Showing posts with label happiness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happiness. Show all posts

Monday, June 18, 2012

Everyone is looking for happiness.

Aristotle said: "Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence."

But, truthfully, how happy are you?

Do you still feel as though you're seeking something else? As though you aren't quite in the right place? The potential for true happiness and freedom exists within you right now.

But most people don't see this. Instead, they focus on the problematic grey clouds. They never realize the beautiful blue sky that always exists just behind them.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Optical illusion dampens arthritis pain

, on November 15, 2011, 9:23 a.m. gives some hope for those with arthritis.
Seeing the movements of a healthy hand mirroring one's own movements plays a welcome trick on the brains of arthritis sufferers, a new study shows: It reduces the perception of pain. The observation, reported this week at the Society for Neuroscience's annual conference, could offer a safe, inexpensive means of dampening chronic pain by enlisting the brain's power of suggestion.

The small arthritis study, which tested just eight subjects, comes from the lab of UC San Diego neuroscientist V.S. Ramachandran -- who first used mirror-based trickery to treat phantom-limb pain in patients who have had an amputation. In those studies, pain perceived to come from an absent limb resolved when subjects saw what appeared to be their own missing limb moving smoothly and performing tasks without pain.

In the study presented by UCSD neuroscientist Laura Case this week in Washington, eight subjects suffering from severe osteo- or rheumatoid arthritis sat in front of a mirrored box and extended one of their hands. A researcher extended his hand over the subject's hand and asked the subject to move her hand slowly. The researcher, meanwhile, mimicked the subject's hand movement.

The subject, seeing only the researcher's hand in the mirror, saw a young, healthy hand performing movements fluidly and without pain or difficulty. And when asked about their hands' level of pain after the exercise, subjects rated their pain, on average, 1.5 points lower, on a scale of 1 to 10, than it had been at the outset. Some had a 3-point reduction in pain, said Case.

And there was more than one way to trick the brain's perception of pain, the researchers found. They also saw subjects rate their pain as lower when they held objects in their hands that appeared smaller and lighter than they actually were.

Case said it's not clear what trickery, exactly, made subjects feel less pain; it may have been the sight of "their" hand (actually, the researcher's) as a young, healthy hand with no arthritic deformities that made them feel better. It might have the appearance of the effortless movement that suggested a lack of pain. Then again, it may have been the exercise, which usually loosen's pain's grip, said Case.

Case and her colleagues are currently testing the mirror-based treatment on a larger population of patients with arthritic and other chronic pain. With roughly 50 million Americans suffering the pain and stiffness of arthritis, therapy that enlists the brain's willingness to see and feel a sick body as healthy -- even if it is an illusion -- could be an important treatment. Unlike non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which come with a long list of short- and long-term risks, mirror therapy is non-invasive, safe and relatively cheap. All it takes is a mirror, a healthy body stand-in and a brain

Monday, November 14, 2011

Focus: Can it work for you?

I am taking a bit of a break from ideas on what to do with children and focusing on ideas that may help in personal goal setting. The reason is that I am back to work in an inner city school and working with some children (teenagers) who have a lot of challenges and I hope that by generating some ideas here I will be in a better position to help them overcome the limitations they put on their own lifes. So I will be looking at focus, confidence and self discipline as well I will continue with my ideas on what to do with children.

Are you doing exactly what you want to do in your life today? Have you attained every goal you ever set yourself? If you can answer yes to these questions, then this book is probably not for you.

But wait! If you answered NO to these questions and your answers to the following questions are still NO, then you NEED this book.

Do you find it EASY to concentrate and focus 100% on the task in hand?

Is it SIMPLE for you to exercise self-discipline when you need to?

Are you CONFIDENT when talking with peers, partners or even your kids?

Have you LEARNT how the art of focus, confidence and self-discipline changes lives?

Can you look yourself in the mirror SMILING about everything you've accomplished so far?

Have you ever found yourself stuck in a rut with the feeling that your life is going NOWHERE?

Have you ever felt UNSURE about the steps you have taken, and continue to take in your life?

Are you EXACTLY where you want to be in life right now? No?

Don’t worry, and don’t feel bad. There are lots of other people just like you. People who have no direction, or they could possibly have a direction but just don’t know how to get there. I may just have the answer for you today.

Everybody’s life has its ups and downs, but not everybody is aware that they can actually DO something themselves to turn things around. Knowing how to focus, how to build up confidence and self-esteem, and knowing when to exercise self-discipline are HUGE steps toward a better life for yourself and those around you.

 Ok, let’s get down to why you are REALLY reading this book. Let’s look at focus, confidence and self-discipline and see what we can do to make things work for you!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Barriers to finding your passion

Many people are very clear what their passion is but they have external barriers that are in the way.  If you have barriers that are stopping you from living out your dreams then you need to get past them.  You have full control of external barriers and you can do something about them. 
The biggest barrier to someone not fulfilling their passion and dreams is another person.  It is common for someone to add input that is hard to listen to because you feel like you are being made fun of.  A person may ridicule the idea, think it is silly, and much more.  The last thing you need to listen to is an outside opinion if it is negative.

If you have a passion you need to surround yourself with supportive people.  Someone who is not supportive is not who you want around because they will only bring you down.  That is, if you let them. 

Many people have a spouse that is not supportive of a passion because they think the idea is ridiculous or they would be embarrassed of what your passion is.  This type of person you don’t need around you.  If you are making a decision of your spouse over your passion then you are restricting yourself.  It is important to make it clear to your spouse that you are passionate about doing something in particular and they need to be supportive of you. 

When you have the right support you can do anything.  When family members are not supportive emotionally then it can make things difficult.  The best thing you can do is let them know you are fulfilling your dreams and they will not stand in your way.  It is your life and you need to be satisfied with it when the time comes.  People who are not supportive you may have to shut them out for a while until they see that it truly makes you happy.

Money is one of the biggest barriers that cause people not to move forward with a passion.  You might be an excellent mechanic and you want to start your own shop but you have never moved forward with the idea because of the cost.  Money can be overcome. But to overcome the money, you have to have examine your views on money and become more passionate about wanting the money. Money it has been said, does not buy happiness, but having money makes it easier to focus on what makes you happy and finding your passion.

There are many ways to get money together to start your own business or live out a passion that might cost a lot of money.  The best thing you can do is begin cutting costs in your life where you don’t need them. 

Many of the ways you can cut costs in your life include not eating out everyday for lunch at work.  Pack a lunch.  Consider taking the bus and not driving in everyday so you don’t have to costs for gas and parking.  Think about many of the additional expenses you have that you really don’t need.  You might buy tons of extra things at the grocery store you don’t even eat but it happens because you always go grocery shopping when you are hungry.

Every time you save money you would have normally spent on something else like a lunch at work you need to put the money away.  Open a savings account or buy a lock box at home and put the money in it.  Don’t count the money or ever get into it.  Just remember that every time you are adding to the box you are getting closer to achieving your passion.

One thing to remember is that by being creative with your life you will most likely find other ways you can make additional money to put aside for your endeavor.  You also may find a way to start your dream without any startup costs.  There are many ways to start your own business if it means you begin in your home first.  If you love to make aromatherapy candles and you have always dreamed of owning your own shop then you can start a business online first.  You may even find your online business is more successful than a brick and mortar store would ever be.

Money is an obstacle that can be overcome.  It is the most common excuse people use for why they cannot live out their dreams.  You should never fear for your survival.  In addition, if you have a supportive spouse they will help with the financial burden while you are getting started so you can live out your dreams.  In most cases, the financial payout in the end will be much better.

Another reason many people do not live out their passions and make them happen is because they say they do not have the time.  This could be close to true if you commute to work hours away and get home late at night.  It is common for many people to be slaves to their work and never have time even for their family.  This makes them feel selfish when they want to take time out for themselves to live out a passion.

If time is a problem you must find a way to make time in your life to do what it is that you want to do.  You might consider waking up an hour or two earlier every day or staying up just a little bit later.  Remember, sleep is important for happiness and a good day so you cannot cut too much into your sleep.

You might get an hour for your lunch hour and can bring crafts with you to work or your laptop to work.  This way you can work on your passion an hour each day.  Finding the time is very important.

Time wasted is very common for people who claim they do not have the time to live out their passions.  You might spend hours every night watching television and not doing very much on the weekends either.  This time might be your relaxing time because you work so hard during the week. 
It is time to start cutting out all of the time wasted in your life going out with the guys, watching television, and doing things that are not productive.  You do have time to get started.  You just need to manage your time better.  Remember that you don’t have to complete an entire project once you get started.  If your project is hours and you have an extra hour each day then you can do a little bit at a time.  This will allow you to have something to look forward to each day also.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Happiness is?

The Beatles said Happiness is a warm gun, I love the song, but I think that idea of happiness is  more complex than this.

Questions to Ask Yourself
There are many people out there who are living their life as they want to.  They are working hard doing what they absolutely love to do.  The most successful people are those who work toward the things they are passionate about and love.  There are many reasons for this.  The more you love what you do the harder you are going to work at it because you will be enjoying your work.

Do you feel like you are bored with your life or not doing what you should be doing with it? If so then maybe it is time to make a change.  Yes, there may be obstacles or fears holding you back from accomplishing the goals you have set forth in your life.  But isn’t time to get past the obstacles and try to make your dreams happen?

One of the obstacles is self-imposed, and that is the fact that many people aren’t quite sure what their true passion is.  These people want to work toward being successful but they just aren’t sure what it is that they can do.  Finding your passion is possible but it will take some deep searching within yourself.  Your passion may be right in front of you and you don’t even realize it.

Here is a little known secret, every passion has the capability of making money.  It is just seeing the angle you need to take to make this happen.  Don’t  sit around and avoid your passion because you don’t think you could financially survive on living it,  because you can.  However, if you look for your passion with the idea of making money, you won’t, seek your passion, find it, work at it, and money will come, you need to search for your passion  because working at your passion will make you happy and fulfilled.

When you are looking for your true passion because you seek happiness in your life or that there is a gap you need to fill there are many questions you need to ask yourself. 

Carefully answering these questions will help you understand more about yourself and possibly what might be holding yourself back from being happy and pursuing your passions.  Here are many questions you should ask yourself.  You might want to get out a notepad to answer these questions or just make a mental note.  Writing the answers down is usually better because writing the answer down forces you to make the idea real. By making the idea real, you may decide to take action.

What really inspires and engages you?
This question may be a little difficult to answer but you may find the answer after you finish the rest of the questions.  However, you need to be very clear about where you get your inspiration from.  What are the types of things you find engaging and exciting? 

If you couldn’t fail, what would you do?
Many people don’t do things because they are afraid to fail or they have failed in the past.  If there is something that you would do for sure if you knew there isn’t a chance whatsoever of failing what would that be? 

If you were forced to start over again, what would you do?
Many people find themselves in situations where they have fallen into a situation where they are not doing as they wish they were.  They go to work because they have to not enjoying a single day of it.  If you started over again would you take advantage of the new beginning or would you go back to where you are?  What would you do?

If money wasn’t an issue, what would you do?
Many people have dreams they wish to pursue but they never attempt to move forward with the dreams because they cannot afford to get started.  Think of what you would love to do if you had the money to do it.  This can be anything.

What is your biggest dream?
If you have a big dream, what is it?  There must be something you really want to do that you dream about.  Think about this one thing and focus on it.

What is the biggest barrier stopping you from following your dream?
Name all of the things that have caused you to not follow your big dreams.  These things could be people who do not support you, money, fears, and other things.  There are many different types of barriers which can be overcome.  You might not see opportunity or success with your dreams or you may fear that people would make fun of you.  You might not even be skilled and lack talent.  These could be barriers causing you not to move forward.

What passion are you afraid of owning or admitting?
Many people have dreams and passions they are afraid to talk about out of fear of being made fun of by other people.  You might think your passion is silly to other people.  What is this one thing?

As a child, what did you really want to be?
Did you have dreams of becoming someone as a child and it didn’t turn out quite as expected?  Do you still wonder what it would have been like if you did follow your dreams as a child?  If you had the opportunity, would you follow this dream today?

If you were going to die in the near future, what would you regret not doing?
Many people have regrets when they realize they are going to die real soon.  It is often too late for many people to go back and change the things they missed out on.  They would have lived their lives completely differently if they had the chance.  If a doctor told you that you hadn’t any time left but a few weeks, then what would your regrets be?  What would you want to do before your time was up?

Now that you have answered these questions you should have a good idea of some of the things that make you happy. You may also have a clearer idea of your dreams. 

Just think about if you won the lottery and what you would do with the money.  What would you do with yourself?  Knowing these things is very important.

In my next post on this topic I will discuss some ideas on Peak Experiences and Existing Talents

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Happy with your life?

If you are not a happy person that is a choice you are making.  You have full control over your life and the decisions that you make.  There are many factors which people measure happiness.  Some people think money is happiness however they may absolutely miserable with what they do on a daily basis to make their money.

You might look at people who have absolutely everything and you strive to be like them.  These things may be wealth, possessions, status, or even the position you hold at work.  These things don’t create happiness.  Happiness is a choice.

There are many people who have wealth and a high status who are completely miserable.  They may be lonely, divorced and more.  Happiness comes from within.  These people may be working jobs they absolutely hate but just have a knack for making money. 

Happiness is Subjective

There are things in life that can make you happy that are subjective.  They are subjective because happiness comes differently for everyone.

You might find joy and happiness seeking thrills through rides like roller coasters and bungee jumping.  This thrill may be more than torture for someone with a fear of heights who would never step foot on a roller coaster or ever be brave enough to jump from a bridge suspended by a bungee cord.

Everyone seeks happiness in their own way.  What makes you happy is a natural high that you deserve to seek.  There is nothing wrong with the things that you find joy in.  You may be told you are crazy but that is because of the subjectivity.
Naturally Happy

It is true some people are naturally happy.  This is proven through a genetic disposition.  This doesn’t mean that you were born to be miserable if you are not a naturally happy person.  Your happiness is influenced by your genetics but it is not fixed as a determining factor.

If you are not a naturally happy person you can change the way you think and feel so you are.  The key is to change the way your brain thinks and the things you do.  You can learn to do things on a daily basis to bring up your happiness level which will help you learn to smile more and be a happier person.


Sleep is a big factor if you want to be a happy person.  Sleep is needed for the body to be able to function properly.  When you don’t get enough sleep you might be moody, have an inability to think clearly, and very unhappy.

You might get 8 hours of sleep but you think that you get enough hours of sleep.  You may be oversleeping or even be sleeping the wrong way.  Some people don’t get a good night’s rest with a pillow while others need a very fluffy pillow.  Your mattress could play into a bad night of sleep also.

Sleep is a big factor and lack of sleep can cause problems with your health also.  Ensuring total well being requires a good night sleep.

If you are not sleeping well and you have determined the lack of sleep plays into how miserable you are throughout the days you need to fix this.  You might need to change your daily schedule so you can get to bed earlier.  You also might need to encourage other people in your household to help you a little bit more if you are working too hard.

Sleep can be the entire reason you are miserable.  If you have the inability to get to sleep and you toss around all night long staring at the alarm clock this could mean many different things.  Some people are very depressed and it causes them not to be able to sleep well.  To ensure happiness you need to get a good night of sleep.


Exercise is very good for the body and it helps the brain put out endorphins which are responsible for making you happy.  Exercise is important for total health.  This doesn’t mean that you have to be on a heavy exercise routine on a daily basis.  However, you should try to sweat everyday.  You can get an amazing exercise but just cleaning the house and doing normal household chores.  This isn’t about losing weight.  It is about creating happiness.


Practicing meditation doesn’t mean you belong to a cult or you are doing anything religiously wrong.  Many people associate meditation with Buddhism and think it is wrong.  They are missing out on something extremely important which could be exactly what they need to balance out their days. 

Meditation is one of the most effective ways to change your subjective well being.  Doctors have proven meditation to generate brain activity on the left side, which produces a positive emotion in the body.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Listening skills

I love this, thanks to Calvin and Rob for this.

 A man feared his wife wasn't hearing as well as  she used to and he thought she might need a hearing aid.  Not quite sure how to approach her, he called the family Doctor to discuss the problem.

The doctor told him there is a simple informal test the husband could perform to give the doctor a better idea about her hearing loss.

 Here's what you do," said the doctor, "stand about 40 feet away from her, and in a normal conversational speaking tone see if she hears you. If not, go to 30 feet, then 20 feet, and so on until you get a response."

That evening, the wife is in the kitchen cooking dinner, and he was in the den. He says to himself, "I'm about 40 feet away, let's see what happens."  

Then in a normal tone he asks, 'Honey, what's for dinner?"

No response.

So the husband moves closer to the kitchen, about 30 feet from his wife and repeats,  "Honey, what's for dinner?"

Still no response.

Next he moves into the dining room where he is about 

20 feet from his wife and asks, "Honey, what's for  dinner?"

Again  he gets no response..

So, he walks up to the kitchen door, about 10 feet away. "Honey, what's  for dinner?" Again there is no response.

So he walks right up behind her. "Honey, what's for dinner?"   (I just love this)

"Peter, for the FIFTH time,  CHICKEN!!" 

 I am starting to loose my hearing and one day will need a hearing aid, so having a sense of humor about life is important.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Happiness Part two

Yesterday I asked this question

Imagine that you are absolutely guaranteed success in the pursuit of a particular goal, big or small, shortterm or long-term. Imagine that you have all the money, all the time, all the education, all the contacts, all the resources, and everything else that you could possibly need to achieve any one big goal in life. What would it be? This is a very important question because when you remove the limitation from your thinking, you often get a very clear idea of exactly what you should be doing with your life. Your greatest dream is an indication of your natural abilities and of what is really important to you.

All successful men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their fortune could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, goal or purpose. Step-by-step realization of their ideal makes them genuinely happy.

Dr. Viktor Frankl, who wrote the book Man’s Search for Meaning, said that you can divide the thing you do in life into four categories. The first category consists of the things that are hard to learn and hard to do. An example for many people is mathematics. Many of us struggled with math in school and still struggle with bookkeeping, accounting, financial statements, and tax returns as adults. If you find mathematics hard to learn and hard to do, this is the sort of activity for which you are clearly unsuited. No matter how much of it you do, or how good you get at it, you will never achieve any lasting satisfaction or happiness from it.

The next category consists of things that are hard to learn but easy to do. Riding a bicycle, driving a car, and tying your shoes are hard to learn but easy to do once you’ve practiced enough. These are seldom the sort of activities that cause you to feel terrific about yourself when you engage in them. They do not demand your best.

The third category consists of things that are easy to learn but hard to do. Physical labor falls into this category. Digging a ditch with a shovel and chopping wood with an ax are easy to learn but they are hard to do, and never get any easier.

The fourth category is the key. These are things that are easy to learn and easy to do. You seem to have a natural proclivity for them. When you are engaged in this sort of activity, time flies. The things that are easy for you to learn and do are the sort of things that you should be doing with your life. They indicate where your natural talents and abilities lie. Engaging in these activities with your whole heart, and committing yourself to become better and better, will give you all the joy, satisfaction, and happiness you could want in life.

Everyone has an area of excellence. Everyone has something that he or she can do in an outstanding fashion. It may take weeks, months, or even years for you to develop yourself in that area so that you can really perform in an extraordinary fashion, but you will be strongly attracted to that sort of activity from the beginning. You will enjoy reading about it and talking about it and thinking about it. You will find yourself admiring people who are outstanding in that area. You will look longingly at that field and wonder what it would be like to be in it and to be successful at it. That is very often your heart’s desire. That area of activity where you can become excellent is probably what you were put on this earth to do.

So resolve to persist until you succeed. The first part of courage is the resolve to launch in faith toward your objectives; the second part is your willingness to endure in the face of the inevitable disappointments and setbacks you will encounter on the road.

Let me repeat this : happiness is not an accident. Happy people are those who deliberately do the things that invariably lead to happiness. Happy people are those who know what they want and then throw their whole hearts into using their unique talents and abilities to make a contribution to the world in the achievement of their goals.

You are put on this earth with a special purpose, programmed with unique talents and abilities that have not yet been fully tapped and utilized. When you focus all your energies on unlocking your true potential, you can claim your ultimate birthright: happiness

Monday, January 24, 2011

Happiness Part One

The key to happiness is both simple and complex. It is the sum total of more than 2,000 years of philosophy, psychology, speculation, and discussion about the meanings and sources of happiness. From Aristotle in 340 B.C. through to the modern thinkers, speakers, and writers of today, this key to happiness has hardly changed. It is the same for virtually all men and women in every country and all walks of life.

The key to happiness is this: Dedicate yourself to the development of your natural talents and abilities by doing what you love to do, and doing it better and better in the service of a cause that is greater than yourself.

This is a big statement and a big commitment. Being happy requires that you define your life in your own terms and then throw your whole heart into living your life to the fullest. In a way, happiness requires that you be perfectly selfish in order to develop yourself to a point where you can be unselfish for the rest of your life.

In Edmond Rostand’s Play Cyrano de Bergerac, Cyrano is asked why he is so intensely individualistic and unconcerned with the opinions and judgments of others. He replies with these wonderful words: “I am what I am because early in life I decided that I would please at least myself in all things.”

Your happiness likewise depends upon your ability to please at least yourself in all things. However, most people are reluctant to use their own happiness as the standard by which to judge the events in their lives. This is primarily because we let others define or affect what brings us happiness. And we often believe it is more important to make other people happy than it is to make ourselves happy. This is nonsense.

Human beings are happiness-driven organisms. Everything we do in life is oriented toward maintaining and increasing our level of happiness. We are psychologically constructed so that it is impossible for us to be any other way without making ourselves mentally and emotionally ill. The fact is that you can’t give away to anyone else what you don’t have for yourself. Just as you can’t give money to the poor if you don’t have any, you can’t make someone else happy if you yourself are miserable.

The very best way to assure the happiness of others is to be happy yourself and then to share your happiness with them. Suffering and self-sacrifice merely depress and discourage other people. If you want to make others happy, start by living the kind of life and doing the kinds of things that make you happy.

Make happiness the organizing principle of your life. That is, compare every possible action and decision against your standard of happiness to see whether it would make you happier or unhappier. Soon, you will discover that almost all the problems in your life come from choices that you have made — or are currently making — that do not contribute to your happiness.

There will of course be countless times when you will have to do little things that don’t make you happy in pursuit of your larger happiness. However, as Earl Nightingale said, “Happiness is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.” You feel really happy only when you are moving, stepby- step, toward the accomplishment of clearly defined goals that you feel will enhance the quality of your happiness.
Since you can’t be truly happy until you are clear about your inherent possibilities, it’s important th
at you take some time on a regular basis to analyze yourself and identify your strengths and weaknesses. There is an old saying, “Success leaves tracks.” You can look back on your life and identify who you really are and what you should be doing with your life.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Computer swallowed Grandma

The great god Google attributes this poem to Eileen Lowry, which is incorrect, the author is Valerie Waite. who said in her post below "I would like to clarify that I wrote and illustrated this poem in 2004 and it was published in the English National newspaper, the Daily Mail, on July 2nd 2004 with due accreditation to me. (I have written several for the newspaper). My poem was subsequently set to music by Eileen Lowry, who is a member of the Yamaha club of Gt. Britain and, (with our joint permission) became a free e.card on ."

The computer swallowed grandma.
Yes, honestly its true!
She pressed 'control' and 'enter'
And disappeared from view.

It devoured her completely,
The thought just makes me squirm.
She must have caught a virus
Or been eaten by a worm.

I've searched through the recycle bin
And files of every kind;
I've even used the Internet,
But nothing did I find.

In desperation, I asked Google
My searches to refine.
The reply from him was negative,
Not a thing was found 'online.'

So, if inside your 'In-box,'
My Grand ma you should see,
scan, copy and paste her

Monday, November 1, 2010

On death and taxes

In the last few months, a friend of mine lost his mother, another friend lost her husband and then her Uncle in a violent accident,  a friend lost a close chum from high school, I lost a cousin and then an Aunt. Every month I read in the monthly teachers magazine of teachers who will be missed, meaning they have died. Some of the names I know, most I don't. One of the facts of life that we do not want to face, his we are mortal, we live for a brief moment and then leave. I know I am at the time of my life when I will start recognizing more of the names of those who who will be missed.

Celebrations of life will be held, as they should be as these are more for the living to remember the goog of those who past. Yet it is hard to help ourselves and others deal with the pain and shock when someone we love dies. As I move through my 60's I am becoming more aware of the need to face the issue of mortality and to be alert to the way I can help others. I am at the age where I will start to lose more friends and relatives.

 Earlier I posted some thoughts on  Grief and I thought I would revisit them now

Have you ever lost someone close to you to death? We go through a grief process that was best described by Elizabeth Kublar-Ross in On Death and Dying. In it she talks about the five stages that people go through---denial and isolation; anger; bargaining; depression and finally acceptance. The dying, as well as those who love them, go through these stages although rarely at the same time and these stages are not predictable.

You may think you are in the anger phase, then jump to depression and then, back to denial again. There is no rhyme or reason---only what feels right for each individual at the time. No one can predict how long a phase will last. If you are grieving and some well-meaning person suggests that you shouldn’t be feeling what you are feeling, kindly thank them for their concern but know that you are exactly where you need to be.

However, with grief, sometimes you will become aware of something not feeling right. You may think, “I should be over this by now” or “I don’t like feeling this way.” When you, yourself, recognize that it is time to move beyond where you are at, then trust that feeling as well.

I’d like to talk about grief from a Choice Theory perspective. I need to start with the Choice Theory expression that all behavior is purposeful since grief is really just a behavior in choice theory terms. Choice theory tells us that everything we do at any point in time is our best attempt to get something we want---some picture we have in our Quality World that will meet one or more of our needs in some way. Grief is no exception.

Once you understand that all behavior is purposeful and that grief is a person’s best attempt to get something they want, then it becomes easier to know what to do about it. What could we possibly be trying to get by grieving? Most people would say that there isn’t a choice. When someone we love dies, we have to grieve. I say it is natural that we will miss the person’s presence in our life but it isn’t inevitable that we have to grieve, not in the way most people think of grieving.

The first thing I believe that we are trying to get with our grief is the person who died. When we grieve, it is our best attempt to keep that person alive, at least in our perceived world. We know they no longer exist in the physical world as we know it. However, if we continue to think about them, pine for them, grieve their presence, then it keeps the thought of that person active in our perception and it feels better to us than the total void or absence of the other person.

Another possible advantage of grief is that it shows others just how much we cared for and loved the person who died. I’m not suggesting that people are being manipulative in their grief. What I am saying is that there is a side benefit to grief in that it shows others how much we cared. It also says, “See what a good ___________ I was.” Fill in the blank with husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, mother, father, sister, brother, etc.

Grief is also instrumental in getting us the support we need from others during our time of bereavement. People do things for us that we would normally be expected to do ourselves. Again, please don’t think that I am suggesting that a grieving person wakes up and “decides” to grieve so someone will stop by the house with a meal. None of this is conscious but I’m merely pointing out the potential advantages of grief.

Once we become totally conscious and aware of what our grief does and doesn’t do for us, then comes the hard part. We need to make some decisions about how we want to live.

There are always at least three options in every situation and they can be framed up in terms of---leave it, change it or accept it. With death, you may wonder how someone is going to “leave it.” Well, some possible ways would be major denial of the loss, suicide, drugs and/or alcohol abuse, or sinking deep into mental illness, among others.

When we get caught up in changing things, we may continue in our grief as our best attempt to get the person back. That might look like constant trips to the cemetery, frequent conversations with the deceased, refusing to believe he or she is truly gone, constantly talking about the one who’s gone. There are many things we can do to attempt to change the reality of the loss.

If and when we come to accept it, we can experience some measure of peace and rejoin the living. A healthy step in this process is finding a way to somehow maintain that person’s presence in our lives. Now, this is a very individual thing and you must be very careful not to judge the choices of the bereaved.

Most people saw Meet the Parents. In it, Robert DiNero’s character kept the ashes of his mother in an urn on his mantle. Many people do this with the cremated remains of their loved ones. Others place some ashes in a necklace and wear it around their neck. Some will set up scholarship or memorials.

There are all kinds of creative ways to maintain the person’s presence. There is no wrong way. Whatever brings comfort to the bereaved should be supported by those around them. Remember that just because a person is choosing something that may be distasteful or wrong to you, doesn’t make it wrong for that person.

When acceptance occurs, then the grieving person can begin to reassimilate back into their life and the lives of those around them but it won’t happen overnight. We need patience and loving understanding for those coming back from grief.

Another possible choice is the person who doesn’t appear to grieve at all. There may be many explanations for this behavior. The person may be very private and won’t do his or her grieving where others can see. Another possibility is that the person is trying to be strong for everyone else.

If you are grieving, or you are involved in the life of someone who is grieving, please don’t judge yourself or them. Understand that all behavior is purposeful and the person is getting something out of what they are doing. When they become conscious that there is a choice, then they can make a conscious decision about which of the three choices they want to make. Once they know the direction they want to go in, they have to flesh out the details of their plan.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Some Saturday Humour

The following is some humour that I received in an email as the person sending it thought I must be one of the five bright men with a sense of humor. (read the end of the post)

One day my housework-challenged husband decided to wash his Sweat-shirt. Seconds after he stepped into the laundry room, he shouted to me,  'What setting do I use on the washing machine?'
'It depends,' I replied. 'What does it say on your shirt?'
He yelled back, 'OHIO STATE !'

And they say blondes are dumb...

A couple is lying in bed. The man says, 'I am going to make you the happiest woman in the world.'
The woman replies, 'I'll miss you'...

'It's just too hot to wear clothes today,' Jack says as he stepped out of the shower, 'honey, what do you think the neighbors would think if I mowed the lawn like this?'

'Probably that I married you for your money,' she replied.

Q: What do you call an intelligent, good looking, sensitive man?
A: A rumor

A man and his wife, now in their 60's, were celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary. On their special day a good fairy came to them and said that because they had been so good that each one of them could have one wish. The wife wished for a trip around the world with her husband. Whoosh! Immediately she had airline/cruise tickets in her hands. The man wished for a female companion 30 years younger.....
Whoosh...immediately he turned 90!!!
Gotta love that fairy!

Dear Lord,
I pray for Wisdom to understand my man; Love to forgive him; and Patience for his moods. Because, Lord, if I pray for Strength, I'll beat him to death.

Q: What do you call a handcuffed man?
A: Trustworthy.

Q: What does it mean when a man is in your bed gasping for breath and calling your name?
A: You did not hold the pillow down long enough.

Q: Why do men whistle when they are sitting on the toilet?
A: It helps them remember which end to wipe.

Q: How do you keep your husband from reading your e-mail?
A: Rename the email folder 'Instruction Manuals'

Send this to at least five bright, funny women you know and make their day!
And send this to five bright men who have enough sense of humor to take it!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bucket lists

I went to the Mission Raceway the other day to watch my nephew and my brother in law race.  Shane had bought a racing car a  few months ago and was using the opportunity given by Mission Raceway for people to race their cars on Friday nights to practice and get up his times. Tom decided that he wanted to do something different so he said he was up to racing. So we all went out to the races on Friday night. On the way out we stopped at a pub restaurant in Mission to have a coffee. There was a mother with a seven month old girl (who was trying to walk) and the women in my party struck up a conversation with the new mom. The baby girls name was Ocean, very cute name and a very cute baby. The ladies talked to the mom about how cute the baby was and diets and other stuff, being a guy I soon bored of the conversation but  I watched Ocean; she appeared delighted with her surroundings, taking everything in, watching the ladies in my party as they each tried to talk to her. Ocean was accepting of the attention and appeared to be delighted with just being there. 

Babies have a unique way of bringing a sense of new beginnings and a sense of wonder about the  world, which we as adults sometimes lose.

The racetrack was very busy and it took a while for Tom to race. He did a fantastic job, and his reaction time was pretty dam fast for a Boomer (Tom is older than me, but not by much). I enjoyed the opportunity to be at the racetrack and to watch Tom and Shane race. The Bucket list is not a bad idea, but I am not ready to begin to think about kicking the bucket so I am not ready to make my list yet. One day soon perhaps.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

On being a grandfather part 2

My daughter informed us that our first grandchild would be a boy as she was driving back home from Melbourne after her ultrasound. She told us that the baby is healthy and she is doing fine. They are now in the process of starting to decide on a name, as she told us they had lots of girls names picked out, but very few boys names and the one they had thought they liked suddenly did not seem appropriate--now that may change as the date of birth comes closer.

One of the first gifts we give our children is their name and it is a very important decision. When my daugter was born, we had a name picked out, but when we saw her, the name did not seem to fit and we changed her name.  I am excited about the fact the baby is healty, now we know that we are having a grandson, we can prepare for him.  I am in the process of looking at when to book a flight to Australia to see her new family and that new adventure in our lives.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. - Buddha...

How do we share happiness? I think the first step is to define what happiness is and that is not an easy step and one that we have been wrestling with for, I suspect, thousands of years. Some ideas that have, over the years, shaped by thinking on this topic follow.
First, have the attitude that the glass half full rather than a glass half empty as you explore the day to day activities of life
Second, trust that people have good intentions, (sometimes not great delivery of those intentions) trust that people are good, most of the time.
Third, when you have to make a decision, make your list pros and con's talk to people weigh the evidence or whatever you have to do then trust your instincts. 9.5 times out of 10 you will be right.
Fourth, build close personal relationships that are meaningful to you and try to stay connected to the people that you feel close to
Fifth, put on a happy face, smile or force a smile when you dealing with people that you are having difficulties with and remember that people are good most of the time and just trying to get by
Sixth, learn to  listen to the voice in your head that says the good things about you and life--this voice is hard to hear sometimes because it is being drowned out, at times, by all of the other voices telling us how wrong, lazy or bad we are.
Seventh, be content with who you are in the moment but have the courage to dream about what you soon will be
Eighth, hold the assumption that the world is yours for the asking
Ninth, remember the song we're were for a good time, not a long time. Life is short, and for some of us life is getting shorter so let the "good times roll"
Tenth, life involves taking risks most of them will end positively. Some will not, that's what defines risk, but if you don't take risks, you will be at your death bed, thinking what if .... and you want to be there thinking what's next?

Once you learn to be happy then you can start to light the candles and spread the joy and your candle when it goes out, will have benefited many others. Boomers are about taking risks and enjoying life, seniors are about waiting for the end of days, I'm a Boomer not a senior, don't worry be happy!