Sunday, August 9, 2020

Do you visualize?

You eat to nourish your body. You sleep to rejuvenate your spirit. You study, work, and apply yourself for emotional gains. You exercise to tighten your muscles. You listen to music to entertain yourself. 

You're not at all averse to investing time and energy for the rewards you seek. 

So how about you spare just a few minutes every day to visualize the life of your dreams? Because nothing else you could ever do will make such a profound difference in your fortunes and misfortunes as working with new pictures in your mind. 

Can you start today? 

Saturday, August 8, 2020

What happens when someone worries?

Basically, they think of 100 reasons why something might go wrong. And all of those thoughts then struggle to become things, sometimes overriding their more constructive thoughts. 

That's the power of worry. 

Now, let's say you want something fantastic to manifest in your life. 

Hypothetically, let's say you want a blog. (I know you.) 

Have you closed your eyes yet and imagined 100 reasons why it might come to you easily, fast, and harmoniously? 

I think you should. 

Friday, August 7, 2020

Is life you take it?

Don't all those goody-goodies who tell you that life is "how you take it" make you want to scream?!

Me too, but let's have patience with them.

Life's not about how you take it, it's about the glory of living deliberately and crafting circumstances, magnetizing players and forging alliances, leveraging life and engaging the magic so that you can have the sun, the moon, and the stars. 

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Report Card Day!

I taught school for most of my career and Report Card Day! was an important day for all students. While life is a journey at some point the journey ends and we have to be accountable for what we have done. 

Here's a Report Card that I hope I get from the "School of Life." when they come to speak at my passing.

Compassionate - A+  (gives of self, even when no one’s looking)

Intuitive - A+  (naturally gifted)

Ability to see from others’ perspectives - A+  (practically goes out of the body)

Spiritually alert - A+  (aura beginning to glow)

Resilient and adaptable to unexpected change - A+ (like the Energizer Bunny)

Terminally optimistic - A+  (fast rebounder)

Exercises gratitude muscle - A+ (your cup to be refilled x 7)

Good looking - A+ (a real looker)

Patient and kind to self - A  (could play a little more)

Visualizes every day...

Performs random "acts of faith" in line with dreams... 

You’re amazing! Aced the very toughest courses in time and space! 
Now, since all the subjects are the ones I chose, I got to grade myself and you also get to grade yourself. So let us continue the A+ effort until we are no longer able to learn!