Friday, June 2, 2017


I love dogs, they are very attentive and they show us love and affection and give us laughter in so many ways

1. When loved ones come home, a dog will always run to greet them.
2. Dogs never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.
3. Dogs allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy.
4. When it's in their best interest, they practice obedience.
5. A dog will always let others know when they've invaded their territory.
6. When a dog takes a nap, they always stretch before rising.
7. As you watch dogs run, romp and play daily your sense of joy abounds
8. A dog will always avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
9. Did you ever notice that on warm days, dogs love to stop to lie on your back on the grass?
10. On hot days, dogs drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.
11. When a dog is happy, they will dance around and wag their entire body.
12. No matter how often you're scolded, they don't buy into the guilt thing and pout, they run right back and make friends.
13.  Dogs delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
14. They eat with gusto and enthusiasm and stop when they have had enough.
15. They are very loyal.
16. Dogs never pretend to be something they are not.
17. Dogs are persistent, if they want to find what lies buried, they just dig until you find it.
18. When you are having a bad day, your dog will be there, silent, close by and will  nuzzle  you gently

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Support your local food bank

June is a beautiful month, many songs have been written about it June is Bustin' Out All Over" from Carousel, June Night, On the isle of May to name a few. June is a month of hope, Spring is ending and Summer is on the horizon. We are thinking of holidays and fun in the sun. June is also a great time to consider the role that food banks have in our communities.  Here is some insights into the services that food banks provide to better help recipients meet their own long-term needs from March 2017.

Community kitchens. Many food banks operate community kitchens which are programs that bring together community members. These programs provide workshops to teach participants teach vital cooking skills.  Having food literacy skills like cooking shopping can go a long way to help learn how to use food hamper to make healthy meals.  

Kids programs. Approximately one third of those helped by food banks are children. Good nutrition during infancy and early childhood years is vital to long-term growth and health. That's why food banks often provide special hampers for families with infants and small children. Local food banks will also point their clients to community programs to help educate parents and children on proper nutrition.

Fresh food recovery. Surplus food is an essential part of the food bank ecosystem. Food banks typically access perishable foods by picking up from local grocery stores, restaurants, hotels and cafeterias. In addition to feeding our communities, food recovery programs also help to reduce food waste.

Food hampers. Food hampers remain one of the staple services of food banks in their efforts to help people in need. Food hampers will help provide recipients with essential food items to augment existing food supplies at home when times get tough. According to a 2016 report from the Mississauga Food Bank, only 11 per cent of clients visited the location once or more per month. Community programs, nutritional education and support for other community organizations help relieve food insecurity issues. But they could not operate without the help of volunteers and a steady stream of donations.

This spring, local food banks across Canada partnered with stores like Loblaws and Real Canadian Superstore to collect donations and help feed our communities. 

As the lazy, hazy days of summer come toward us, we need to continue to remember and support our local Food Bank

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

What if

In the email, my daughter said that my grandson was so excited because he was now tall enough to ride on some of the big rides at Luna Park in Melbourne. It made me wonder if we could still feel the excitement and adrenaline rush that a youngster feels the first time on an exciting ride. There are a number of factors at play with my grandson. First is the fact that he has grown taller, which is important to him, second, this growth allows him to stretch his experiences and allows him to do things that he could not do last year and third it allows him to show how big and brave he is to tackle rides which are meant to be scary.

Over time many of us have become addicted to habits that are comforting but not exciting. I believe we need changes and challenges in our lives to keep us young. What challenges have you tried or been faced with over the past few months that have given you an adrenaline rush? If we stop seeking adventures and challenges we may end up at the end of our lives wondering what if.  

Monday, May 29, 2017

And God Looked Down upon Seniors

Most seniors never get enough exercise. So, in his wisdom,
God decreed that seniors would become forgetful that they
would have to search for their glasses, keys, and other things
misplaced and move around more. And God looked down and saw that it was good.

Then God saw there was yet another need. So God in his wisdom made seniors lose coordination that they would drop things, which would require them to bend and reach and stretch. And God looked down and saw that it was good.

Then God considered the functioning of senior bladders and
decided that in His wisdom there might be calls of nature more frequently, requiring more walking to the relief station, which would burn calories. God looked down and saw that it was good.

Seniors were obliged to exercise more from these senior
shortcomings and did become more active as a result. So if you find you are required to get up and down more as you age, remember it's God's will and in your best interest, even though you mutter under your breath.