatment, older adults may also face challenges when it comes to making healthcare decisions. Ageist attitudes can undermine the autonomy and agency of older individuals, causing their preferences and wishes to be disregarded. This can result in a loss of control over one's own healthcare decisions, leading to feelings of frustration and helplessness. It's important to involve seniors in healthcare discussions and respect their choices, ensuring that they have a say in their own well-being.

Friday, March 8, 2024

Empowering Seniors Against RSV

As we gracefully navigate the golden years of life, safeguarding our health becomes increasingly paramount. Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), a prevalent respiratory virus in Canada, can impact the well-being of seniors aged 65 and above. While some may perceive the need for preventive measures as unnecessary, understanding the importance of protection against RSV is crucial for a vibrant and active lifestyle in our senior years.

RSV primarily infects the airways and lungs, leading to respiratory complications. Though RSV infections typically manifest as mild cold-like symptoms, seniors are among the most vulnerable to severe complications. Unlike the temporary immunity acquired by children, adults over 65 may experience repeated infections, putting them at a higher risk of hospitalization, mechanical ventilation, and ICU admission. Shockingly, the mortality rate among seniors due to RSV infections is six times greater than that of infants under one year old.

It's important to note that RSV is more contagious than seasonal influenza, emphasizing the need for proactive measures. While influenza-related hospitalizations are more common among seniors, the risk of mortality with RSV is comparable, underscoring the severity of RSV infections in this age group.

Currently, there are no specific treatments for RSV, making prevention a key focus. Monoclonal antibodies are available for certain groups, but their high cost and limited availability in older age groups have hindered widespread use. Encouragingly, advancements in vaccine development offer hope, with three vaccines—Arexvy, Abrysvo™, and mRNA-1345—showing significant efficacy against RSV.

To motivate seniors to prioritize RSV protection, it's essential to address the existing barriers. Awareness of RSV and its potential impact needs enhancement through ongoing education. Healthcare providers play a pivotal role in improving understanding and access to recommended vaccines, dispelling misconceptions about their necessity in older adults.

The National Immunization Association (NIA) presents evidence-informed recommendations for comprehensive RSV protection:

Promote General Preventive Practices: Encourage seniors to adopt preventive measures against RSV, fostering a proactive approach to health.

Improve Surveillance: Enhance monitoring of RSV infections and mortality, providing a clearer understanding of its impact on healthcare systems.

Continue Vaccine Development: Support ongoing efforts to develop effective RSV vaccines for all age groups.

Promote Life-Course Vaccination: Emphasize the importance of vaccinations throughout one's life, including older adults.

Free RSV Vaccinations: Provide cost-free RSV vaccinations for populations where it is deemed cost-effective.

Follow NACI Statements: Encourage adherence to National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) statements regarding RSV vaccinations.

Clinician Education: Equip healthcare providers with knowledge and support for delivering RSV vaccinations, including pharmacists and primary care professionals.

Harmonize Vaccination Administration: Streamline vaccination procedures across provinces, ensuring consistency and accessibility.

Accurate Reporting: Establish robust reporting and monitoring systems to track RSV vaccination rates accurately.

By embracing these recommendations, we can fortify our defences against RSV, creating a healthier, more resilient community of seniors. Let's unite in our commitment to proactive health practices, ensuring a vibrant and fulfilling future for all.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Embrace a Holistic Understanding of Age

Subjective age goes beyond the numbers on our birth certificates. It encompasses our mindset, health, social connections, and sense of purpose. By recognizing and embracing our subjective age, we can cultivate a positive and resilient outlook on aging. Let's challenge ageism, break free from societal expectations, and live our lives to the fullest, regardless of the years that have passed. After all, age is just one part of our story, and we have the power to define what it means to grow older.

Subjective and chronological age offer different lenses through which we perceive and experience the process of aging. While chronological age provides a biological framework, subjective age encompasses the psychological and social dimensions of our perception. Recognizing the importance of both aspects allows us to embrace a more holistic understanding of age. By challenging ageism, promoting positive aging mindsets, and nurturing our physical and mental well-being, we can cultivate a more fulfilling and vibrant life regardless of our chronological age. Embracing a holistic understanding of age empowers us to navigate the journey of aging with grace, purpose, and a sense of self-determination.

In conclusion, understanding and addressing subjective and chronological ageing as they relate to ageism is important for building a society that values and respects individuals of all ages. The impact of ageism on seniors is far-reaching, affecting their mental health, social connections, and economic well-being. By challenging stereotypes, advocating for change, and implementing age-friendly policies, we can work towards creating an age-inclusive society where seniors are empowered, included, and given equal opportunities. 

Monday, November 27, 2023

Promoting Positive Ageing

Embracing a positive mindset towards aging is a key strategy to enhance subjective age. By challenging negative beliefs about getting older, we can reshape our perspective and adopt a more optimistic view. Engage in activities that promote personal growth, celebrate achievements, and maintain a sense of purpose. Surround yourself with positive role models who embody active and fulfilling lives at any age. Remember, age is just a number, and it doesn't define our potential for happiness and fulfillment.

To combat ageism, we need to start by raising awareness and challenging the stereotypes that perpetuate it. We can all play a part by speaking out against ageist language and jokes, and by promoting positive images and stories of older adults. Let's celebrate the wisdom, experience, and contributions that come with age, rather than reducing someone's worth to a number.

Building strong connections between different generations is another powerful way to combat ageism. By fostering intergenerational relationships, we can break down barriers and bridge the gap between young and old. Whether it's through volunteering, mentorship programs, or community initiatives, these connections help challenge ageist assumptions and promote understanding and empathy across all age groups.

In addition to mindset, certain lifestyle factors can contribute to how young or old we feel. Taking care of our physical health through regular exercise, a balanced diet, and proper sleep can have a positive impact on our subjective age. Engaging in meaningful social connections and maintaining an active social life can also promote feelings of youthfulness and belonging. Finding purpose and meaning in our daily lives, whether through work, hobbies, or volunteering, can provide a sense of fulfillment and vitality at any age.

Advocacy and empowerment initiatives are crucial in the fight against ageism. By joining forces with organizations and activists working to combat age-based discrimination, we can amplify our voices and push for change. Together, we can advocate for policies and programs that promote inclusivity, equal rights, and opportunities for people of all ages. Remember, age is just a number, not a measure of a person's worth

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Chronological vs Subjective ageind Examining Stereotypes and Prejudice

Ageism, much like the high-waisted jeans trend, is a concept that has unfortunately stood the test of time. It refers to prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination against individuals based on their age, particularly when it pertains to older adults. You know, like assuming they can't work their smartphone and offering to show them how to send a text like it's a mystical art form.

Unfortunately, ageism is still prevalent in society, and it affects individuals of all ages. Ageism refers to stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination based on age. Older adults often face negative stereotypes, such as being viewed as frail, technologically inept, or mentally unstable. These stereotypes can lead to exclusion, limited opportunities, and unequal treatment. Conversely, younger individuals may also experience ageism, with their abilities and perspectives being disregarded due to their perceived lack of life experience.

The impact of ageism on mental health should not be underestimated. Feeling marginalized and overlooked can lead to increased rates of depression, anxiety, and even cognitive decline. It's like society is saying, "Hey, you're old, so you might as well just sit in a rocking chair and count down your days." But seniors are resilient, and they deserve better than society's ageist assumption

Interestingly, subjective age plays a role in the experience of ageism. Individuals who feel younger than their chronological age may be more resilient to age-related stereotypes and discrimination. They are less likely to conform to societal expectations and are more likely to challenge ageist attitudes. On the other hand, those who feel older than their age may internalize negative age-related beliefs, leading to reduced self-confidence and a greater susceptibility to ageist treatment. Recognizing the impact of subjective age in the context of ageism is essential for fostering a more inclusive and age-diverse society.

It is possible to change our subjective age. Although subjective age is influenced by a variety of factors, including genetic predispositions and societal norms, research suggests that interventions and lifestyle modifications can impact how we perceive our age. By adopting a healthy lifestyle, engaging in activities that promote a sense of purpose and fulfillment, and cultivating a positive mindset towards aging, individuals can experience a shift in their subjective age and embrace a more positive and youthful outlook on life.


Saturday, November 25, 2023

Social Psychological, and Cultural Factors Affecting Subjective Age

We know that each stage of life brings its own set of unique milestones and challenges. From infancy to old age, the experiences we encounter vary significantly. Understanding these developmental milestones can help us navigate different life stages and support individuals appropriately.

Subjective age can be influenced by social factors such as relationships and social comparisons. The people we interact with and the societal standards we encounter can impact how we perceive our age. Comparing oneself to others in terms of accomplishments, appearance, or life stage can either make someone feel younger or older. Social support, on the other hand, can contribute to a positive perception of age and promote a sense of well-being.

Psychological factors also play a role in subjective age. Attitudes, self-perception, and identity can shape how someone views themselves in relation to their age. Positive self-perception and a strong sense of identity can contribute to a younger subjective age, while negative self-perception and a weak sense of identity can make someone feel older. Self-care, self-acceptance, and engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment can help maintain a younger subjective age.

Cultural influences vary across different societies and can impact subjective age perceptions. Cultural norms, expectations, and values regarding aging and life stages shape how individuals perceive their age. For example, in some cultures, youthfulness may be highly valued, leading individuals to perceive themselves as younger. In contrast, cultures that prioritize wisdom and experience may lead individuals to feel older. Understanding cultural contexts provides insight into the subjective age experiences of individuals in different societies.

Friday, November 24, 2023

Subjective Age Impacts on Mental and Physical Health

When it comes to how old we feel, our subjective age can have a significant impact on our mental health. Research suggests that individuals who perceive themselves as younger than their chronological age tend to have higher levels of psychological well-being. They often exhibit traits such as higher self-esteem, greater life satisfaction, and lower levels of anxiety and depression. Embracing a younger mindset, regardless of our actual age, can contribute to a more positive and resilient mental state.

Our perception of age is not solely an internal affair—it's influenced by the social world around us. The people we interact with and the societal standards we encounter can impact how we perceive our age. Social support plays a vital role in promoting a positive perception of age and fostering a sense of well-being.

Believe it or not, our subjective age can also influence our physical health. Studies have found that those who feel younger than their chronological age tend to have better overall health outcomes. They demonstrate higher levels of physical functioning, exhibit more active lifestyles, and are more likely to engage in healthy behaviours. On the other hand, feeling older than one's actual age has been associated with poorer physical health and a higher risk of chronic conditions. So, it seems that how we perceive our age can have a tangible impact on our bodies as well.

Promoting positive subjective aging involves adopting certain strategies and mindsets. Cultivating a positive outlook on aging, challenging ageist stereotypes and beliefs, fostering social connections, engaging in meaningful activities, and prioritizing physical and mental well-being are all steps toward enhancing subjective age. Embracing a proactive and holistic approach to aging can positively influence how we perceive ourselves and experience the aging journey.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Chronological Age: Biological and Developmental Factors

While subjective age reflects our internal perception of age, chronological age remains a crucial factor in understanding aging from a biological perspective.

Biological aging encompasses the natural physiological changes that occur in our bodies over time. Factors such as genetics, cellular processes, and environmental influences contribute to this complex process. Understanding chronological age helps assess health risks, design appropriate interventions, and provide medical care tailored to the specific needs of different age groups.

Chronological age is crucial when considering biological aging. It encompasses the natural physiological changes that occur in the body over time. While subjective age may not always align with biological aging, understanding chronological age helps in assessing health risks, designing interventions, and providing appropriate medical care.

Chronological age is also important in determining developmental milestones. It provides a framework for understanding physical, cognitive, and psychological changes that occur with age. From infancy to old age, each stage of life is associated with unique milestones and challenges. Our understanding of a person's Chronological age serves as a guide in understanding and supporting individuals through these different phases of development.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

The world populaltion is ageing

People worldwide are living longer, resulting in a significant increase in the proportion of older individuals in the population. By 2030, 1 in 6 people globally will be aged 60 years or over, reaching 1.4 billion. The number of people aged 60 years and older is expected to double to 2.1 billion by 2050, with 426 million aged 80 years or older. This demographic shift, known as population ageing, is now more prominent in low- and middle-income countries.

Great news! People worldwide are experiencing a significant increase in life expectancy, leading to a demographic shift towards an ageing population. People worldwide are living longer, and this incredible trend is bringing some exciting changes. By 2030, one out of every six people globally will be aged 60 years or over, reaching a whopping 1.4 billion. Fast forward to 2050, and we're looking at a world with 2.1 billion individuals aged 60 years and older, with 426 million of them aged 80 years or more. It's a fantastic feat, and we call it population ageing!

The shift in population distribution towards older ages, known as population ageing, initially started in high-income countries like Japan, where 30% of the population is already over 60 years old. However, low-and middle-income countries are now experiencing the most significant changes in their demographic makeup. By 2050, two-thirds of the world's population over 60 years old will reside in low- and middle-income countries. This shift poses unique challenges and opportunities for both individuals and societies as a whole.

Now, let's dive into what this means for us. Ageing is a complex biological process resulting from the accumulation of molecular and cellular damage over time. It leads to a gradual decline in physical and mental capacities, an increased risk of disease, and ultimately death. Ageing is a natural process, but it doesn't mean slowing down entirely. Sure, there might be a gradual decrease in physical and mental capacity, but age doesn't define us! Besides, with a longer life comes more opportunities to explore new passions, pursue further education, and embark on new adventures. It's like getting extra time to tick off items from your bucket list! However, the changes associated with ageing are not linear or consistent, and they are only loosely associated with a person's age in years. Beyond the biological aspects, ageing is often intertwined with various life transitions, such as retirement, housing changes, and the loss of friends and partners.

Of course, we understand that ageing might come with some challenges too. Health conditions like hearing loss, cataracts, or back pain may pop up, and we call them common visitors in the ageing journey. But remember, we're not alone! Many folks experience several conditions simultaneously, and they're still rocking life. Addressing these health challenges is crucial to ensuring the well-being of older adults.

A longer life offers various opportunities for older individuals, their families, and society at large. However, these opportunities heavily depend on one crucial factor: health. Now, let's talk about the secrets to ageing gracefully. A well-balanced diet, regular exercise, and staying away from tobacco are like the magic potions that keep us glowing. Oh, and the environments we live in play a vital role too! A supportive and accessible community can make all the difference, allowing us to keep doing the things we love, no matter our age.

Physical and social environments play a significant role in shaping an individual's ageing experience. Factors like living conditions, neighborhood, community, sex, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status can have long-term effects on how people age. Supportive physical and social environments that promote accessibility and safety can enable older adults to maintain independence and pursue what matters to them despite any decline in capacity.

As the world's population ages, public health responses must address the diverse needs and experiences of older individuals. Ageism, the assumption that older people are frail or burdensome, needs to be challenged and eliminated. Public health professionals and society as a whole must work towards eradicating ageist attitudes, discrimination, and policy limitations that can hinder opportunities for healthy ageing.

 As we age, we want to ensure that we're treated with respect and kindness. Ageist attitudes that consider older folks a burden? Not cool! We know we're still vibrant and contributing members of society, and we want everyone to see that too.

In conclusion, the world faces a global public health challenge as the population ages. Understanding the complexities of ageing and promoting healthy lifestyles are essential to ensure a better quality of life for older individuals. Embracing the opportunities brought by longer life spans can lead to a more inclusive and vibrant society for everyone.

 So, let's embrace this beautiful journey of ageing together! We have an opportunity to create a world where everyone, young and old, thrives. By understanding and addressing the unique needs of older individuals, we can build a more inclusive and supportive society for all. It's time to celebrate the gift of longer lives and embark on a journey of healthy and happy ageing!

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Get out and enjoy the outdoors this fall

 Fall, is the perfect time to enjoy the outdoors, but some of us don’t have the energy to take advantage of this time of year.

There are plenty of enjoyable fall activities that we can do. Here are a few suggestions:

1.   For those of us who like to walk, we can enjoy the beautiful foliage and cooler weather by taking a walk in a local park or nature reserve.

2.     Many communities host fall festivals or farmers' markets during the autumn months. At the market, we can enjoy the atmosphere and even pick up some seasonal produce.

3.   If you love museums or art galleries they are great places to spend an afternoon.

4.  Fall is a great time to try a new hobby, such as knitting, painting, or cooking. 

5. If you enjoy taking in the beauty of nature a scenic drive through the countryside or a nearby park could be in the cards

6. Many venues offer fall concerts and theatre performances. So you could enjoy a night out and appreciate live music or a show.

7.  Gardening can be a fulfilling and therapeutic activity for some of us. Join a local gardening club or community garden where you can socialize with like-minded individuals while cultivating beautiful plants and flowers.

8.  Fall is a great time for us to explore gentle and low-impact exercises like yoga or tai chi. These are great for promoting flexibility, balance, and overall well-being. Check your local community centers of senior centers they may offer classes.

9.  I love to read as do other seniors so perhaps you could start a book club with friends or neighbors. 

10.   Fall is a season of giving, and we can contribute to our community by volunteering for a local charity or organization. 

By engaging in these activities, we can stay active, socialize, learn new things, and make a positive impact on our surroundings.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Prioritizing Relationships and Activities for Successful Aging

 "So, I guess those of us who have made it to our seventies can congratulate ourselves. By one measure anyway, we are successful agers!" I thought about this as I considered the concept of successful aging. Defining this notion may seem subjective, as each person's approach and mindset differ. However, if we consider healthy aging as supporting our body and well-being to live life on our own terms for as long as possible, we can find common ground in what successful aging looks like.

Successful aging holds significance from both an individual and national perspective. At an individual level, it translates to a better quality of life. The three primary components of successful aging—the absence of disease and disability, maintenance of high mental and physical function, and continued engagement with life—serve as determinants of this concept.

From a national standpoint, healthy aging assumes importance due to economic considerations. The issue of long-term care has always been a concern in policymaking, given the resources required to fulfill the needs of the elderly. With increased life expectancy and delayed health decline resulting from medical advancements, the focus on care has gradually shifted. Some countries, like those in the European Union, promote "Active Aging," which combines social behavior and long-term care. This approach emphasizes socially active engagement in various aspects of life, including work, community activities, residential care, and leisure pursuits, aiming to foster a harmonious relationship between activities and overall well-being in old age.

Several theories of successful aging offer valuable insights. The Continuity Theory posits that middle-aged and older adults preserve and maintain existing internal and external structures through adaptive choices. They rely on strategies rooted in their past experiences, creating continuity in psychological characteristics, social behavior, and circumstances. For instance, personal experiences shape the way individuals adapt to changes, allowing for the preservation of one's identity and connections. Whether it's a shift from competitive running to running for exercise or maintaining long-term friendships, continuity plays a vital role.

The Activity Theory of aging suggests that older adults find happiness by staying active and engaging in social interactions. Meaningful activities help them replace lost life roles after retirement, resisting the social pressures that limit their world. A study published in 2014 revealed that adults who participated in discretionary activities of their choosing reported a more positive outlook on life and overall wellness after eight weeks. Regions where people reportedly live longer, healthier lives emphasize the importance of friendships, family, moderate physical activity, and activities that bring joy.

Conversely, research has linked social isolation and loneliness to a negative impact on quality of life as we age. Regular social interactions have become increasingly vital, especially for older adults. A support system as we grow older enables us to cope better and overcome challenges. In a study published in the Journals of Gerontology, older adults who prioritized social engagement with their broader community tended to be more physically active and reported better emotional well-being.

Physical activity remains essential as we age. Regular, moderate exercise significantly influences the aging process. Whether it involves long walks, yoga sessions, jogging, or cardio dance classes, the key is finding activities that inspire movement and personal enjoyment.

 The Activity Theory emphasizes the importance of an engaged, active lifestyle, positively impacting the aging process and overall well-being. Prioritizing relationships and activities that bring happiness remains essential for successful aging.

 In conclusion, successful aging may have varying definitions, but prioritizing relationships and engaging in meaningful activities contribute to a better quality of life, both on an individual and national scale. By maintaining physical and mental well-being, individuals can lead fulfilling lives as they age.