Sunday, August 21, 2016

If you dream, dream big!

Little tiny dreams, require little tiny thoughts and little tiny steps.

Great big dreams require great big thoughts and little tiny steps.

Do I paint a clear picture?

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Alive in a world where

I am glad to be 
Alive in a world where
magic happens every day

Where every single moment 

In every special way
Birds fly,
dolphins twirl, 

flowers bloom, 
snow falls, 
ocean waves  wave,
rainbows rise and
antelopes call

I wonder 

do these and other miracles
silence doubters, do they
inspire dreamers?
I know they fill one's soul with rapture, 
and hopefully inspire the schemers 
to put away their schemes 
and live their dreams?

Friday, August 19, 2016

Happy Birthday to a wonderful lady

Happy Birthday to my daughter, on this date many years ago, I fell crazy in love with a beautiful, magical, wonderful child who changed my life and over time made be a better man. 

When you were born, I became head over heals in love with you. Our first gift to you was your name, we had settled on a name before you were born, but when you arrived, we realized that the name we had chosen did not fit your personality so we found a name that fitted you. 

People in love do crazy things. I have pictures of you minutes after you were born, and in those days, this was not allowed, so I was in trouble with the doctors. 

Over the years you have, at times driven me crazy, made me laugh, made me cry, kept me awake at night and filled my heart with joy. You have always made me proud of you. 

I love you, miss you and wish that on this special birthday you find, peace and love and that your partner, your son and your friends throw you one heck of a party. Your mom and I wish we could be there for this day but remember we will see you soon.

Love Dad

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Remember when?

Remember when you were old enough to value awe and wonder more than you value certainty and logic?

Got it?

Now - what sort of life did you want for yourself when you were that old? 

Well, now you are thinking of or are retired, don't you think you should claim that life?