Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Find a passion

There are three stages of retirement which play out for most of in a 20-to-30-year period from the time we retire.

20 years is a long time and if you think that you will spend retirement just sleeping in or passing out for afternoon naps whenever you want you will become bored very quickly.

One of the hardest things to get used to when you retire is that suddenly you are the boss, and you have the freedom to choose with your significant other what you will do, how you will do it and when you will do it. In essence, your retirement life is about freedom of choice without anyone except maybe your significant other telling you yes or no. This is the time to find your passion and start to learn more and enjoy it.

I know seniors who have moved to be closer to their children, only to find the children are too busy to have time for them I know others who have decided to move to the country and find that they need access to medical services only available in the city. Many of my generation collected stuff, such as fine China, jewellery, pictures, etc. Some of this was inherited from our parents and grandparents and were family heirlooms. Now we find that our children don’t want stuff, and their priorities have changed. In fact, there is a growth industry of people who will help us downsize and get  rid of our belongings. In the first stage of retirement, if you are healthy, retirement time is the glory days of your life, but if you are not healthy or you have not saved then this first stage can be very scary.

Monday, November 21, 2022

What is life like in retirement?

 Many people before they retire imagine a life that is an ideal version of the reality of retirement.

Everyone will have a different take on what an ideal retirement looks like. I have some friends who find that since they have retired, they have done a lot more RVing and others who have created art, by taking up painting. I know others who volunteer and others who don’t volunteer but find ways to spend their time.

Oddly many believe that retirement is based on money and how much you can save to live your dream life. That is true to a certain extent, but most seniors in Canada are not bad off. We are not rich, but many of us are getting along, although with inflation raging many of us are falling behind. Living on a fixed income is one of the adjustments you have to make when you retire. Financial Advisors recommend that you have enough income to live on about 70% of your pre-retirement income. For many seniors that number is higher than they need.

In Canada when we retire, we have an income stream from government pensions, and many have savings in their Registered Retirement Savings Plan which is converted to an income stream when they turn 71. It’s easy to get caught up in the belief that retirement life will be the best years of your life. However, when planning retirement remember life can turn sour quickly.

My father saved money when he was working. He planned to travel and have adventures when he retired and was hoping to retire at 60. He died at age 49. My friends and I joke that we are lucky to be able to spend the money we saved, because many people we know who would have been our age, are not around. Many of you won’t even be around to see your retirement. I don’t recommend not savings, but I do recommend keeping a balance in your life while you can and not waiting until retirement.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Don't Forget to Support your local Foodbank!

With inflation as high as it is, many have seen their weekly grocery bill double and those on low income are hurt the hardest. The Foodbank in your local community is depending on you. If you can donate please consider giving cash. Every donation, regardless of size, makes a difference to the people we support each month. We extend our deepest thanks to our community of donors during these economically challenging times. 

The expensive cost of living has become the primary reason for people to seek support for the services provided by the Foodbank. Our local Foodbank reports that this past September, they registered a staggering 904 individuals for food support. Compared to the start of the year, they are registering around 500 individuals per month.  

Despite the alarmingly high increase in demand, they have been able to keep up with the demand thanks to you, and other generous supporters. In addition to providing food support to more people, they are distributing more food than ever. In the past 12 months, they have distributed 8.1 million pounds food healthy and nutritious food to those in need across Vancouver, Burnaby, New Westminster and the North Shore. 

Saturday, November 19, 2022


Everyone, say it with me...

1.     I will NOT get bad luck, lose my friends, or lose my mailing lists if I don't forward an e-mail.

2.     I will NOT hear any music or see a taco dog if I do forward an e-mail.

3.     Bill Gates is NOT going to send me money and Victoria's Secret doesn't know anything about a gift certificate they're supposed to send me.

4.     Ford will NOT give me a 50% discount even if I forward my e-mail to more than 50 people.

5.     I will NEVER receive gift certificates, coupons, or freebies From Coca-Cola, Cracker Barrel, Old Navy, or anyone else if I send an e-mail to 10 people.

6.     I will NEVER see a pop-up window if I forward an e-mail ... NEVER --EVER!!

7.     There is NO SUCH THING as an e-mail tracking program, and I am not STUPID enough to think that someone will send me $100 for forwarding an e-mail to 10 or more people!

8.     There is NO kid with cancer through the Make-a-Wish program in England collecting anything! He did when he was 7 years old. He is now cancer free and 35 years old and DOESN'T WANT ANY MORE POST CARDS or GET-WELL CARDS.

9.     The government does not have a bill in Congress called 901B (or whatever they named it this week) that, if passed, will enable them to charge us 5 cents for every e-mail we send.

10. There will be NO cool dancing, singing, waving, colourful flowers, characters, or program that I will receive immediately after I forward an e-mail. NONE, ZIP, ZERO, NADA!

11. The American Red Cross will NOT donate 50 cents to a certain individual dying of some never-heard-of disease for every e-mail address I send this to. The American Red Cross RECEIVES donations.

12. And finally, I WILL NOT let others guilt me into sending things by telling me I am not their friend or that I don't believe in Jesus Christ. If God wants to send me a message, I believe the bushes in my yard will burn before He picks up a PC to pass it on!

Now, repeat the above to yourself until you have it memorized, and send it along to at least 5 of your friends before the next full moon or you will surely be constipated for the next three months.