Thursday, June 6, 2019

Take some time off

Every so often, I recommend that you take time off. You know, go to theme parks, ride roller coasters, and people watch. Sit on the beach, walk through the forest, and listen to music.

Just kick back, relax, and let everything run on autopilot. Once you do that you may realize that you are not indispensable. Once you realize that you are replaceable, then you can relax and enjoy the ride and not worry about whether things will go on without you. Did you notice that life goes on without you? You did, then take some time and why not enjoy life? 

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

When we find inspiration

I find it interesting the way our minds work, invariably the 5 minutes of inspiration we need to totally rock the world and transform our lives, will come at the end of hours, weeks, months, or even years' worth of floundering, frivolity, false starts, and seeming hopelessness.

Yet when the dream comes true and we glance over our shoulder, we see that those 5 minutes were made possible because of everything that led up to them and that we never needed to be so critical of ourselves or the time it was taking.

Don't despair, we sometimes have to make mistakes, stumble around, flounder and make many false starts to know what the right thing to do is for ourselves and others. Remember, we are not perfect, we are human and I believe that we can learn from our mistakes and grow into the person we see in our mind's eye. We may make one mistake, but once the lesson is learned we usually don't make the same mistake again. Life is not perfect, but as my friends say it is better than the alternative. 

Embrace the fact that as you have progressed through life, you have made mistakes, hopefully, you have corrected your mistakes, if you haven't now is the time to correct them. It is only too late to move in the right direction when you are dead, or cannot speak for yourself.

Monday, June 3, 2019

The secret is

Don't let anyone tell you that you have no power or no influence or that what you do or say does not matter. We all have personal power. No matter what is going on in our lives, we are the heroes/heroines of our own life story. We can be the heroes or heroines we thought we would be when we were ten. The secret is that no matter where we go in time or space, we only ever have to be ourselves. We can be as courageous, vulnerable, bold, or afraid as we may feel. 

There are always those who may want to destroy you and your dreams, but for most of us, we live within a tribe that we can call on for protection. We find ourselves amongst friends 99% of the time. We are so loved by our friends in our tribe that we can feel safe and secure.
But to be the true heroes and heroines of our story we need to take the love we feel from within our tribe, our friends and share it amongst those we do not know yet and who are not members of our group or tribe. Once we learn how to share the love and treat others as we want to be treated, we can become true artists of our lives. True artists live by the golden rule. The golden rule is how almost all of us aspire to behave and a variation of it is stated in just about every ancient writing (including the New Testament, Talmud, Koran, and the Analects of Confucius). 

Among the earliest appearances in English is Earl Rivers' translation of a saying of Socrates in 1477: “Do to others as thou wouldst they should do to thee, and do to none other but as thou wouldst be done to.” It is so well known that it is often shortened to Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.