Showing posts with label stop harper occupy Canada. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stop harper occupy Canada. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Let the punishment fit the crime

.There was an article awhile back in the  Montreal Gazette that complained about the new bill  Bill C-1o — the Conservative government’s Safe Streets and Communities Act, which increases mandatory minimum sentences and changes eligibility for conditional sentences. The claim  in the paper was that this bill would inevitably produce more prisoners serving longer prison sentences, Adelina Iftene and Allan Manson, of the faculty of law at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ont., write in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.

The  reporter sites two law professors who state, "The fallout will be dramatic increases in already overcrowded prisons, “more stress, more volatility and the likelihood of more violence,” as well as increased spread of hepatitis, HIV and other infectious diseases, Manson said in an interview.

“From both an ethical and public safety perspective, one needs to consider a simple fact,” Manson and Iftene write in the CMAJ, noting that most prisoners in Canada will eventually be released. “The intrinsic difficulties of reintegration after a period of incarceration should not be compounded by physical and mental health challenges.”
“We’re in an era where jails are becoming the asylums of the past for many people with mental health problems,” Manson said.

Without more resources, more prisoners will overwhelm already overburdened prison mental health services, he said, “and that continues to be an issue after someone is released from jail. “People with mental health problems sometimes experience difficulty in conforming their behaviour to commonly accepted standards.”

The Montreal Gazette is correct in its criticism of the bill, but they are off the mark. The Harper government is only interested in punishment not rehabilitation.

In an interview with CBC anchor Peter Mansbridge on Tuesday night, Mr. Harper said he believes the death penalty sometimes fits the crime. He added that he was speaking personally

The minister of justice said he is not interested in evidence-based policy: “We’re not governing on the basis of the latest statistics,” he said. “We’re governing on the basis of what’s right to better protect victims and law-abiding Canadians.” What he might have said is that he’d prefer to pick and choose — or sometimes create — evidence to fit the marketing strategy of the day.
Canada annually spends about $4 billion on correctional services. Unfortunately, since our policies are based more on what works politically than what the facts say works.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Occupy Canada update on Free Expression in Canada under Harper

Harper's government isn't just trying to re-write history books in schools, they're muzzling Canadian scientists, the CBC, librarians, archivists, artists, diplomats, police, even conservative MP's - they're blocking access to information and harassing whistleblowers and anyone who dares challenge them. Full comprehensive references attached below: READ WHILE YOU STILL CAN!  I am reposting this from the Occupy Canada Facebook page, which you can access by following the link. I am not sure how long the information will be kept up as Harper moves to destroy freedom of expression in Canada. He is doing it by Stealth, not overtly so the main stream media and the public are not aware of how much he has already taken away from us. Stop Harper

'Review of Free Expression in Canada' Full report

Canadian Journalists for Free Expression and whistleblowers ->

"The Conservative government and its bureaucracy are muzzling scientists, putting roadblocks in the way of people trying to use the Access to Information legislation, and harassing whistleblowers and other individuals who dare to challenge their political masters." - Dennis Gruending, Rabble.

Here's a repository of over 80 muzzling cases in Canada: >

"More than 80 cases of individuals, organizations and public service institutions have been muzzled, defunded, shut down or subjected to vilification. A further dozen are currently in development. The evidence shows a pattern of silencing people, shutting out knowledge and narrowing the democratic space for those who engage in advocacy and dissent in Canada."

"You won’t recognize Canada when I get through with it." -Stephen Harper said it, he wasn't kidding. >

Harper has been getting pointers from China's Propaganda Minister, he is the leading controller of Internet and information censorship.

"Mr. Harper’s government, however, barely mentioned the three-day visit of the powerful Communist Party official. How powerful? Forbes ranked Mr. Li No. 19 on a list of the world’s most powerful people. In their words, he “controls what 1.3 billion Chinese see, hear, speak.”, he is the de facto controller of media and information censorship." >

The Slow and Painful Death of Freedom in Canada

"So perhaps it is time for us Canadians to wake up and smell the suppression -- no longer are censorships solely the purview of tin-pot dictators in far away regimes. These seemingly gradual erosions to the freedoms of assembly, expression and information in Canada are all very real"

Harper government found spying on aboriginal children advocate, including stalking her facebook page>

Harper government’s assault on reason, scientists, ‘Orwellian’ and ‘alarming,’ warns former conservative pollster Allen Greg >

Everyone needs to watch this: "1984 in 2013: The Assault on Reason" - Allan Gregg >

Stephen Harper government builds stone wall around information: Public editor >

"Some alarming aspects of George Orwell’s “Ministry of Truth” as described in his classic novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four, are the all-too-real truth for Canadian journalists whose role it is to hold the Stephen Harper government to account."

Conservative State Propaganda Television: Harper plans secret CBC takeover >,,

"Harper is slowly taking control over the CBC in order to "exercise a subtle form of censorship over the public broadcaster." In addition to budget cuts and the new Bill, he notes that 8 of the 11 CBC board of directors have contributed money to the Conservative Party of Canada." >,

Harper forces CBC Radio "to pledge allegiance"
-Senator Céline Hervieux-Payette >

"The Conservative government and the new CBC/Radio-Canada code of ethics violate the principles of independence and impartiality that are so closely associated with the profession of journalism, and are a serious threat to the preservation of Canadian democracy, where freedom of the press is a fundamental value enshrined in our Constitution."

CBC: The Conservative Broadcast Corporation
"The government's latest Omnibus Budget legislation would make the Prime Minister the ultimate boss of all of the CBC's employees if the government takes control of collective bargaining at the CBC as Bill C-60 proposes to do."

"The government has been systematically stacking the CBC's Board of Directors with people who donate to the Conservative Party, pushing our CBC inch by inch closer to a Conservative Broadcasting Corporation." >

The Conservatives' Hidden Agenda For the CBC, Harper appointed Hubert Lacroix as CBC President & CEO >

CBC board member Pierre Gingras linked to allegations before corruption inquiry

Harper wants to take over and control CBC, Canada Post and VIA Rail , Guess who will running the crown corporations > -by Richard Cléroux former reporter from the Globe and Mail, turned independent,

Stop Harper from controlling the CBC: Petition Delivery on Parliament Hill "Government's do not control the public broadcaster in free and democratic countries" >

Stephen Harper's conservatives want to review and rewrite Canadian history in our schools in their own image, using military supremacy propaganda.>,

"The parliamentary INVESTIGATION would examine “relevant standards and courses of study offered in primary and post-secondary institutions in each of the provinces and territories.” Provinces are responsible for education in Canada, under the constitution."

Macleans 'With the muzzling of scientists, Harper’s obsession with control verges on the Orwellian'

Censorship is alive and well in Canada
– just ask government scientists >

Margaret Atwood on the Harper govenrment's 'muzzling' of Canadian scientists >

Harper government’s muzzling of scientists a mark of shame for Canada >

Harper government’s reckless and undemocratic muzzling of scientists >

Harper’s control freaks muzzle Fisheries and Oceans scientists >

Harper government muzzles librarians and archivists

Librarians and archivists muzzled by Harper government

Federal librarians fear being ‘muzzled’ under new code of conduct that stresses ‘duty of loyalty’ to the government

Harper Conservatives Are Afraid Of Librarians

"The document says that federal librarians and archivists who attend conferences, visit classrooms or speak at public meetings are engaging in “high risk activities” and must receive clearance from their department. MP Andrew Cash says the code of conduct even requires “duty of loyalty” to the Conservative government."

Stephen Harper muzzles diplomats and foreign agencies

Stephen Harper attempts to muzzle the press

Stephen Harper’s control over Canada’s media

Harper tightens his grip on media message control

9th Conservative MP speaks out against being muzzled by Stephen Harper >

Conservative MPs complain of being muzzled by their own party >

Conservative backbenchers complain of muzzling by Stephen Harper >

Harper muzzles RCMP Mounties

Ex-Mountie claims she is being censored

A plan to muzzle the RCMP? This demands an explanation

Parks Canada staff banned from criticizing harper government - CBC News >

An award winning playwright's career ended, after Stephen Harper play is censored. >

Artist Franke James ‘blacklisting’ by harper government >,

Quebec artists accuse Harper government of trying to censor them >

Stephen Harper accused of censoring Canada's artists and underfunding cultural industries. >

In 2008 Stephen Harper made $45 million dollars in cuts to the Arts and Culture sector of this country saying that “Ordinary folks don't care about arts" >

Harper Government spies on advocate for native children -Cindy Blackstock >

Toronto Star 'Plague of Harper government secrecy throttles Canadians’ freedom' >

"When people fear the government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty" -Thomas Jefferson 

As quoted from the book- 'Children of Liberty', Author: Jeff Barnes, Publisher: Xlibris, page: 45, source:

V for Vendetta: The Revolutionary Speech > 

"You won’t recognize Canada when I get through with it." -Stephen Harper said it, he wasn't kidding. >

The Slow and Painful Death of Freedom in Canada

Everyone needs to watch this: "1984 in 2013: The Assault on Reason" - Allan Gregg >

Stephen Harper government builds Orwellian stone wall around information: Public editor >

Toronto Star 'Plague of Harper government secrecy throttles Canadians’ freedom' >

Harper government found spying on aboriginal children advocate, including stalking her facebook page>

Macleans magazine: 'With the muzzling of scientists, Harper’s obsession with control verges on the Orwellian' -D

Meme/Referenced by Derek @ Occupy Canada

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Job Creation in Canada the Real numbers

From Idle no more  posted on Facebook April 11

BREAKING : Evan Solomon just 'OUTED' Harper's LIES on job creation record and his temporary foreign workers program on on CBC's Power and Politics .. April 11th 2013 

"Using StatsCan's numbers Evan showed that only 347,000 of the 900,000 jobs created were actually 'new jobs' created by employers, the balance were individuals who became self employed.

Worse 29%, over 100,000 of those 'new jobs' went to people brought in using foreign worker visas. 

When you include the number of Canadians that have CEASED actively looking for work of @ 400,000; Canada has actually lost jobs since 2007.

This exposes the LIE ; by the Crime Minister that is even larger than his lie that Canadian Banks never received a 'bail-out' and were in good financial positions.

This is a SCANDAL and explains why youth unemployment has stalled at 15% since Harper has taken office.

Harper has not created employment in Canada but actually has destroyed it to favour corporations and forced down wage levels in Canada by using Foreigners! 

It’s out of control,” said the former executive.“This is really sad because these jobs will never come back,” said another Canadian IT contractor who has worked at banks for several years. 

“Canadian employers are getting drunk on this."

Friday, March 29, 2013

Canada withdraws from desertification convention some facts

An official with the Canadian International Development Agency, which oversees the disbursal of Canadian foreign aid, said the desertification convention committed too much time to meetings and too little to funding on-the-ground development work.

So lets look at the governments use of doublespeak to lie to the Canadian people: First, actual Figures from the Programme budget for the biennium 2012–2013 show that support costs (following United Nations rules) are only 13% of overall budget
In accordance with the financial rules of the COP and standard practice of the
United Nations, a rate of 13 per cent is charged to all trust funds for programme support services, or overheads. These support services are mostly used to cover the costs of administrative support staff and secretariat staff costs at the United Nations liaison office in New York. Table 5 indicates the estimated human and financial resource requirements for the next biennium, which are contingent upon associated income to the special account.

Our government claims to be a supporter of results based budgeting but what do they do when they are faced with results they do not agree with or support, they deny they exist and then shoot the messenger. The notes I found online show how the  budget for this Convention was built using results based budgeting. The doublespeak used by our government shows how little they think of the environment and climate change and also shows the low level of thinking of our government.  The source for the notes of interest are:

  1. In decision 3/COP.8, Parties stated that planning and budget cycles would involve the drafting of multi-year (four-year) workplans for CRIC, CST, GM and the secretariat according to results-based management (RBM) principles.
  2. Results-based budgeting (RBB) may be regarded as the operational and financial dimension of results-based management. It links the programme delivery with resource availability, and provides a framework for credible performance evaluation at the end of a budget period. The essence of RBM is to ensure that priorities are identified, and then funded
  3. The RBM planning documents are the basis of the budget. The multi-year workplans of  CST, CRIC, GM and the secretariat present the strategic orientation of work to be carried out, which is complemented by the corresponding two-year costed work programmes that detail the programme delivery and related costs.

Another document from the UN ( ) shows what some of the results  of the programme have been over the last few years but according to our government “As part of our efforts to improve the effectiveness of Canada’s assistance, we are focusing Canadian tax dollars where they can provide real results,” CIDA Minister Julian Fantino said in a statement.

The desertification conference spent about 75 per cent of its estimated $15 million budget on salaries, consultants, conferences and internal office expenses, and about 18 per cent on development programs, a CIDA official told The Star.
So what have been the results so far according to the United Nations (If you click on the source you will see about 30 pages of results, I have only pulled a few out for consideration.) 

The government of Canada does not appear to believe that Advocacy, awareness-raising and education are important, as these rely on Scientific discussion and research. In Canada, our government muzzles our scientists and does not believe (by its actions such as calling environmentalists enemies of Canada) in Climate change:

Sub programme 1 – Advocacy, awareness-raising and education Outcome area:

UNCCD website visits have risen from an average 8,000 per month in 2007 to around
20,000 per month in 2009, which confirms an increased use of information provided by the secretariat. Key factors in the secretariat’s enhanced information delivery have been various outreach activities, targeted events such as the Land Day in June 2009, and frequent website updates. It may also be noted that observance of the 17 June World Day to Combat Desertification seems to show a steady increase; 20 countries reported on events organized in 2008, while for 2009 the number is close to 30.6

The secretariat organised or co-organized over 30 side events and exhibitions in 2008,
which is more than twice the number of corresponding events held in 2007. In 2009, by the end of June over 20 events had already been organized.

In line with decision 3/COP.8, the secretariat coordinated the development and implementation of a comprehensive communication strategy with a set of core communications objectives and expected results, which is presented to COP 9. In the immediate future, the secretariat will continue strengthening its awareness-raising functions through the implementation of this strategy, further development of the website, and increased coverage, targeting and volume of outreach and related material.

Another method of fostering attention and increasing press coverage will be the involvement of “goodwill ambassadors,” that is, well-known personalities who will help to raise awareness of DLDD issues and participate in related events. Main challenges to carrying out awareness-raising functions concern the availability of in-house capacity and the necessary partnerships and resources.

Outcome area: DLDD issues are addressed in relevant international forums, including those pertaining to agricultural trade, climate change adaptation, biodiversity conservation and sustainable use, rural development, sustainable development and poverty reduction.

The importance of DLDD issues was included in the reports and resolutions of several international and regional conferences and forums addressed by the secretariat, including among others the 16th and 17th sessions of the Commission on Sustainable Development, the Third World Water Forum, the International Conference on Sustainable Development and MultiSectoral Approaches, the Conference of African Ministers of Environment, the 2009 Water Africa Conference, and the Fourth Tokyo International Conference on African Development.

The input of the secretariat to these and many other conferences and forums took various forms,  such as high-level representation (keynote speeches, moderation of sessions, panel membership and statements), participation in and provision of information to meetings and preparatory processes, the organization of side events and exhibitions, and delivery of UNCCD outreach material.

Outcome areas: Affected country Parties revise their NAPs [national action programmes] into strategic documents supported by biophysical and socio-economic baseline information and include them in integrated investment frameworks.
Affected country Parties integrate their NAPs and SLM and land degradation issues into development planning and relevant sectoral and investment plans and policies.

In order to support affected country Parties in aligning their action programmes with The Strategy, the secretariat drafted a roadmap and initiated consultations with the GM on
possible approaches to the alignment, with the aim of addressing the matter through the JWP. Within this framework, the secretariat commissioned consultancy services to draft guidelines on the alignment, and organized eight subregional workshops and an inter-agency meeting to discuss the draft guidelines. These guidelines seek to provide a basis for coherent action among Parties on the matter.
The draft guidelines describe the alignment process as an exercise in improving the quality of national, subregional and regional action programmes, as well as the conditions and modalities of their implementation, in order to achieve the vision described in The Strategy. The main objectives of the alignment process would be:
(a) To institutionalize multi-sectoral, participatory and decentralized planning of DLDD and SLM matters;
(b) To turn the action programmes into strategic documents that are mainstreamed with national and sectoral planning;
(c) To create enabling scientific, policy, legislative and investment environments and instruments which promote and support sustainable management of land resources.

So what is the Convention planning to spend its money on next year. Well here is the actual Budget for your consideration.
A. Secretariat
Advocacy, awareness-raising and education                    1 443 500
Policy framework                                                                  1 401 200
Science, technology and knowledge                                  2 300 900
Capacity-building                                                                     707 300
Financing and technology transfer                             355 100

B. Management support                                          
Executive direction and management                                2 410 000
Conference services                                                                811 750
Administration and finance services                                   2 292 075

Subtotal secretariat                                                              11 721 825

C. Committee on Science and Technology                              76 000

D. Committee for the Review of the Implementation
of the Convention                                                                          76 000

E. Global Mechanism
Advocacy, awareness-raising and education                          693 229
Policy framework                                                                        525 754

F. Management support
Financing and technology transfer                            1 756 383

Subtotal Global Mechanism                                                    4 131 716
G. Programme support costs (13%)                                      2 080 720
H. Working capital reserve                                            (153 274)
TOTAL (A–H)                                                                          17 932 987

Canada committed $315,000 to the desertification conference’s budget this year, down from $350,000 in 2012. 

So the funding Canada gives may not be missed, but the shame of it is that Canada’s reputation on the world stage suffers another blow from these right wing bigots who control Canada. 

I am sad to say that by 2015 Canadians will not be proud of their country, thanks to Steven Harper unless we put pressure on his government to act in a responsible manner.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Our government is using DoubleSpeak

George Orwell said  “The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation. These contradictions are not accidental , nor do they result from from ordinary hypocrisy: they are deliberate exercises in doublethink” 

According to Orwell “Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.”  I for one do not believe that Steven believes what he said, but he sure he believes the whole aim [of his comments]is "to narrow the language of thought “

The following was published by Canadian Press on February 9th, 2013 and I suspect a lot of people missed the story. George Orwell in his novel 1984 had some thoughts about what Harper is doing.

Steven Harper used doublethink and the Mainstream media press did not challenge him, see if you can spot the the doublethink in this story. 

 I also believe that he and his party believe  that "if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth. 'Who controls the past' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.” 

 Prime Minister Stephen Harper says the closure of a Vancouver coast guard station is in keeping with his government's emphasis on public safety.

The shuttering of the Kitsilano base announced last year has prompted demands from Premier Christy Clark and Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson for the government to change its mind, saying the move puts lives at risk.

But Harper said Friday his government is allocating its resources in a way that is best for the public.
"The paramouncy of government resources in this area is on public safety and the government is allocating its resources in a way that we believe, based on the advice we have received from the coast guard, that is best in terms of public safety," the prime minister said.

"That is to put as many of the resources as we can into actually having rescue boats in the water. That's where we put our investments going forward."

The Kitsilano base is in the heart of Vancouver's waterfront and is considered the busiest base in Canada, responding to more than 350 calls per year.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Harper attacks on Health care continue

 A must read for people who thought  health care in Canada was safe from Steven Harper's government. Montreal Simon presents a compelling argument about why we have to stop Harper. Here is some of what he has to say about Harper's attack on our Health care. The link to the full post is at the bottom, please read it if you believe that health care in Canada is a right not a privilege.

A shameless surrender to foreign corporations, that will only make it harder for our health care system to deal with the increasing demands of our aging population.   
But of course Stephen Harper doesn't care about that, because he entered politics as the poster boy of the National Citizens Coalition that was founded to destroy medicare. 

And his plan to destroy medicare is by making the provinces too poor to afford it.

That is why he is cutting health care transfers by $36 billion, that's why he is refusing to create any national health programs, that's even the real reason he is sending more prisoners to jail. So the provinces will have to pay more to feed and house them. 
It's his stealth attack on medicare. And although most Canadians are blissfully unaware of this sinister plan, the Health care for Bucks lobby can smell the blood in the air, and all kinds of new organizations are circling Parliament Hill like vultures

Saturday, September 22, 2012

More reasons to stop Harper

Keeping it Real has been warning Canadians for years about the abuses that a majority Harper government would enact. Harvey wrote about Harper’s Majority Government Abuses in June and on Sept 12, 2012 noted that:

"others much more influential than I are sounding the alarm,  including Allan Greg … former PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE pollster under Brian Mulroney and Kim Campbell.

Greg delivered a scathing attack last week at Carleton University in Ottawa on Harper’s governing style and record under majority government.  The title of his speech “1984 in 2012 – The Assault on Reason”says it all.

The Huffington Post Canada ( carried the entire speech and I’m happy to reprint it here … to expose what Canadians voters have unleashed in giving Harper his majority:

Here are some excerpts from Allan Gregg speech. I encourage you to read the entire speech. To do that go here:

So it is important to remind ourselves why we value reason and why we should be very concerned when it comes under assault.

It was common knowledge that this government had little stomach for the deficit spending that followed the finance crisis of the previous years. And knowing that the public supported a return to balance budgets, it was a foregone conclusion that we were going to be presented with a fairly austere budget document. That the government intended to cut 19,000 civil servant jobs – roughly 6% of the total federal workforce – might have seemed a little draconian, but knowing what we knew, not that shocking.

As part of this package, it was also announced that environmental assessments were to be “streamlined” and that the final arbitration power of independent regulators was to be curtailed and possibly overridden by so-called “accountable” elected officials. Again, given the priority this government places on economic, and especially resource development, this was not necessarily unpredictable either.

But when then the specific cuts started to roll out, an alarming trend began to take shape.

- First up were those toilet counting, privacy violators at Stats Canada – ½ (not 6%, but 50%) of employees were warned that their jobs were at risk.

- 20% of the workforce at the Library and Archives of Canada were put on notice.

- CBC was told that it could live with a 10% reduction in their budgetary allocation.

-In what was described as the “lobotomization of the parks system” (G &M – May 21, 2012), 30% of the operating budget of Parks Canada was cut, eliminating 638 positions; 70% of whom would be scientists and social scientists.

-The National Roundtable on the Environment, the First Nations Statistical Institute, the National Council on Welfare and the Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Science were, in Orwell’s parlance, “vaporized”; saving a grand total of $7.5 million.

-The Experimental Lakes Area, a research station that produced critical evidence that helped stop acid rain 3 decades ago and has been responsible for some of our most groundbreaking research on water quality was to be shut down. Savings? $2 million. The northernmost lab in Eureka, Nunavut awaits the same fate.

- The unit in charge of monitoring emissions from power plants, furnaces, boiler and other sources is to be abolished in order to save $600,000.

- And against the advice of 625 fisheries scientists and four former federal Fisheries Ministers – saying it is scientifically impossible to do — regulatory oversight of the fisheries was limited to stock that are of “human value”.

- To add insult to injury, these amendments was bundled in with 68 other laws into one Budget Bill, so that – using the power of majority government – no single item could be opposed or revoked.

- On the other side of the ledger however, the Canada Revenue Agency received an $8 million increase in its budget so that it had more resources available to investigate the political activity of not-for-profit and charitable organizations.

Ok, so now the facts were beginning to tell a different story. This was no random act of downsizing, but a deliberate attempt to obliterate certain activities that were previously viewed as a legitimate part of government decision-making – namely, using research, science and evidence as the basis to make policy decisions. It also amounted to an attempt to eliminate anyone who might use science, facts and evidence to challenge government policies.

A quick review of the some of the Bills passed or on the order paper of this session of Parliament gives you the sense that this government might have studied under Orwell.

Bill C-5 is entitled “The Continuing Air Service for Passengers Act”. Substantively, it offers no such guarantee but unilaterally extended the contract of the National Automobile, Aerospace, Transport and General Workers Union of Canada and removed any prospect of a lockout or strike.

Bill C-10 is “An Act to Enact the Justice for Victims of Terrorism” and sub-titled “The Safe Streets and Communities Act”. Again forgetting for a moment that there are more victims of swimming pool drowning than terrorism, this is an Omnibus Bill which, among other things, stiffens penalties for possession of pot and builds more prisons.

Bill C-18 is called the “Marketing Freedom for Grain Farmers Act”. It dismantled the Canadian Wheat Board.

Bill C-26 boasts that it is “The Citizens Arrest and Self-Defense Act” and it is the closest we come in Canada to replicating Florida’s odious Stand Your Ground legislation.

The purpose of Bill C-30 is stated to be “The Protect Children from Internet Predators Act” and it, among other things, forces ISPs to hand over their user names to police without a warrant. When opponents protested this deliberate obfuscation, Safety Minister Vic Toews famously countered that “you are either with us or the child pornographers”.

The thing that is disconcerting and unsettling about all this is not just the substance of these Bills, but why a government would want to disguise that substance. Maybe dismantling the Wheat Board; or pre-emptively squashing collective bargaining; or sending more potheads to jail is a good thing. But before we make those decisions, let’s look at all the facts; have a fulsome and rational debate; and make a reasoned decision of what is in the best interests of all the parties involved. For voters to determine whether these are measures they support or oppose requires that they know what is at stake and what the government is actually doing. Moreover, for the rule of law to work, the public must have respect for the law. By obfuscating the true purpose of laws under the gobbledy-gook of double speak, governments are admitting that their intentions probably lack both support and respect. Again, the lesson here is Orwellian … in the same way that reason requires consciousness, tyranny demands ignorance.

But even if you accept this thesis, it still begs another question …. if Canadians are essentially enlightened liberals, and are not prepared to offer wholesale buy-in to this vision of politics and the nation, why do we not hear a hue and cry in protest over the direction we are being led?

At root, I think a big part of the problem is cultural. For decades following the Second World War, a progress ethos dominated North American thought. The next car was going to be faster, the next paycheque fatter and the next house bigger. This notion that progress was both normal and limitless, generated a series of beliefs that were universally embraced. Anyone of my generation will remember being told … “You my child, deserve more than I had when I was growing up”…. “If you work hard and put your mind to it, you can be anything you want” … and “A good education is the key to success”. This value system – and an experience that closely corresponded to it – created not only a sense of well-being but also a sense of good will. If the prospects of progress and success were limitless, then whatever success you enjoyed in no way threatened the amount of success that might be available to me.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. History shows us that, over time, science’s authority always undermines dogma’s legitimacy and the persuasive power of reason will always trump ideology’s emotion. It’s true that if you want to follow a course based on dogma or ideology, it becomes necessary to remove science and reason. But the corollary also holds true – the best defense against dogma and ideology continues to by reason and science. And if it’s increasingly hard to find these qualities in the media or the political process, what better place to take a stand than in a University? This is where you come to seek intelligence; not belittle it. Where ideas are born; questions are asked; and thoughts collide. This is why so many have fought so long to protect academic freedom – to ensure that reason, inquiry and science cannot be assaulted by dogma and orthodoxy.

While the circumstance in Canada 2012 is obviously nowhere near as dystopian as what Orwell depicts in 1984, I really do think that there are some unsettling parallels going on here that we ignore at our peril. I also think it’s time to gather the facts….and fight back.”

Thanks to Harvey for reprinting the entire speech, and thanks to Allan for his courage in stating an unpopular truth that is emerging in politics both in Canada and the US

Friday, September 21, 2012

Conservatives play to irrational fears about immigrants

The Sixth Estate always has thoughtful posts that force me to think differently about issues facing us. The following post on he issue of illegal immigrants makes me think that the Harper government is not above isolating immigrants to deflect from their failures. The ideas in this post pose some interesting and tough questions for the main stream media and for all of us as Canadian citizens about how we value immigrants and how we value our society.

 The entire post is here: The following are excerpts from the post:

There’s nothing like illegal immigrants, it seems, to send our country into a foaming, irrational rage. That quote was the first sentence in the Globe & Mail’s fawning praise of Kenney, and it typifies the quality of our national media. I didn’t “earn” my Canadian passport. The majority of my readers didn’t “earn” their passports. Most of the Globe’s editors probably didn’t earn their passports, and Jason Kenney didn’t earn his either. So don’t give me this nonsense.

More to the point, it’s frankly astonishing that the government could announce it was exiling 3100 citizens of this country without raising a peep of at least apprehension from the national media. I’m not defending fraud here. Fraud should be identified. But are mass revocations really the best way to do it? And do you really trust this government to do it without being require to go to court and prove their case?

Let’s not forget what’s going on here. We’re taking the solemn word on this of a man who spent his formative years crusading as an anti-abortion activist at a religious school in California and who has, in just the recent past, ordered political criticsbarred from entering the country, staged bogus citizenship ceremonies for the benefit of the news media, and argued that he doesn’t have to allow Canadian citizens — genuine ones, mind — back into the country because as a Cabinet minister he is above the law. This is the man you’re trusting when he says that he’s satisfied that 3100 Canadians acquired their citizenship fraudulently.

...Third, although none of this is good, there are some steps that the government could take to assure Canadians that it is not targeting innocent people in this matter:
  • What percentage of the people targeted are living in Canada?Previously, Kenney has argued that mass revocation of citizenship is necessary because many people who don’t even live in Canada have obtained citizenship papers through fraud. So far, Kenney has chosen to conceal from the public how many of the people he has targeted are actually living abroad.
  • What process has the government followed to ensure that everyone who has been targeted is actually guilty? This one should be an obvious point. So far, nada.
  • How many mistakes have been made in the past? Last July, the government kicked off its current wave of exiles with an announcement that it would revoke 1800 citizenships. What happened in those cases? How many filed in court to protest the decision? Were there any who turned out to be innocent? What was the error rate?

Monday, September 10, 2012

September 17th Take Canada Back Day UPDATE

The following is from the Occupy Canada Facebook page, source at the end of the post:

Puppet Harper is destroying Canada for his corporate masters. Haven't you noticed Canada isn't recognizable right now? Have a look at all of the sources attached below. Join us across Canada on September 17th on the first day parliament returns, it's time to rally the country and Take Canada Back! 

If you don't live in Canada, or otherwise won't be in the country to commemorate the anniversary of the Occupy Movement, never fear, there are local rallies happening around the world! Check here for one local to you!

International Rallies:

PICK YOUR CITY! September 17, 2012

S17 Info-List: *NEW* 8 Updates TWITTER: #S17 #cdnpoli #StopHarper #TakeCanadaBack #OccupyCanada


LIVE STREAM TEAM -*NEW* Contact: Jeremy Oh

-Cross-Canada -Ottawa -*NEW* Ottawa (7 Days of Marching)

-*NEW* March to Ottawa S.O.S. (page)

-*NEW* Sept 15th, Ottawa Tuition (event)

-*NEW* Sept 15th, Global Protest (page)

"You won’t recognize Canada when I get through with it." -Stephen Harper. 2006 quote.

Quote source 1.
May 5, 2012- National post: “You won’t recognize Canada when I’m through with it,” warned Prime Minister Stephen Harper in 2006

Quote source 2.
Stephen Harper once said ‘you won’t recognize Canada when I get through with it.’

Quote source 3.
There are some in the parliamentary press gallery in Ottawa who firmly believe that Stephen Harper has told his closest confidantes that they won’t recognize Canada once he is done governing. Are these recent changes part of what he has in mind?

Quote source 4.
Indulge me as I repeat that last sentence. "You won't recognize Canada when I get through with it". In the original ad, the segment was ended with a three word commentary, 'He wasn't kidding'. Turns out he really wasn't kidding.

Stephen Harper and the almost unlimited power of a majority government

All references attached below:

WARNING: Harper wants 1984 Big Brother Government to spy on you (Bill C-30)

Toronto Star: Haroon Siddiqui -"Harper acting like an elected dictator"

Macleans Magazine: Andrew Potter-
"Want Harper to be less of a dictator? Give him a majority." Yeah that worked.. after his government prorogued parliament and then was found in contempt.


Harper wrote about Canada being a dictatorship in 1997..

CBC news: Terry Milewski - "So, let's consider that obscure but intriguing article, written in 1997 by two brainy conservatives, Tom Flanagan and Stephen Harper. Yes, it calls Canada "a benign dictatorship."

Huffington Post: Harper Conquers Canada, One Robocall at a Time.
Election fraud: We should not treat this as some petty misdemeanor. This is a grave threat to our very basic freedom. This is a threat to our democracy. This is corruption. "This isn't a story about "dirty tricks," it's about election fraud. This isn't "stupid," it's illegal. This isn't "folly," it was a deliberate, systematic, strategic, targeted campaign to steal the election. This isn't "voter suppression," it's stealing democracy."

Government of Canada Renamed 'The Harper Government'
CBC News Video:

'Harper Government' Not 'Government Of Canada': Why Did Tories Pursue 'Harperization'? Documents obtained by The Canadian Press reveal widespread incomprehension and unease among public service professionals who have been ordered to change "Government of Canada" to "Harper Government" in non-partisan communications materials.

Tories rebrand ‘Government of Canada’ as ‘Harper Government’

Harper shuts down Parliament
“Three times in three years and twice within one year, the prime minister takes this extraordinary step to muzzle Parliament. This time it’s a coverup of what the Conservatives knew, and when they knew it, about torture in Afghanistan. So their solution is not to answer the questions but, rather, to padlock Parliament and shut down democracy.”

Harper government impedes process of collective bargaining, strike right

May 28, 2012- Dark days for Canada's trade unions
"This is not just a war on unions. It's an attack on all working people in Canada to fundamentally change the labour market in ways that benefit employers.''

Google any of these references for the article sources to pop up.

Stephen Harper called Canada a dictatorship, Google it.
Stephen Harper met secretly with China's propaganda minister
Stephen Harper renamed the Government of Canada after himself. (The Harper Government)
Harper Government broke the law when dismantling Canadian Wheat Board
Harper Government broke election laws
Harper government spending $1Billion dollars on armed drones for our military.
Harper plans to privatize Canada's prisons.
Harper wants police to spy on ALL Canadians with no warrants
Harper secretly allowed U.S troops full access into Canada.
Harper secretly allowed U.S police/F.B.I full access into Canada.
Harper Government Building $9 Million Barricades for Parliament Hill
Harper Government building $46 Million glass dome for parliament
Found in Contempt, first time in Canadian history
Harper has Majority in Parliament
Harper has Majority in the senate
Approx. $1 Billion spent for Harper's G20 3 day security summit
Harper paid the RCMP $500 million at the G20 summit
Harper's personal security costs $47 million in just under two years
Harper government $2 million fake lake, and $9.4 million dollar G20 fence
Largest mass violations of civil rights and largest mass arrests in Canadian history at Harper's G20, Harper chose downtown Toronto
Harper's Omnibus crime bill estimated to cost $19 billion
$25 Billion contract for Lockheed Martin F-35 fighter jets
Canadian census contracted to Lockheed Martin for $81 million
Harper spending $35-billion for new ships
$9 Billion for New super Jails when crime rates are the lowest in 40 years
Canadian loss of Sovereignty in secret border deal with US
Prorogued Parliament (twice shut down parliament in face of opposition)
Harper government illegal $50 Million dollar "G8 Legacy fund"
Harper Government hires $90,000-a-day 'cuts' consultant firm
Harper government covered up afghan torture
Harper adviser Tom Flanagan called for the assassination of Julian Assange
Harper adviser Bruce Carson fraud x5/prostitute scandal/Native water contracts
Harper adviser huge segal, a senator wants to erode Canada into a "North American community" giving control to private bankers and corporations.
Harper spent $23 million on a media centre for the G8 leaders 3 day summit.
Federal spending up 22% since Harper took power
Harper spending $28 million for the War of 1812-1814 commemoration
$226M in proposed veterans cuts by the Harper Government
The Harper government dropped more than $10 million on news conferences over the past five years
Harper cuts over $200 million in environment spending
Harper defends asbestos exports despite cancer risks
"Ordinary folks don't care about arts": Harper
"People don't care about Afghan detainee issue": Harper
"Canadian people don't care about contempt" :Harper
Feel free to add to this list..

Shared by Derek Soberal@OccupyCanada
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